
Yuuki spent that saturday studying for the exams the following week, trying not to think about the two men in her life, or rather, not in her life. Their figures haunted her mind, sitting next to her while she worked, or stood behind her while she gazed sadly out the window, never leaving her be. She'd never imagined a world without them, and now that she couldn't see them, couldn't talk to them, she felt herself reminiscing. The few times she had made Zero laugh, his head thrown back, lavender eyes twinkling. He had been beautiful, Zero, with his rough exterior hiding his kindness. She could almost hear that sound, echoing through the room, fading into the walls.

Kaname she hadn't always had with her like Zero, but that made it almost worse. All of the times she could have spent with him, learning about him, asking him questions, just sharing memories together, haunted her.

Well, she would just have to move on. She'd pick up the pieces of her heart, and hold them together as long as she could. Maybe in time, it would mend on it's own. Maybe.

The sun was fading, when she received the knock on her door. Thinking it was Yori, who'd gone over to hang out with her other friend, Mio chan, she opened it, seeing a maid instead. The middle aged brunette with glasses bobbed her head politely. " A letter for you, Miss."

"Oh, um, thank you." Yuuki took the small white envelope. There was no writing on the outside. Closing the door behind her, she opened it, reading.


I hate to ask you this on a weekend, but the library is a wreck, and I could use your help putting some of the books back. Please meet me there at 9pm. I'll make you your favorite food Monday!


So the chairman wanted her help with the library? Yuuki smiled, shaking her head. He probably just wanted to comfort her. The Chairman didn't know anything about what was going on, but she knew he sensed her sadness. He'd been looking at her worriedly for a while now, trying to coax her out of her depression by being more eccentric, if that was possible. Glancing over at the clock, she saw that it was already 8. She changed out of her baggy dorm clothes, putting on jeans and a loose pink wool sweater, and sliding on her matching pink slipper shoes.

She made her way through the gardens, taking a deep breathe, inhaling the scent of roses and the crisp coolness of the air, caused by some bad weather coming through. For now though, it was lovely, the sky clear, the moon bright and full. She would sniff a flower occasionally as she went by, feeling the soft petals tickle her nose. The scent reminded her of Kaname. Sighing, disgusted at herself, she picked up her pace, avoiding the flowers after that. She couldn't very well get over them if she was sniffing roses because it smelled like them! Of course, Zero didn't smell like roses, he smelled the dark incense cologne she'd gotten him for his birthday last year. It was a wonderful masculine smell, not overwhelming, but subtle and intriguing. Shaking her head as if to shake away her traitorous thoughts, she made her way to the library. It was a solitary building set slightly far away from the class buildings, surrounded by gazebos and more gardens, bubbling water fountains giving the area a look of serenity.

It was two stories high, and old looking, it's multiple windows glinting in the moonlight, gazing down at her like eyes. She sighed. The library was gigantic. It was going to take forever to clean. She had no idea why the chairman thought that it would be a good idea to do this so late at night. They'd both be asleep, faces on a book, by the end of the night.

The front doors were unlocked, and she went inside. It was dark. Strange. She thought she'd gotten the right time. Shrugging, she started turning on the lights as she went farther in, thinking that chairman was late, as he usually was. It was going to be a long night.

Zero stared at the building in front of him, sighing heavily. A few lights shone from the bottom floor. Looked like the chairman was already here. Usually, he was late to everything he did, and Zero was slightly impressed, in a cynical way. It was 9:10, like note said. He'd been surprised when he'd received it, a note from the chairman, asking him to help in the library tonight. Kaien Cross rarely ever asked them to do anything on weekends, besides eat dinner over at his home. Maybe some of the more wild students had wrecked the place. The cool night breeze blew his silver hair about his face, into his white short sleeved school shirt fluttered, his jacket left back in his room. He didn't really need it. The more he changed, the less he felt the cold harshly. That annoyed him. He wanted that discomfort, it let him know he was still human.

He really wasn't in the mood for this tonight. Or any night, for that matter. He'd done nothing but mope the entire week, trying not to look at Yuuki every two seconds in class, wondering what she was thinking, or was she thinking of him? They hadn't spoken since she'd interrupted him and Kaname, and he hadn't been able to bring up the subject. Perhaps it was better if he just left her alone. Even as he thought that, his chest tightened painfully. Gritting his teeth, he pushed the pain aside, and went inside.

