A Death Note Fanfiction by Raayy

Death Note don't own me, but I own an extreme obsession for Near.

It's a one-shot, the pairing it's MattxMisa. It's a gift to Threshie, 'cause she give me the idea to write with one of her drawings. (She is at my favorite autors, if you're curious about the draw)

Nobody revised, so if there's errors, sorry. I did it on word, but word it's not a person…

She was so beautiful.

Her smile was gently. Her eyes are shining and they close when she smile. Her hair was pretty different for the others asians that he already saw, it was yellow - not really blond, yellow. She looked like a teenager and act like one.

Her smile was super pretty.

But there was something wrong about her. Matt can't say what was exactly.

If the fact of she was suspicious of being the "Second Kira", if she acted more young that she really was, if she was an asian and have yellow hair or if it was her smile.

She smile like she didn't was really happy and chose not to show it.

Matt knew this type of smile. He knew too much well.

(He had one of these smiles)

Didn't look good on such a pretty and cute girl.

He wanted to talk to her - at least once. He knew he probably wouldn't have the chance again.

(Why you wanted, Matt? It's not your problem. And you have to watch her, not talk to her)

He didn't know why. But he wouldn't be wasting time thinking - He just had this chance.

He walked to her when that guy – Mogi, isn't it? – was inside a store and she was looking a display window. He didn't know what to talk to her, maybe there was no point in talking to her, so he just collides with her. Not too much, just enough to drop his cellphone.

Misa notice right away and look behind her and saw him, looking at the ground. It was a pretty cute guy, dressed funny. She looked his cellphone on the ground and picked it for him before he reaches it.

She gives him the cellphone with a smile on the face. Didn't say a thing, but looked she was asking: "It's yours, right?"

Matt nodded and picked his cellphone of her hand, smiling a bit. "Yes, thank you." He could have said, but didn't.

They looked for each other for a while before Matt starting walking again.

Seeing her truly smile to him he feels glad that she could smile like she wanted.


He would never know that Misa was depressed 'cause she wasn't seeing Light in the last few days, and when she saw Matt, she smiled seen somebody how looks so much the one she loved. Maybe even cuter than Light.


Poor Matty xD But, well... At least he saw her smiling. xD

Hope you like, Threshie. And yes, I'm uploading here too. I wanted to put it on fanfiction too since I think from my previous fanfics in english, this is good enough to post here. -sigh-

MAYBE, I'll post more. But just maybe.

Weell, english is NOT my mother tongue, so, (m)any errors, I'm sorry.

I would be glad if you review it x3