Hey, people. Not even 6 hours after I finish one story, and I'm back with another! Well, this story is a romance story, rather than a romance/adventure, like the last one.

Well, read and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

My left shoulder sent pain messages to my brain, telling me it was time to open my eyes. I obliged it, hoping that the pain would stop.

The unfamiliar surroundings took me by surprise. Where was I? The pain in my left arm started again, telling me that I had to do something. I looked to the right, and the pain intensified. When I glanced to the left, the pain was soothed.

There was a man sitting there. There was a man sitting there, a man with grey hair, dressed in a white coat. I saw the clipboard, and understood; he was a doctor.

"Hello, Isabella," he said. I was too tired to tell him to call me Bella. "My name is Dr. Gerandy. I'm here to see if you remembered how you got stabbed. In the left shoulder? I am sorry, we just need to see if you have suffered any memory loss."

"I was practicing," I said in confusion. "Why would I have memory loss?"

"You hit your head when you collapsed," he explained. "Dr. Black, downstairs, will examine you further. If you will please follow me, I will guide you to the Washington State Hospital Rehabilitation Ward."

I followed the elderly doctor through a maze of hallways, rooms filled with patients, and groups of nurses. Eventually, we found our way through some elevators, and arrived on the ground floor of the hospital.

"Doctor Black?" Dr. Gerandy called. Another doctor walked over- this one looked to be ancient, old enough to have a grandchild my age. "Isabella Swan is here. I'll leave her in your hands."

As I silently followed the newer, and older, doctor, I caught site of a small, delicate girl, walking across the floor with the lithe, graceful steps of a dancer. She was immediately attracted to the girl. Luckily, she already new she was gay; this would be terribly confusing, otherwise.

"Who's that?" I asked Dr. Black, pointing at the girl.

"That's Mary Alice Brandon," he replied. "Everybody calls her Alice, however."

"Why is she here?"

"I don't know," he chuckled. "You'll have to ask Dr. Cullen; he's the one who keeps her here"

Mary Alice Brandon. Alice. That was a pretty name. I started to walk over to her.

"Where are you going?" Dr. Black asked, plucking at my sleeve. "You have to follow me."

I trotted along behind him, noticing the strange muted sounds everyone made. Few people looked at me- only a gorgeous blonde (I immediately felt myself get smaller when I saw her, she was that pretty.) Mary Alice Brandon looked at me, too. Other random, not-really-noticeable people looked at me, but I didn't notice them. Most were guys, anyway.

"So where are we going?" I asked. "Off to see the gorgeous young hunk of a doctor?" I laughed, then winced and rubbed my head. I felt pretty foolish for having said that, now. I thought my head was fine, but obviously not.

"Yes," he replied dryly. "His name is Doctor Cullen. I told you he was here just a little earlier. You will have to speak to him about young Mary."

Well, that settled it. He was the doctor I was going to talk to.

A small door, on the furthest right-hand side, had CULLEN written on it in bright gold leaf. I looked at it nervously, unconsciously biting my lip. How was I going to ask him about the small girl? Oh, hi, Doctor Cullen. I couldn't help but notice that you have a pretty girl out there. What's her name? Yes, that would go down well.

"Isabella Swan?" The man did look hot, I supposed, but it was hard to tell. They all looked the same to me. "Please follow me into my office."

Doctor Black left unobtrusively. I heard the door click behind him, effectively locking me in with the doctor.

"I see that you noticed young Alice,"he noted. My jaw dropped open.

"How- How did you know that?" I stuttered.

"Not much gets past me here, Isabella," he said gently. "Especially not when you consider all the cameras and microphones I have had installed here. Now, you noticed her?"

"Yes," I admitted. "She's very good-looking, isn't she?"

"She was born like that," he said, smiling softly at me. "I have the one baby picture we have of her. We found it with her when she was left on the hospital doorstep."

"Why is she here?" I asked curiously, waiting anxiously to hear his answer. What if she had tried to commit suicide, or something like that? I couldn't handle another death in my life.

"Alice is a unique case," he frowned. "She was found with- well, if she decides to talk to you, she will tell you her story herself. And we are not here to talk about Alice. Do you know why you are here?"

"I was stabbed in my shoulder, playing sport," I said, my thoughts still whirling around with the little girl. "And I fell and hit my head. Collapsed, I supposed." I was briefly distracted as I considered which word would be better. "Collapsed, definitely."