Kaname sat in a chair on the second floor, waiting in the dark. He could hear the moving around on the first floor, and he listened to the soft footsteps walking up the stairs, turning on lights as she went. It was Yuuki. He could always tell when it was her. She was getting closer, and he smiled a satisfied smile; his plan was unfolding perfectly.

Yuuki clomped up the stairs, turning on the lamps as she went. The library had gaslamps instead of flourescent lighting, to make the place more comfortable to read in. She liked it that way, with the warm orange glow instead of the harsh white lighting of most modern places, including the dorms the students stayed in. She reached over, twisting the knob that would light all of the lamps at once in the room. The gas lamps flickered to life, and the room began to brighten. She gasped, stumbling backwards at the figure perched casually in one of the cushioned leather chairs. It was still slightly dim in the large room, but she knew who it was immediately. There could be no other with that calm, self assured posture. His legs uncrossed and out before him, he was slightly slouched in the chair, his elbow resting on the arm, the side of his head resting in his palm in an almost bored way. He was wearing a black long sleeved dress shirt, the top 3 or 4 buttons open. His pants were black as well, and so were his shoes. In the lamplight, his hair seemed as dark as his clothes. His pale skin was the only other color on him. His eyes were dark as well, framed by thick lashes and staring at her so calmly.

"Kaname! What.. are you doing here?" Her voice was nervous, squeaking like a mouse. The small smile that spread across Kaname's face made her flush, her skin tingling with warmth.

"I'm here for the same reason you are. To help straighten up the books in the library." He held up a white note, like her own. The chairman had asked the head of the vampires to help tidy up the library? Yuuki didn't really understand what the chairman was thinking, and she wasn't happy about it either. How was she supposed to work with him all night, the way things were right now?

"Oh.. well.. you don't have to.. I mean.. I'll do it, you don't have to worry about it." Yuuki could feel herself blushing. Kaname slowly pulled himself out of the chair, walking over to her slowly. "No, it's alright. The chairman asked me to, and I wouldn't leave Yuuki all alone here all night." His voice was soft, luring, and Yuuki fought to keep her senses. He didn't care for her like that after all, it was Zero he wanted.

Determined to get through this unscathed, she straightened her shoulders. "Very well.. you can take the top floor, I'll take the bottom." She turned her back on him, making her way back to the stairs. She was halted abruptly by the solid figure standing at the top of them. Her eyes took in the white button up shirt, going up to the tattoo on the neck that she knew very well. She swallowed hard, looking into a pair of lavender eyes, darker purple in the dim lighting. He looked surprised to see her, his eyes wide and his mouth open in a small o.

"Wha..." He cleared his throat. "What are you doing here, Yuuki?" His voice was very polite, although slightly nervous. Yuuki blushed even harder. What an awkward situation. "Well, the chairman asked me to held fix up the library. Apparently he asked Kaname too. And you?" At the white note he automatically held up, she sighed, defeated. "Great. Well, looks like we're all cleaning up the library. I'll let you two take the top floor, and I'll take the bottom." She made to go around him when Kaname's voice stopped her.

"Nonsense. We'll all clean together. It's not fair if one person has to do an entire floor by them self. We'll all do the top floor and move on to the bottom when we're done."

His tone brooked no further argument, and Yuuki was still too intimidated by him to disagree. "F-fine then." She walked over to a corner, grabbing up books lying around the room, putting them in a pile to sort out. Her back was ramrod straight, her movements jerky. She watched Kaname do the same, much more calmly. Zero stood there for a few moments, and went over to the farthest corner of the room, adjusting crooked books on the shelf. Yuuki sighed in relief. They weren't going to 'talk' about anything. All they had to do was finish the job, and she'd be out of there. With a goal in mind, she set to it, working as hard and as fast as she could, trying to ignore the vampire and the soon to be vampire that were probably thinking the same thing.

