My dear readers,

I know for a while I thought I could keep updating stories on a regular basis, but I'll be quite honest, I just don't have the time at the current phase in my life. I'm working on writing an actual novel, and I'm hoping to get it published in the future, not only that but I am a Junior in college, and am doing Culinary Arts: Baking and Pastries, a different major than I originally started out with, but one that I absolutely adore. So between school, my biggest passion in the world: Cosplay, all my paid commissions and the fact I'm in a full on relationship that I devote a lot of my time, I just don't have the drive or motivation or time for most of these longer stories. I promise to hang on to them, but they likely won't be finished until I have the time to sit and write, and work out plot kinks and issues with the characters. And that could be a while.

However feel free to continue to pm on this site, or if you like, contact me on one of the other sites I'm on. I am destructivedoll on both Tumblr and deviant Art.

I will continue to post various one-shots, but longer stores… well for now it seems I'll have to be giving up on them.


Also, notably I will be changing my username soon, I've been dancingsilverwolf since my middle school years, and it's a name that had meaning to me back then, but I've moved on from that user name, and after a bit of contemplation, I've decided to use the username that I use on virtually every website I'm on: DestructiveDoll.