"Isabella," he frowned. "When you were brought in, we took blood tests."

No. "Is that supposed to worry me?" I asked, keeping any traces of worry, anxiety or sarcasm out of my voice.

"Is your father aware that you take ecstasy?" he asked, staring into my eyes.

"I don't talk to my father," I answered. "My father wouldn't know if I took ten drugs and danced around a lamp-pole naked."

"Danced around...?" He sounded briefly weirded out. "Well, I am prepared to keep this knowledge from your father. Only," his voice grew louder, overriding my thanks, "because you will promise me that you will go to our therapy treatments."

"If it will keep you from telling my father, I'll take it," I grumbled. "Do you really want me to stay here?"

"Hold on a minute, Miss Isabella." His voice sounded amused. "Are you really in that much of a rush to see Alice?" He affected not to notice my blush. "We still have to check you over for signs of head trauma."

He performed various tests on me; giving me simple maths questions, questioning me on my past, looking into my eyes with a strange torch thingy. Eventually, I grew fed up with his tests.

"I'm fine!" I snapped.

"Dear, dear," Doctor Carlisle said, shaking his head ruefully. "You do have a bit of a temper, don't you, Isabella?"

I flushed. "Can I go now?" I asked, my hand already on the doorknob.

"A short temper and little patience," he said, amusement evident in his voice. "Really, I'm not sure if I should let you near Alice."

"Why do you keep threatening me with that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Well, your affection for my young ward is fairly evident," he chuckled. I blushed, which made him laugh even harder. "Don't worry," he gasped, holding his sides as he looked at my face. He was literally on the ground, gasping for breath. "I took a course in body language. Nobody else will have noticed."

"Good," I grumbled, annoyed. Hopefully, he was finished with his tests now. I opened the door, stumbling into a room that was now loud again. I saw Mary and her blonde, supermodel friend sitting at a table. Alice was eating an apple.

I walked over to them, hesitating when I got near them. My feet wouldn't move. But when I turned to walk away, my left shoulder twinged again, and hurt more the more I turned. When I turned back to them, the pain subsided. With no other course left, I walked over to them.

"Hi," I said, flushing as they looked at me.

"Hey," the blonde girl said, looking at me. "I'm Rosalie. What's your name?"

"I'm Isabella Swan," I answered. The words slowed as I neared the end of my sentence. Juice was dribbling down Alice's chin. I trembled, somehow forcing myself not to reach over and lick it off.

One of Alice's hand freed itself from the apple, reaching down. Her hand moved a lot for a few seconds. She took another bite from her apple and pushed a piece of paper towards me with her free hand.

Hello, it read, in a long, flowing hand. It looked like calligraphy. My name is Mary Alice Brandon. Call me Alice. Your name is Isabella. Why are you here?

I had seen much stranger things in my life, so I didn't even blink an eye at her strange method of communication. Although, she was a fast writer. All that in calligraphy, in just seconds? I studied them closer.

Alice had very pale skin, making the thin stream of juice left my the apple even more noticeable. Rosalie had a more tanned skin, but it still wasn't exactly black, more a darker white. Both had dark bags under their eyes. Rosalie had green eyes, Alice blue.

"I had an accident," I replied. "I still have full use of my arm, but Doctor Cullen still wants me to stay here for a while."

"Do you still get to go home?" Rosalie asked, curiosity shining through her face.

"Nobody said I couldn't," I said carefully. "Why, can't you two go home?"

"I can," Rosalie answered, glancing at Alice.

Alice's hand was busy again. She pushed another piece of paper towards me, taking the last chunk of apple in her mouth and chewing it. I read the note.

I don't have a home. I can go with Rose.

I looked up at her, in time to see her take a bite of the apple core. I watched as she chewed it, listening to the crunching sound it made. And just like that, I was ravenous.

Alice noticed me looking around wildly. With one of her fingers, she turned her plate and pushed an orange towards me. I smiled tentatively and took it, peeling off the skin as I considered what I could say to that.

My shoulder twinged, making sharp pains seem to point me left. I turned that direction, and saw a girl with a face that looked like a horse heading towards us.

