__Hataro's night crying woke Naruto, what will he do to put the small baby back to sleep.
Moon night's gaze
The night was late. The time, just pass 1:00. The night was silent, still, calming. Not a noise or at least that is what one would wish to hear at such a late hour. A strong cry rang through the manner. Ringing in one's ears, a cry for help, one for attention. Hearing this cry, one gets up, sighing as he awoke. Getting up to attended to the high crying, walking with sleep still in his body, moving slowly to the room to were the noise was heard. Reaching the door, he opens it. A small child moved with frustration in their crib. Crying, tears in their eyes. Longing for attention. Walking over with a faint smile upon his face, the man spoke.
"Hey there, what's with all the fuss little guy?" The man reached into the crib gently grabbing hold of the child.
Holding the baby close to his chest the man spoke again.
"Tell me little one, what is it that you want?" The man asked caringly looking down at the baby's face. His sky blue eyes began to stop leaking with tears, a small sound of hiccups began to take place of his earlier crying.
"Would you like a lullaby, Hataro?" The man asked still looking down at Hataro. In response, Hataro gave a small hiccup and a smile. The man walked over to a large wooden rocking chair, it glowed light orange in the white and gray moon light. He sat with his son in his arms protectively; he began to sing a little tune.
"With the moon light shown upon his face, and a reflection of the stars in his eyes
There was a lone wolf,
His spirit was strong and bright,
His fur a winter white,
His eyes of pricing gold,
There stood the wolf of the land,
The seasons' weather was of spring,
Late at night such as this,
The tree's leaves and branches danced in the strong flowing wind,
The fur of the wolf moved with it."
The man looked down at his son. Hataro's hiccups have stopped, his crying completely gone. His eyes were drawing low to a close. The man continued to sing gently.
"The night called to the wolf.
"Run wolf" the stars called out to him.
Standing tall wolf looked up to the stars.
Over looking the mighty oak trees.
"Run where, I have no home to run to, for I am alone." Wolf asked the stars.
A light was begging to shine,
To the north.
T he night slowly became day.
The wind slowed, the trees no longer danced.
"Toward the sun, toward the north." The stars replied.
They vanished with the rising morning sun.
Toward the sun, that was his calling,
Wolf ran off.
That same spirit in his eyes, ran off toward the sun."
The man looked upon his son once more; Hataro lied asleep closely in his father's arms. The man smiled gently and stood up. Walking over to the crib, he laid down young Hataro for the rest of the night's sleep. Smiling he lowered his head into the crib and planted a gentle kiss to the baby's forehead.
" Sleep peacefully, little Hataro." With that being said he left the room.
Closing the door lightly behind him.
He made his way back to his bed, his wife sat up awake.
"Naruto, is something wrong?" She asked with sleep in her voice.
"There's no problem Hinata, just a little crying, that's all." Naruto got back into bed.
"Oh!" Hinata laid down and turned toward Naruto.
"Thank you, Naruto for putting him back to sleep."Hinata moved closer to Naruto, she laid her head on his shoulder; her arms lay on his chest.
"Not a problem, he's my son too, I need to help." Naruto healed her close.
He kissed her forehead softly.
"Night Hinata." Naruto closed his eyes sleepily.
"Night love." Hinata kissed his cheek lightly, smiling she closed her eyes to join her family in a nights peaceful sleep.
They fell asleep, close in each others arms, in the moon light's gaze.
Yes!!!!! I did it!!! Number 5 is up every one. Thanks for reading!!!!