Kaname watched Yuuki's frantic cleaning, smiling to himself. Any other girl in her situation would have found a way out of it, surely. They would have pretended to be sick, or remember something they had to do. Maybe they would just run, too embarrassed by the situation to make an excuse. Not Yuuki though. She would never disappoint the Chairman. He'd counted on that. He glanced over to see Zero focusing on his job, straightening books as if his life depended on it. Which one to play with first? They were both out of each others views, Kaname only seeing them both because of where he stood. He shrugged, walking slowly over to Zero, watching the young man's shoulders tense up at the approach. Hidden by bookshelves, he stepped up behind Zero, their bodies almost touching. Kaname leaned over, whispering into Zero's ear. "Would you like me to help you, Zero kun?" He watched the man shudder, his hand freezing in the process of putting a book up on the shelf. Kaname licked a line down Zero's ear, listening with delight as his breathing turned rough. Kaname reached around Zero, his body pressing intimately into Zero's as he pushed the book, limp in Zero's fingers, into it's place. Zero's breathing was growing more ragged, and Kaname's hand trailed down Zero's arm, feeling the tight muscles under his fingers. He'd missed this. He didn't like not being able to have what he wanted. His hand snaked under the arm, trailing down Zero's ribcage lightly, feeling the chest beneath the shirt rising and falling fast.

Zero's voice was a whisper, his voice harsh with desire. "What are you doing? Stop it." It sounded halfhearted, even to Kaname's ears. He didn't listen, his hand brushing down Zero's side, playing with the top of Zero's pants. He could feeling Zero's slight shaking, and reveled in it. Kaname slowly moved his hand lower, hand lightly moving between Zero's legs. The gasp was cut off abruptly by Zero, who was afraid Yuuki would hear. Kaname brushed his hips against the back of the silver haired man, back and forth, teasing Zero. He felt Zero try to turn around, to stop his play, and eyes narrowing, Kaname pushed Zero into the bookshelf, quietly but strong enough that Zero couldn't do anything about it.

Zero struggled for a few moments, unable to break free of Kaname's grasp. Kaname pressed up against Zero, his hand still holding the growing firmness in Zero's pants. "Behave yourself Zero kun, or my plan won't work out like I want it to." His slender fingers played and squeezed, stroking Zero until Zero let out a small, almost inaudible moan. Zero wanted nothing more than to pull Zero's pants down, to have his way in this dark corner between the bookshelves, to smother Zero's gasps and cries with his hand, but he couldn't. Kaname reigned his desires in, stepping away slowly from the silver haired temptation. Taking a deep breath, he watched Zero lean his head against the bookshelf, trying to regain some composure.

I'll be waiting for you, Zero kun." Kaname turned around, leaving Zero alone and shivering in the dark.

Yuuki told herself that she wasn't happy to see those two, while she sorted through the books by genre, putting them in alphabetical order. She couldn't lie to herself though. She was happy, as happy as could be in this kind of situation. Zero had looked well, and Kaname hadn't seemed angry with her. She looked up as Kaname reappeared from the bookshelves, walking over to her slowly, his gait reminding her of a wild cat, slinky and moving more gracefully than he should. His dark eyes pierced her like a needle, and she looked down quickly, not wanting to give away how much she still wanted him.

"I'm done sorting these." she said with an air of casualness she didn't have. She was trying to give him the hint to not bother helping her.

Ignoring her, he picked up one of the stacks. "I'll help you put them back up." His voice was smooth and dark, like chocolate melting on his tongue. She shivered involuntarily. His voice always had a way of doing that to her. She picked up a small stack as well, and walked down the aisles of bookshelves, looking for the correct spot.

She found it, in a shadowy corner far away from where Zero was working. She glanced nervously at Kaname, who was waiting patiently. It was a little too secluded. She began putting the books up, and when her stack was done, she turned and took the books Kaname was holding. As she slid the last book into place, she felt a presence close behind her. Turning around, she saw Kaname had moved in closer, almost touching her. She backed into the bookshelf, heart pounding. Kaname stood over her, dark and threatening, his body too close.

"Wh...Kaname?" She could feel the intensity rolling off of him, and she was slightly scared. Was he angry at her after all? He slowly closed the space between them, his head lowering, his mouth pressing against hers. Yuuki's eyes widened in shock. Warmth spread throughout her body at the feel of his lips on hers. For a moment, she forgot everything as she focused only on him. His mouth worked over hers, his tongue sliding into her mouth, making her gasp. His body was pressing into hers, his hardness molding against her softness. She felt like she was dying, but it felt good. Kaname's hands were sliding down her arms, grabbing her waist, pulling her against him. Yuuki felt the same hardness pressing against her stomach as when she'd been with Zero the last time,and not thinking, she slid her hand across it. She heard Kaname's sharp intake of breath. Had she hurt him? She didn't have time to ask, because those hands turned her around quickly, and Yuuki threw her hands out to catch the bookshelf for balance. Kaname's body pressed into her back, and the position made her feel weak in the knees. It felt so..dirty. And yet, she liked it.

