Author's Note Important: Okay, so I just now figured out how to see how many people read my stories (yes, point and laugh, I'm slow at this kind of thing xD), and was appalled to find that there are roughly 50-100 different people. Given the fact that I get a grand total of, like, 5 reviews per oneshot/chapter (which is basically how many people I thought were reading my stories), simple math dictates that like 1/10 to 1/20 of people actually review.

Based upon the theory that people don't review because they don't like my work and don't wish to offend me, discovering this was kind of a blow. I mean, you could just leave a review telling me how to improve my writing; that's what I do since I always review everything I read. Every author knows that those are helpful. And if the plots I come up with suck, then I also do requests; this fic here is wonder1440's and yaoi4evandnevayuri's idea.

…where was I going with this? …*scratches brain* um…AH! This fic's going to be like eleven chapters long and I won't post each next chapter until ten people like the current latest chapter enough to review. I know that's kind of harsh, but it'll help me with my self-esteem, and it really only ups the ratio to 1/5 - 1/10 reviewers. Because I mean, if so many people don't like it, then what's the point of posting it?

Rant over; I'll be quiet now. I hope you like this chapter.

Disclaimer applies: I don't own it Jen does.


"Mmm…" Tory felt warm and languid, drifting somewhere between sleep and consciousness. His brain slowly started to kick in and, trying to shift onto his side, he wondered why he felt so heavy. Slowly cracking open his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of Colin, chin propped on interlaced fingers, looking at him from half-lidded eyes and giving him a slow, sultry smile from his position atop Tory's chest.


"Good morning." Colin leaned forward and pressed their lips together softly.

"I know that look."

"Fuck me."

"We just had sex last night!"

"That was hours ago." Colin rubbed his naked hard-on against Tory's inner thigh and flaccid penis.

"But…my mom's home!"

"Mm…" Colin slid downward, brushing his lips along the muscle curvature of Tory's chest. "Shall I convince you?" He placed a torturously soft kiss just above the patch of auburn hair that trailed down between the redhead's legs.


Colin looked up at Tory, smirked, and parted his soft lips before slipping his tongue out to lick slowly along the top one as he leaned down. Tory tensed, feeling himself react to Colin's familiar seductive habit as well as the proximity of Colin's head to his cock, and the raven smirked wider as he trailed the bottom of his tongue down Tory's soft penis to suck the head into his mouth, never breaking eye contact with the taller boy.

"Ah…" Gasping, Tory gave up and flopped back into his pillow, bringing an arm up to cover his eyes in exasperation. "Mmn…"

Colin sucked at the cock growing in his mouth, going all the way to the base before Tory became hard enough that he would have to deepthroat to reach. Tory let out a loud moan, thankful of Colin's hands on his hips because he didn't have enough control to keep from bucking right after he just woke up. He reached his other hand down to thread into Colin's soft hair, urging the raven to suck up and down on his shaft as it became rod-straight. Colin complied, glancing up with a playfully victorious look to see Tory with his eyes still covered, mouth open and gasping.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and they both froze. "Tory, Colin, are you two up yet? I'm going to the store, I ran out of laundry detergent…boys?"

'That's right, it's Saturday…laundry day,' thought Tory offhandedly.

"…" Colin smirked and moved to continue sucking. Tory, eyes shooting frantically wide, quickly shifted his arm off of his eyes to bite at his wrist, muffling his moan. Colin shot him a smug look, still bobbing, and he glared weakly back before closing his eyes to concentrate on keeping silent.

"Hmm, I guess they're still asleep. Must have pulled an all-nighter studying…"

They heard Mary walking down the hall, and Tory sighed in relief, pulling his arm away as they heard the front door slam. Colin gave a particularly hard suck and he moaned loudly. "You bitch!" He hissed crankily. He gripped Colin's hair a little painfully.

"And now your mom's not home," Colin answered with a grin, completely unbothered by Tory's comment as he pulled his mouth off of his boyfriends's straining erection. "I hear an opportunity singing my name."

"What?" Tory groaned.

"You. Me. Hot vibrating clothes dryer."

"Are you nuts?!"

"What? You don't think it sounds fun?" Colin gave him a knowing look.

"…Paul walks by the laundry closet to raid the fridge. He might see us."

"Tory, Paul has caught us naked in front of the fridge before. It's nothing he hasn't seen or doesn't deserve to be scarred by." (A/N referring to Seduction)

"Ugh…" He was out of excuses and he was already hard. "Only if you ride me. I get to sit on the dryer cuz I'm too tired after staying up all last night."

