Disclaimer: Osmosis Jones and Thrax are a part of a copyrighted movie belonging to Warner Brothers. The original movie, Osmosis Jones, was written by Marc Hyman and directed by Bobby Farrelly and Peter Farrelly. I, Lucille Bluejay, do not any of the characters that were featured in the film.


The ice encasement around Thrax's hand shattered as he struck Jones and sent him flying across the eye's moist surface. He flexed his cold stiff hand and glanced at his Hypothalamus chain, a wide smile spreading to his face. He held up his chain between his fingers saying, "You know what Jones? You want this chain so bad?"

Thrax pulled the chain between his hands and approached from behind as the cell began to unwind his twisted neck.

"Then Big Daddy Thrax is gonna let you have it!" he said as he looped the chain tightly around Jones's neck.

Jones wheezed painfully as he pulled at the chain. Thrax leaned in and said triumphantly, "Looks good on you, Jones! You wear it well!"

Jones began to gag and writhe, his neck stretching as Thrax got to his feet and pulled him upwards.

"Shame you had to come this far from home just to die!"

A loud whooshing sound came from behind and Thrax let out a scream as he turned to see the eyelid come crashing over them. The two were blown far out onto the eyelashes, Thrax digging his claws into an eyelash to stay on ground and Jones barely managing to cling onto the tip before he fell several feet below.

Thrax got up and stumbled as the eyelash jerked downwards. He looked out into the distance and saw a dot of blue and white crouching on the furthest end of the eyelash he was on. He let out a loud growl of rage and ran full speed towards Jones.

The white blood cell turned and Thrax tackled him onto the hard surface of the eyelash, grinning maliciously as he rammed his glowing talon deep into Jones's abdomen.

Thrax let out a throaty laugh and said in twisted voice, "Can you feel the HEAT Jones?"

Jones winced and struggled painfully, his hand tightening around the Hypothalamus chain. Thrax leaned in and cocked his head to the side as he watched Jones struggle. He said tauntingly, "Too bad you won't be here to see me break my record when I take down Frank's pretty little girl."

Jones suddenly broke into a grin that took Thrax by surprise.

"She ain't goin' down, you are!" he declared and looked down at his abdomen. His membrane had formed a hole around Thrax's hand which was embedded deep into the eyelash.

"What?" Thrax blurted out as he turned up the heat on his talon but the material around it refused to burn away. He pulled at his wrist roughly but his hand still wouldn't pull out.

In a flash, Jones's upper half split in two and he pulled himself out from under Thrax. He ran, his upper body melding itself back together while he sprinted away from the virus and towards the root of the eyelash. Thrax glared after him menacingly and tugged furiously at his hand. His yellow eyes widened in horror as he continued to pull, feeling the ground beneath him tilt. The area around his talon burned a scalding red and cracked in several areas as he gave his hand a rough twist, screaming wildly.

Just as the false eyelash fell several feet below, Jones barely managed to jump from it and grab onto a rope of adhesive that hung from Shane's real eyelashes. He heard hoarse screaming and looked down to see the false eyelash fall into a jar of alcohol standing at the foot of the stretcher.

Everything around Jones turned abruptly and he swung wildly from the rope. Voices boomed around him and he began to panic when he heard the nurses urge Shane to leave the room.

"Hey—hey—hey—NO!" Jones exclaimed as he dangled dangerously from the swinging adhesive and was carried farther and farther away. "Frank! Frank!"

He felt Shane's shaking sobs and protests, and then he felt the violent tremors of her voice and her movements as she tore herself free from the nurses. As Shane's sobs continued, the rope of adhesive he clung to began to thin and tear. Jones looked up fearfully and began to climb upwards. As he did, a massive teardrop came rolling out of her eye and made its way down the eyelash towards him. Taking his chances, Jones quickened his pace.

Then the rope he held snapped and fell away from her eye.

Jones let out a horrified scream as he fell. His limbs wind milled wildly through the air and terrified shrieks began tumbling out of his mouth. "Nonononooooooo! Thisisn'thappeningthisisn'thappeningthisisn'thappening! I'mgonnadiei'mgonnadie!"

He let out a blood curdling scream. Then, without thinking, he stretched his body wide until he was nothing more than a thin square with his hands and feet at the corners. His thin body caught onto a current of air and his falling came to an abrupt end as he glided unsteadily downwards. Jones looked around, seeing that he was several feet above Frank's open mouth he shifted his body back into its original form and straightened himself out and bullet dived towards what he hoped to Frank was the uvula.

Jones's eyes watered against the hard wind that struck his face. He gritted his teeth and straightened himself out even more than possible, forcing himself to go even faster. In his watery vision he could make out the dark entrance of the throat—he didn't see the sharply angled silhouette zooming up towards him at the same exact speed.

In a matter of a split second—Jones saw a blaze of red and felt an unbelievably powerful force crack itself against his head.