"Kaname..?" Lips pressed against the side of her neck, trailing down her shoulder. She could feel his bangs lightly scraping against her skin, and she shivered. She was so lightheaded and overcome by these feelings, it took her a moment to realize Kaname's fingers were undoing her pants. She felt them slide down over her butt, and she remembered that Zero wasn't far away. Zero!

"Kaname! We can't! Zero.." Her voice was a hissed whisper, trying not to draw the attention of the man in the same room, although she couldn't see or hear him.

"Mm, yes, Zero." His voice was soft, silky. "If I remember correctly, the last time you saw us together, we were in pretty much the same position."

Yuuki felt her face go red, and as the image of that scene so similar to this flashed through her head, she felt Kaname's fingers slide across her skin, over her underwear, touching her where he'd touched her that night at the ball. Yuuki moaned, her legs shaking, threatening to buckle. Kaname's other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him. His thighs ground against her butt, and without her jeans, the feel of that hardness against her made her wet, even as she blushed more. Kaname's fingers rubbed against her, eliciting soft groans and gasps from her. It felt so good, she couldn't stop it. Everytime Kaname's fingers moved against her, she thought of what she'd seen that night. Zero pressed against Kaname much the same way she was now, Kaname's fingers on Zero, Zero's expression, which she was positive was much like her own right this second. Her eyes closed, feeling Kaname's finger slide under her panties, sliding into her. Her back arched, a small cry escaping her a little too loudly. The heat on her skin threatened to consume her as his fingers slid in and out of her, the feeling building up in her in waves. Her eyes opened, just in time to see Zero step around the corner. She froze, staring at the shocked Zero, the soft pink spreading across his cheeks. Kaname's finger stopped moving, still inside of her. Yuuki felt her face turning bright red. So this is what it had felt like, when she'd walked in on them.

"Zero.. I..it's not what you think!" She began to struggle, but Kaname's arms were like steel, and she could barely move. "Kaname, let go of me!"

Kaname didn't let go of her. "Zero.. right on time as always. Yuuki gasped loudly as Kaname's fingers continued their work. Yuuki struggled against him, to no avail. "Kaname.. please stop. Zero.. he's watching.."

Kaname nuzzled her ear. "Yes", he whispered seductively,"he is. Dont' you wish he' d stop watching, and come join us?" Yuuki's eyes widened.

"J-Join?" She moaned against her will, the pressure building between her legs almost more than she could bear. She looked up at Zero. His breathing was ragged, his cheeks red, his eyes not seeming to be able to stop glancing down at what Kaname was doing to her.

Kaname chuckled. "Yes, join us. He does look so lonely over there. Don't you want us both?"

Yuuki stared at Zero, at the lavender eyes she knew so well. Of course she wanted them both. But she couldn't have them both...could she?

"But.. how..?"

"Don't worry about how, Yuuki. Do you want Zero as well?"

Yuuki felt like her face was on fire. "Yes", she whispered.

Kaname's fingers slowed down. "Then tell him so, Yuuki."

Yuuki watched Zero's tense, waiting expression. If she told him no, that she couldn't be with them both, what would that do to him? She saw the pained looked on his face. He was waiting for rejection. Yuuki couldn't do it.

"Zero.." Zero swallowed hard, waiting.

Yuuki smiled at him. "Zero, I want you too."

Zero's eyes widened, unbelieving, but as she watched, his eyes softened, and his smile was tender and loving, and lustful as well. He slowly moved toward her, and although Kaname didn't move away, he shifted Yuuki away from the bookcase, to face Zero. Kaname's finger slid out of her. Yuuki felt so exposed, the two of them looking at her so undressed and like this. Kaname's hand was slowly pulling her panties down her thighs to meet her jeans, and Yuuki watched Zero step into her, forcing Yuuki to straighten up, her back pressing into Kaname's chest. She could feel Kaname's mouth teasing her neck again. Zero stared into her eyes, and Yuuki watched with fear and anticipation. She watched Kaname's hand grab Zero's, and watched as he directed Zero's hand slowly between her legs. She felt both hands touching her, and she felt two fingers slide inside of her, both men together. Yuuki cried out, and it was smothered by Zero's mouth, hard and forceful against hers. Kaname's hips rotated against her, and Zero's other hand slid under her sweater, grabbing her breast, sliding into her bra and rubbing her nipple to hardness. She was drowning in desire, her emotions for both men swirling into one deep sensation, as she felt them both inside her. It was too much. She came, crying out loud, shaking while their fingers plowed into her, even after she was done. Slowly, they stopped, pulling out of her. Zero's eyes shined at her, the dark male look in his eyes saying that he was proud of what he'd done to her.