"Fine," Colin answered happily. "The vibration's strong enough that I'll still feel it in your dick."

Tory shot him a strange look as he sat up. "What, like that one time when you made me use that cat-tail vibrator? Could you feel the vibration?" (A/N this one's referring to Calicos n Cream)

"Yup, I could feel it then too. It's really kinky." He grinned and grabbed their bottle of lube. "Coming?"

"I suppose I will be, won't I."

Colin laughed at the innuendo all the way down the hall.

"What's got you in such a horny, bubbly mood anyway?" Tory complained. "It's weird."

"I dunno," Colin shrugged. "I probably had a really good dream. Oh wait, I did have a really good dream. Sort of. It's why I woke up hard. We were skipping school to have sex in a swimming pool…"

~~~Dream being explained~~~

"Ah, Tory…" Colin moaned, throwing his head back to look at the puffy white clouds floating lazily by in the bright blue sky. The hot sun beat down on them from where Colin sat propped on the edge of the deserted kiddie pool. Tory was knelt down in front of him in the two foot deep water, licking the tip of his erection emerging from his swim trunks while using suntan lotion to massage his pucker, the hand going up one leg of the loose shorts. Languorously prepping Colin, the redhead then gripped the shorter boy's shoulder, pulling him down for a kiss as he helped him slide into the water.

Reaching down to rub Colin's crotch as he sucked on the raven's tongue, he smiled as he felt the responding moan reverberate in his lips. Colin pulled back to gasp for air. "Tory…"

Turning him around on his knees, Tory then bent him over the edge, massaging his back with lotion-covered hands as he pressed him down into position. The redhead moved his hands to reach for the elastic of Colin's shorts.

"What are you doing?" Came a high, childish voice. Colin gasped and Tory jerked back a little in shock, twisting his head abruptly to stare over his shoulder at a little girl, who looked about three or four, in floaties. Her mom was visible behind her, getting an inflatable raft out of the trunk of a white SUV on the other side of the fence.

"Uh…hell…I'm, uh…hell…" Tory couldn't think.

"He's helping me stretch so that we can swim laps!" Colin quickly covered, smiling at the little girl.

"In the kids' pool?" She giggled, looking like she didn't buy it.

"Well, the water's warmer in the kiddie pool due to the sun," Tory supplied. "To help our muscles warm up faster."

"No! Stupid, everyone knows the water's warmer in the kiddie pool because everyone pees in it." She answered in a know-it-all voice, looking at them superiorly. "I do. Every time."

Staring blankly at her as the blatant words set in, the two teenage boys quickly scrambled out of the water and jumped into the main pool, shivering half at the temperature, half in disgust.

~~~End dream explanation~~~

"…and what we got out of that is that I'm glad we're gay so we never have kids," Tory said, shuddering a little in revulsion.

Colin laughed and kissed him. "What I got out of that is the idea that I want to have sex in different places because it's fun and kinky."

Tory just looked at him, before climbing up onto the hot, running dryer. He sighed at the hot vibrating sensation on his naked ass and balls. "Is that why we're doing this."

"Mm. I've got several places in mind. But not at the pool; that dream was way too realistic. It's got to be an omen."

"And how many of these places are public? Get up here." He patted his lap, and Colin climbed up to sit on his lap, facing out so that his own legs could dangle over the edge too. The raven leaned back against Tory's chest, grabbed the bottle of lube from beside them and propped his feet up on either side of Tory's legs, squeezing some lube onto his fingers and starting to prepare himself. Tory perched his chin on Colin's right shoulder so that he could watch the hot spectacle.

"Ah…all of them," Colin answered his question, leaning his head back against Tory's left shoulder and closing his eyes with a gasp as he found his prostate, fingers favoring the spot. Tory smiled and slid his arm down Colin's front to pump the shaft, turning his face to nibble on the raven's warm neck. Colin shuddered and pulled his fingers away. "Fuck me?"

"You ready? That was fast." Tory pulled his head back and let go of Colin's penis, wrapping that arm around Colin's waist and reaching behind the other teen's back to hold his own dick.

"Yea, I'm still pretty loosened from last night," Colin answered, grabbing the closet shelf above them for leverage and pulling up. Tory lined him up and helped him slide down onto the hot shaft, hissing in pleasure as Colin flexed his ass once he was fully seated. "Ooh, yea, I can feel that," Colin smiled in hot satisfaction at the vibration.