"Hey, ugly and Dumbo," she called towards the table I was sitting at. "Who's your new friend? She looks a bit funny-"

I stood up, turning to face her. She swallowed as I clenched my fist, drawing her attention to the layer of muscle I had recently developed.. Fencing did have its uses; holding that thin sword for hours on end, constantly moving, was enough to give even me some muscles.

"Do you really want to continue that sentence?" I asked, tensing my arms. My muscles weren't huge, but they certainly weren't small, and they gave me one hell of a right hook.

She shook her head violently. "Good," I said pleasantly. "Because the next time you would have, you would have to come back here for a week to relearn how to breathe through you nose."

My not-so-subtle threat got through to her. She nodded her head dumbly and stumbled away.

There was a note on the table when I turned back around. Alice was nonchalantly taking a bite of her watermelon slices. I spun the orange around, not really hungry anymore. My right hand traced the scar the girl had been talking about. It wasn't really that noticeable; it was nearly healed. But it was huge, stretching from my right temple down to my right arm.

How did you get that scar? The note read.

"Car accident," I grunted. Not my favourite topic. "A piece of the steering wheel hit me."

As Alice reached down again, a boy walked over, holding his hand outstretched. "Hi," he said. His cocky attitude annoyed me. "I'm Mike Newton, an 18- year old boy, interested in girls. Now that that's out of the way, wanna come get some lunch with me?"

"Hi," I said, reaching for his hand. Rosalie and Alice stared at me with an unfathomable expression. "I'm Isabella Swan, 17-year-old girl, interested in girls. I do not want to get lunch with you." My hand tightened on his, causing him to moan in pain.

"Now get lost," I hissed. "And tell your friends that I'm not interested."

Rosalie was staring at the ground. "What?" I snapped. "Bothered by the fact I'm gay?"

"No," she said, looking at me. "Just wondering why you chose to sit with us."

"Afraid I'll hit on you?" I snorted.

"That's not it at all," she said,looking at me with one eyebrow quirked. "I'd find it flattering if you did, actually. Don't get too many girls doing that. No, I'm just wondering- why would you sit with us when you have all this choice?"

"'Cause I felt like it," I snapped, hurt. "You want me to leave?" I started to stand, only to be caught by something. Alice was half-standing over the table, her hand placed on my arm. Her fingers were warm against my skin. She shook her head silently. Don't go.

"Leave me alone," I muttered. I stood, walking away aimlessly.

After a minute or two, I became aware that someone was following me. Irritated, I turned and saw Alice and Rosalie trailing me.

"Sorry," Rosalie sneered, looking past me. "Alice wanted to follow."

Wondering if she was sneering at me, I turned, and realized what she was sneering at. Horse-Face, from before, was staring at us.

"Shove off," I snarled under my breath.

Alice looked at me. I saw the compassion her eyes.

"Sorry," I muttered eventually, unable to stand what I saw in her eyes. "I-I think I hear my dad calling me." And I turned away, leaving them rooted in the hallway.

Of course, my reliable old Volvo wasn't waiting for me. I remembered-

My horn blared, trying to make the other driver aware that I was there. Easing gently down on the brake, I hoped to hell he wouldn't crash.

But, of course, he did. I gently turned the steering wheel to the left, aware of the wet road. His horn honked, out of control as he slammed into the right side of my car. The steering wheel shattered, a fragment cutting me from my temple to my elbow. The other shards pierced my body, causing me to bleed in ten different places.

I lay. Bleeding, hanging limply out of my door. The other driver hopped out, running over to me. "Oh, man," he moaned. "Please stay awake, don't die-"

I forced the memories out of my head.

Shaking my head, trying to clear it, I shoved my hands in my pockets. I was surprised to feel a piece of paper in there. I pulled it out, recognizing at once the stylish handwriting. It had one word, and less than ten numbers. I couldn't be bothered counting. Rosalie's name, and her phone number. Laughing wryly, I remembered that Alice had said she stayed at Rosalie's house.

I walked home, the rain plastering my hair to my head. I sighed gently as I walked the thirty-minute walk, hoping I wouldn't catch pneumonia.

When I got home, the first thing I did was change and make myself a cup of tea. Then I went to the phone, and punched in the numbers on the piece of paper.

Well, what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Please review!

And with this story, I have only a vague sense of where it's headed. So feel free to suggest stuff. Any reviews are nice.