Yuuki caught her breath. "Are you done?" she whispered weakly. She felt disappointed somehow.

Kaname chuckled behind her, sending goosebumps onto her skin. "Not nearly." She felt herself scooped up in Kaname's arms, leading her out of the bookshelves.

"What are you doing?!" Zero followed, and they stopped finally near the middle of the room, and Kaname leaned down, laying Yuuki on the soft red carpet. Zero knelt down with them, smiling at Yuuki as he began to slide her sweater up her body. Kaname's hands were pulling her shoes off, sliding her jeans down her body and tossing them to the side. Her underwear went with it. Zero was pulling the sweater over her head, his warm hands massaging her as he removed her bra. Yuuki was beginning to feel the stirrings in between her legs again.

Zero's hands were on her breasts, fondling them, squeezing her nipples between his fingers. She watched as he lowered his head to them, sucking on her nipples, tongue swirling around them, nibbling.

Kaname had moved around them, coming over to the front. She watched with glazed eyes as he leaned down, kissing her softly, his tongue driving her mad. She was whimpering, begging for them to do something.

Zero was laughing softly, and Kaname shook his head, smiling. " Not yet, Yuuki. We're going to have fun with this."

While Zero continued to play with her breasts, Yuuki watched as Kaname's hands rose to his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. The action was erotic, slow and seductive. Every button undone showed more of that smooth pale flesh. Soon, his shirt was completely open, and he slid it slowly off of his shoulders, watching her the whole time.

Then she saw him undo his pants buttons, zipping it down. She dimly realized that Zero was watching him too, and with almost the same expression as her own. Kaname slowly reached inside his pants, and Yuuki's eyes widened at what she'd felt against her the entire time. It was long and smooth, the flesh as pale as his chest. It was big, and slightly threatening looking to her. Kaname smiled at her look, kneeling down in front of her again. She felt Zero pulling away slightly to undo his own clothing, but at that moment, she was concerned about Kaname. He knelt down behind her head, and she looked up at him. His penis was right next to her face, and as she examined it, Kaname said, "Touch it Yuuki. Be gentle, but touch it." She hesitantly reached out, and her hand closed over it. The hard muscle was encased by skin so soft and smooth she was surprised. Her hand slid up it, feeling it slide against her palm. Kaname's slight gasp made her look up at him. He seemed to be enjoying hand reached the tip of it, and her thumb rubbed against it, exploring. Kaname laughed roughly. He took it out of her hand, and Yuuki could feel Zero back again. She looked over at him, and he was completely naked. Her eyes traveled across his body, his hard muscular chest, the hard abs. Everything about Zero was hard. Her eyes traveled lower, and she wondered if he felt like Kaname did. Her hand reached out, grabbing him. Zero gasped, grinding against her stomach and her hand, over and over. She enjoyed the feeling of that smooth skin sliding against her abdomen. She felt fingers twist in her fair, jerking her head back slightly roughly. Dark eyes looked down at her, mesmerizing her.

Kaname stroked her cheek. "I want you to do something for me, Yuuki." he leaned over her, and his long shaft was inches from her face. His hand reached out, his fingers sliding between her lips, opening her mouth. Yuuki didn't know what he was going to do, and she was startled when his hips lowered, that long smooth shaft sliding into her mouth. She could taste his skin, and her mouth stretched wide as he slid in deeper, slowly. Instinctively, Yuuki began to caress it with her tongue, sucking on it. Kaname groaned, his head thrown back. He pulled away, almost completely out of her mouth, before sinking back into her. It was a bit uncomfortable, having something so big in her mouth, going so deep, but she enjoyed it. She could feel Zero's mouth on her nipples, his fingers between her legs, not inside her, just playing with knew he was watching, and she blushed a little. Kaname's thrusts became harder, deeper into her mouth. Suddenly, he pulled out completely. She craned her head to the side, looking at him. He lay there panting, still hard.