"I'm not too sure about public sex, Colin." Tory wrapped his other arm around Colin's waist as well and leaned back against the wall, sliding down so that his head wouldn't hit the shelf in the cramped space and propping his feet on the dryer as well so that he could thrust up into Colin. He started slowly, building up a rhythm, and Colin kept his grip on the shelf edge so that he could thrust down too, increasing the force.

"Mm! …we already did it in the library bathroom, and it was fine." (A/N now referring to Stalled Consequence. I'm on a roll here xD)

"I don't want to push our luck, though…" Tory kissed Colin's neck, moving up to suck at the tender skin underneath his jaw.

"AH! Later, we'll…ah, discuss it later, 'kay?" Colin emitted a loud moan as Tory slid his hands down to grip the inner joints of the raven's groin and legs instead, pressing down in rhythm to make the impact harder. The redhead started shifting his hips underneath Colin. The raven, having been hard and stroking himself for about fifteen minutes before Tory woke up, was already near the edge when Tory found and hit his prostate rather hard several times. He came gasping on himself without being touched, throwing his head back against Tory's shoulder as his chest heaved. Tory, also not able to last as long as normal due to the blowjob, came very quickly after, biting Colin's shoulder lightly to muffle his groan of pleasure right as Paul walked by.

They looked at each other, and Paul dropped his newspaper and empty coffee mug, the ringing ceramic shatter causing Colin to open his eyes and also look up.

"Hi Paul." The smirking raven said in a completely satiated and not at all apologetic tone.

"Guh…" Paul just stared at them. "I…GOD." He bent to start picking up the broken pieces of his favorite mug. "I REALLY didn't need to see that."

Colin just laughed, pulling on the shelf to slide off of Tory's softening shaft. "So now you're never going to be able to wash your clothes without thinking about this. I wonder how you can still eat out of the fridge."

"I can ALWAYS eat." Paul answered firmly. "But I think from now on I'll be going to the Laundromat. GOD." He walked to the kitchen to throw away the pieces as Colin and Tory slid off of the dryer. Tory followed Paul into the kitchen just to disturb the man, heading to the cabinet for a glass to fill with tap water. Colin followed Tory, getting a paper towel wet to wipe his chest and inner thighs clean.

"You know, I almost feel bad for you, but no. You've stolen my food once too often for that." Tory grinned and downed half the glass, then turned to hold it to Colin's lips, letting the boy sip from it.

"Yea, well, make you a deal." Paul kept his eyes averted. "I'm assuming from that…display…that you're moving out of the bedroom."

"It's fun," Colin answered with a cheeky grin as Tory finished off the glass.

"Well, from now on, do it where you don't bother anybody and I won't tell Ms. B about her dryer," Paul swallowed and yanked open the fridge door to find something to distract him from the disturbing image that refused to go away.

"Leave our lunch alone or we'll do it in your apartment," Tory threatened back. Paul jerked back to glare at him in disbelief, then quickly looked away from the naked teen.

"Ugh." He walked out of the kitchen, leaving Tory smirking in triumph. The redhead moved to the open fridge door and pulled out their sandwiches as Colin opened the pantry for chips and paper plates. They carried the items back to Tory's room to eat in comfortable nakedness.

"So where're we gonna go first?" Tory asked, forgetting that he was ever against the idea in the wake of his smug happiness at getting to Paul. "I guess we should keep it slightly low profile since public sex is sort of illegal," he added, thinking aloud.

"Mm…" Colin finished his ham and cheese sandwich and laid his head on Tory's shoulder. "I know, let's go to the movies tomorrow." He kissed Tory before standing up. "I have to get home or the doctor'll freak; see you tomorrow, okay?"

Tory stood up and started to dress as well since his mom was more than likely almost home. "Sounds good." He walked his boyfriend to the door, kissing him one more time before opening it. "Then I'll see you then."


Me: lmao poor Paul *pets his hair and smudges his glasses* It's so fun to be mean to him.

Colin: *snarky grin* …deserved it.

Tory: Why didn't this scene happen in the books? *taps chin thoughtfully*

Mandy: R&R please!

Tory and Colin: MANDY?!

Mandy: *innocent smile* Of course I wasn't watching through the window/filming you two having sex on top of the dryer. In fact, I am only completely guessing that that's what you did and where you did it. *coughs* Of course.

Me: Mandy makes such a great embodiment of every average real life rabid fangirl. …not that she represents what I would be doing were I in her position *shifty eyes*