Title: Close Quarters

Author: HalfshellVenus

Characters: Sam/Dean (PWP Slash Drabble)

Rating: M

Summary: Limitations are more of a challenge to Dean than a constraint.

Author's Notes: Happy Birthday to drvsilla, who wanted Sam/Dean, a tight space, and time constraints. Hope you like it!


"Why'd you follow me in here? It's a wardrobe—I had it covered."

"I was pushed, Dean. Right through the doorframe. God, my head…"

Dean rammed the door with his shoulder once, twice. "Won't even budge."

"It's the ghost. Never mind—Dad's on his way."

"It'll take him ten minutes." Dean stroked the front of Sam's jeans.

"I can't even move!"

"I can."

"God, your mouth… NNnnnggghhhh…"

"Gonna spread you across the grass on the other side of that hill we passed earlier."


"He'll be busy later."

"No, downstairs! I—Ohhhhhh… God, Dean…"

"Mmmmm, my turn tonight."


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