Boys don't fly

Puck looked down at the girl lying on the bed before him; she looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, like all her troubles had been wiped away in the night. He had been watching her for fifteen minutes waiting for her to wake up when his stomach rumbled, he stared at it for a few seconds then grumbled "great timing, stupid stomach. Now I have to go eat. I'll be back soon." He stole one last look at the girl before leaving the room.

After he had left the girl on the bed stirred, she opened her eyes then hopped quickly off the bed. Her gaze swept the room as if someone was going to jump out with an axe and chop her up then took a tentative step forward, when no one attacked her she seemed to gain confidence and crept silently out of the room. She looked up and down the hall way and furrowed her brow then froze when she heard someone heading up the stairway, she regained her composure and sped off in the other direction. When she looked back she could see the top of someone's head at the staircase, she hurried over to the nearest door and slipped inside.

Puck was humming to himself as he made his way back to the bedroom. He had eaten enough for about four people and was now pretty damn content with himself. He stopped humming when he reached his destination and slowly walked inside; he didn't want to startle her if she was awake, she might do something drastic. He stopped in shock when he saw the bed; it was empty! The covers were pulled back and there was a slight dent where the girl had been lying before, he decided that she might have needed to go to the bathroom and headed out to check. He was about to knock on the door when he heard a bloodcurdling shriek from down the hallway.

He rushed down to the door from which it was coming from then cursed under his breath; it was his room. He burst through the doorway and saw the cause of the commotion. There was a large group of chimpanzees surrounding a large tree in the middle of his … well, it wasn't really a room but it was his bedroom, although there was no bed included; he preferred to sleep in his tree house which was now under siege from this group of chimps. Random objects kept flying out the tree houses window to hit the chimps that tried to climb up to it. He could also hear someone yelling; "get away from me you stupid chimps" "take that and THAT" (at this point a chair and a baseball bat flew out the window). He winced when he saw his possessions being thrown about and decided to stop all the nonsense "troops, Attention!" he yelled, making his voice boom out loudly. The chimps suddenly stopped and formed two tight knit squares in front of him. "Assemble at base B do circuits 3, 5 and 6. If you do it wrong do it again, once your finished free time at base A." when finished giving them orders they saluted together and marched off into the forest. Puck nodded to himself then unfurled his wings and flew up and hovered out side the window.

The blonde girl was huddled in the corner of the cubby muttering to herself, she looked up when she heard a strange whirring noise outside the window. When she saw the boy with his pink wings fluttering madly she gave a little shriek, covered her eyes and resumed her muttering louder to drown out the noise. Puck looked at her in confusion, she never acted like that. Then he heard what she was muttering and became even more worried; "no, no, no it's just a dream, just a dream. This doesn't happen, its not real, chimpanzees don't attack people a-a-and, and you don't walk into a room that is a forest and boys don't fly. They don't, it's all a dream." She continued like this for a few minutes and puck just hovered there in shock, then he gathered his wits and flew inside.

When he landed his wings disappeared and he walked over to the muttering girl. When he was in front of her she looked up, she tilted her head to the side to see his back then smiled when she couldn't see any wings. "I knew I was only dreaming." Her smile slowly faded when she saw pucks frown "uh is something wrong" she shook her head when he didn't answer "hellooo, anyone home" she waved her hand in front of his face "anyway, what's your name?" unfortunately this question proved to hard for the boy as well. His eyes widened in shock, "you don't remember my name?" she rolled her eyes at the silly question "of course I don't remember your name; I've never even met you before. Its not like your famous or anything." at the last remark puck started grumbling "not famous indeed, if only you knew… huh that's a good point. You should know." Here he paused staring intently at her, she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, them he spoke again "do you remember anything?" she pondered this for a second, she knew some things, like that fairytales aren't real, she knew the fairy tales in question, she could talk, walk, read, write. She said all this to him then added on some more "but there are some things I can't remember, liiiiiiiiike, where I am, who my family are, who my friends are; if I had any" she paused for a bit then added on as an after thought "or who I am." Puck gaped at her in shock "but, but, your Sabrina!"