Grinning at her, he said "I don't want to go just yet."

She was slightly confused at that. He just shook his head, laughing. Pushing himself up, he crawled over to Zero, who as watching Kaname intently. Kaname wrapped an arm around Zero, pulling Zero up against him. Yuuki watched in surprise as Kaname kissed Zero fiercely. Kaname's hand slid down Zero's body, wrapping around the long shaft between Zero's legs, fondling it much the same way Yuuki had with Kaname. Yuuki was mesmerized, and she couldn't help the throbbing feeling she felt as she watched them. Zero moaned against Kaname's mouth, and Kaname broke away from him.

"It's your choice tonight, Zero. What do you want?" Kaname looked from Zero to Yuuki, and Zero did the same. She saw the blush creeping across his face. "Are you saying.. that I could...have you.. like you have me?"

Kaname nodded, licking Zero's shoulder slowly. "Doesn't that intrigue you, Zero? To know how it feels, to take me the way you want?" Zero's face was red, but he nodded, licking his lips.

Kaname smiled. "Good, then I'll take Yuuki this time... and then you can take me." The way he said it made Yuuki shiver. She didn't know what they were going to do, but she was about to find out.

Kaname slid his pants off, and Zero backed up, letting Kaname crawl over her. She felt Kaname's body mold against her, rubbing himself against her like a cat. She groaned, the pleasure of it making her dizzy. Zero moved a little to the side, so he could see both of them. Kaname bent Yuuki's legs, and forced them open. She yielded, feeling that urgency she'd felt earlier.

Kaname positioned himself between her legs, and Yuuki watched as he grabbed his penis, watched as he barely slid it into her opening. She gasped at the feel of leaned over her, bracing himself above her on his arms. His large dark eyes looked into hers, and for the first time, Yuuki saw something she'd never thought she'd see; Kaname's true face. He wasn't smiling. Those eyes, those dark eyes, radiated with a dark intention she'd never glimpsed before. For the first time, she saw how truly dangerous he could be. He smiled at her expression, at her widening eyes. "Now you know, Yuuki." He thrust into her hard and fast, and Yuuki couldn't help the scream that escaped her. Kaname's hand covered her mouth, smothering it. The burning pain inside of her was so strong, and as she felt him thrust in and out of her, she watched his face. He enjoyed causing pain. His breathing was harsh, his eyes glinting back at her, and she felt slightly scared. Soon though, the pain was fading, replaced by another feeling: pleasure. With every thrust, the pleasure grew, and she began to cry and gasp each time he buried himself in her. She felt him slap against her thighs, over and over and the pressure grew, spilling over in an explosion of feeling. She came, crying against his hand, and she felt him come too, spilling himself hot into her, burying himself deep, crying out in release.

Yuuki floated down to reality slowly, and she felt Kaname slide out of her, collapsing against her chest. Yuuki looked over to see Zero looking back at her. Hunger for her body had incited the hunger for her blood, and his eyes were glowing eyes were low on her body, and as Kaname lifted up off of her, she saw the blood stains on her thighs. Kaname's eyes flicked over to him, and he moved out of the way, letting Zero crawl over to her. Yuuki watched shakily as Zero's head lowered between her legs, licking the blood off of her thighs. Each little lick of the rough tongue made her jerk, and somehow, she was feeling restless again.

Zero looked up, glancing at Kaname. His eyes widened as he saw Kaname had grown large and hard again, watching him lick Yuuki's blood.

Kaname smiled at him. "Well Zero, since Yuuki will be too sore to handle two men tonight, do you still want me?"

Zero swallowed hard. "Yes", he whispered.

Yuuki blinked a few times. What? How were they supposed to..'Oh', she thought to herself, not sure what she thought of it. Kaname looked back at Yuuki. "You can watch, Yuuki." Kaname and Zero knelt together a foot away from her,and Kaname wrapped Zero in his arms, kissing him. Kaname pushed Zero down onto his back, and he crawled over him, inching down until his face was next to Zero's penis. Glancing at Yuuki to make sure she was still watching, he took Zero in his mouth, slowly. Zero gasped, fingers digging into the carpet. Kaname moved his head up and down, slow and first, but then faster. Zero moaned and gasped, and Yuuki blushed at the sucking sounds. She felt herself getting wet just watching them, but wasn't sure that she was supposed to.

