Something I wrote for a contest on devARTs. I love Hiroki, mmyuss.

Attention Spans

Attention was close to all he ever wanted in his life. His sister seemed too "grown up" and independent to pay any mind to him most of the time nowadays, and his parents were always busy in their own interests—like fighting. This led him to grab attention in the most horrendous ways—sometimes backfiring on him and pushed people away from him instead of closer. This was just the way it always was.

Until he arrived at Kadic Academy.

Hiroki hadn't seen a lot of redheads before, and after he saw her he didn't want to see another redhead again for fear of thinking that they were more beautiful than she was. He watched her from afar every time she was near, learning everything about her. She liked to write, she liked cute little kid things and wasn't ashamed of it, and she was interested in the world.

There was only one problem: Getting her attention.

He wanted her attention, but in a way that he didn't know how to get.

Deciding to talk to Ulrich proved to him that he needed to confront her to get her attention. (It was a little ironic that Ulrich told him to do that when he needed to do that himself, but Hiroki finally understood why he never did with all the anxiety that was plaguing him) Hiroki had an idea on how to grab Milly's fancy, but didn't share it with Ulrich. He wanted—no, needed to do this himself.

Now it's nothing but a nightmare as his decisions turned in the direction of losing his only sibling.

Hiroki felt sick when she told him he was an only child. If only he could tell Yumi it was for Milly and only for Milly! But Yumi left him before he could say anything.

Ulrich's hand gripped his shoulder tightly, reassuring that everything'll be alright.

Hiroki wished, however, that everything would be different.

Though Yumi had forgiven and apologized to him, the incident scared him. He already felt that his parents were far away from him with all their fighting, and losing his sister was almost too much, adding to that was the fact that Milly would never glance in his direction anyways. He was simply too young, unless he got her attention. But the fear had been so strong that he vowed to himself that he didn't need her attention. So he'd continue to watch from afar and pretend he had all the attention he needed.

There will never be enough.

Hope you like it~ It's not a commonly written couple but okay, because HirokixMilly is just too cute to pass up.