Hey guys. No one ever suggested something they wanted to see, so I waited and waited, and then decided "screw it" and wrote something I wanted to read. It's not the best because I wrote it in half an hour and have no idea where I was going with it, but here you have it.

Mary K.

I always loved the summer. Don't get me wrong, winter's nice, too. I like the snow and all of us sitting inside drinking cider together. Morgan and I taking turns trying to peek at the Christmas presents under the tree, we'd found all of Mom and Dad's hiding places by the time I was ten. Morgan was always good at finding things, whether they were hidden or missing. I adored her.

Winter used to be my favorite, but then the winter of my freshman year of high school everything changed. Morgan changed, I changed, even our town changed. Now winter gives me the creeps, the snow makes me feel suffocated; darkness makes me think of being blindfolded. Even wearing sweaters and coats made me feel trapped. Morgan knew why, but would probably never tell me. Once I caught her trying to do a spell on me. She said it was for healing, that I needed to be healed on the inside. Then she looked at me like she was about to reveal some big secret, or maybe start crying. I didn't give her a chance to do either.

No, summer is much better. Everything's green and open. The heat is like a breath of fresh air, it is a breath of fresh air. That's where I was, enjoying my summer at the beach in Florida. Jason had gotten some time off from work and taken me and the kids on a vacation.

It'd been a while, Julia was seven and Mason ten and we hadn't had a family vacation since the kids were small enough to fly free. As I was relaxing on my chair, keeping a sharp eye on the kids playing in the shallow water, I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Morgan?" I asked as I whipped around to eye the speaker. And there, standing in a pile of beach equipment that looked as if it had been suddenly dropped, looking better than she had in years, stood my adopted older sister. "What are you doing here?" I asked perhaps a bit harsher than intended, but I was so surprised that I really couldn't help it.

"We just decided to take a vacation." She answered, obviously thrilled to see me. "Wow, Mary K, I haven't seen you in forever. What are you doing here?"

"Jason got some time off work, so we decided to go for it," I told her gesturing to where Jason was helping Julia and Mason build a sandcastle. "How have you been?" I asked gently, Morgan's husband had died a few years ago, but she'd somehow found her high school boyfriend, the love of her life not long after that. Turned out he was also my niece Moira's biological father.

As if summoned by my thoughts a pretty, blonde teenage girl ran up to where Morgan stood. "Mum, come on, Da's waiting for us over there," she called as she ran. Moira was obviously a bit more observant than your average sixteen-year-old because she stopped when she saw me then broke out in a huge grin.

"Aunt Mary K!" She squealed as she tackled me and I noticed she had a long, partially faded green streak in her hair. "I had no idea you'd be here. Mum, you should've said we'd be meeting up with my cousins!"

The small commotion was drawing attention, especially from my family who came over to see who I was talking to. Mason seemed a little in awe of Moira and Julia was her usual shy self. Jason remembered Morgan from our wedding and the few holiday's she'd come home for and was his usual charming self.

Almost out of nowhere, Hunter appeared in all his rugged, blond, English glory and introduced himself to my family. In no time Moira was the one playing in the sand with Julia and Mason as the adults caught up.

"You look great," was said several times, mostly by me as Jason had no idea how bad both of them had looked when I'd visited Ireland not long after Hunter had been rescued. The afternoon passed in companionable silence and brief bouts of catching up. I felt confident that Hunter and Jason had hit it off by the end of the day as we were packing up and heading back to our hotel, when Jason said to me, "There's something weird about your sister and her family."

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully. I don't think he meant that they were blood witches with freaky magical powers the likes of which we could only imagine. But hey, you never know.

"Please don't take this the wrong way, I mean they seemed very nice and all. It's just weird. Did you notice how they always seemed to know everything that was going on? Even when they weren't paying attention." I had to laugh at that it sounded more like parental intuition than magic powers but then, Morgan's ability to always find the Christmas presents hadn't seemed so unusual when I was a child.

"Oh please!" I cried, "I always know when Mason's up to something."

And we laughed and that was the end of it. But winter that year wasn't so bad.