Kaname's mouth let go of Zero, and smiling darkly, Kaname turned to face Yuuki, lowering himself onto his hands and knees. Zero rolled himself onto his knees, pressing himself agaisnt Kaname's butt, rubbing himself against him over and over. Yuuki's face was getting red, not just because of what they were doing, but because both of them were looking directly at her while they were. Zero's eyes looked overwhelmed with desire, half closed and biting his lip softly. Kaname watched her calmly, clearly turned on, but always clearheaded. His gaze didn't leave her face. Yuuki felt her heart pounding as she watched Zero grab himself, and licking his hand and rubbing it against himself, he pushed it into Kaname's body. Yuuki's face went red. Kaname watched her, his slightly parted lips and dark eyes letting her know he enjoyed it. Zero obviously was. His head was thrown back, hands on Kaname's hips, pushing himself in and out of Kaname hard and frantic. Yuuki watched as Kaname braced himself up with one arm, the other going underneath him, touching himself. Yuuki looked away, too embarrassed and turned on to watch. She could hear their panting, the slaps of Zero's thighs against Kaname's butt.

"Yuuki". She kept her eyes on the ground. Kaname's voice repeated himself again, more forcefully. "Yuuki, watch" Yuuki felt her eyes drawn up against her will, locking on to Kaname's. She knew he was using his powers to control her. She couldn't look away. She found herself watching Zero's hips thrust against Kaname, the rthym building up in her. Her eyes were drawn to Kaname's hand, massaging his shaft as he jerked to the motion of Zero's body. The tempo got faster and faster, and Zero thrust in deep, crying out in release. Kaname's hand jerked, and she watched the clear whitish liquid come out against the carpet, against his hand. He gasped, his eyes closing. Yuuki felt herself come with him, although no one had touched her. Kaname had used his powers to make her go like this, she knew. She lay there on the ground, the spasms rocking her. Zero pulled himself slowly out of Kaname, and they both collapsed on the ground together, Zero on his stomach, Kaname on his back.

"Yuuki, come here." Kaname's voice compelled her, and her slow sluggish body crawled over to them.

Both Zero and Kaname reached out, pulling her down between them. Zero rolled over, hugging Yuuki's back, while Kaname snuggled against her front. They lay there like that together in silence for a moment. Zero's mouth began kissing Yuuki's neck. "Yuuki... can I..?"

Yuuki knew what he was asking. "Yes, Zero. Go ahead." Zero bit into her throat gently, sucking 's face snuggled against the other side of her throat, biting into her as well, harder than necessary. She felt them both pulling on her blood, touching her all the while. When she started to become dizzy, they pulled away, licking at the wound, closing it.

They lay there together in a tangled heap. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Zero propped himself up on one arm. "I'm glad you don't hate us, Yuuki."

Yuuki looked over into Zero's lavender eyes. They were soft, tender. "I never hated you Zero." She thought of how best to explain, but Kaname got to her first.

" She was concerned because she didn't think she was allowed to have us both, and when she found us, she thought we'd chosen each other and not her."

Yuuki looked at Kaname in surprise. "How did you know?"

Kaname grinned. "You talk in your sleep a lot, Yuuki. I just had to visit your room in the middle of the night to find out what was bothering you. Something I used to do quite often."

Yuuki blushed. "That's rather embarrassing, talking in my sleep." Her eyes widened. "Oh no, the chairman! Won't he be here any second!?" She sat up quickly, only to be pulled back down again by both of them.

Kaname chuckled. "The chairman won't be coming, Yuuki. I sent those notes, to lure you here." Yuuki's eyes widened in understanding. Zero laughed behind her.

"Kaname seems to know exactly how to manipulate people, Yuuki. Especially us."

Yuuki couldn't help but laugh as well. "You're right. I've been so silly." Pulling them both to her, she sighed had them both now, her men. One was a silver haired turned vampire, who was kind and gentle. The other was dark and devious, not as gentle as she'd always assumed, but she loved him more now for knowing his true self. Like light and dark they were, opposites but somehow similar.

"I love you, Zero, Kaname".

"We love you too, Yuuki."