Chapter 24

The Epilogue of Three!

Audi famam illius.

(I LIKE TACOOOOOOS! They taste really gooooood! )

Solus in hostes ruit

(Peach is such a hostageee!)

et patriam servavit.

(And the Bro.s are her servaaaants!)

Audi famam illius.

( This makes no seeeeeense! It is really pointless!)

Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.

(Such a shocking currentttt! As Pikachu's thundeeeer!)

Audi famam illius.

(Luigi's singing like, a girl nooooow!)

Audi famam illius.

(And Samus aaacts like, such a maaaan!)

Spes omnibus,mihi quoque.

(Gaaanon is on the hunt, but Link is huuuungry!)

Terror omnibus,mihi quoque.

(Everybody's running from Snake noooww!)


(He's maaaaad!)

iuxta me.

(Cooooould you pass the fries?)



iuxta me.

(Captain Falcon is gaaaayy!)

Socii sunt mihi.

(What a great game to play-)

qui olim viri fortes

(Sooo fun to make these lyrics)

rivalesque erant.

(Even though, they aren't really real!)

Saeve certando pugnandoque

(And now this song is done, but not forgotten-)

sprendor crescit.

(it is time to beat up KirBYYYYYYY!)

"Come on, hurry up you two!"

"I can't run that fast, I've got stubby legs!"


A pitter-patter of feet made their way across the land and pass the sunset, arriving at a ledge hanging above the ocean. Compared to where the rest of the land ended, this area was uneven and looked as if something had been broken off of it. The three warriors stopped at there.

"Well? Where are they? It's time to prove what I've got compared to that Fox McCloud!" Barked the oldest one, the leader of his own cruiser known as Starwolf, the name being…Well, Wolf.

"If I know my older ego, he must've been here like the others would!" Exclaimed a boy. He looked like the equivalent of a Link-fanboy, with the outfit and hair, with big cat-like eyes and a large head. But we'll call him Toon Link.

"Jiggally." The first one shrieked obnoxiously, and was, by far, a Jigglypuff.

"I know we should've had our phones on, please don't remind us!" Toon Link whined.

"You're the one who got a call, what did the plumber say?" Wolf asked.

"Jiggly jiggly puff puff JIGGLLYYYY!" The thing screeched.

"…." The animal grabbed the pokemon by her fluff of hair and began waving her back and forward as she screamed.


"HEY!" Toon Link cried, jamming the handle of his sword into Wolf's side and dropping Jigglypuff. "Cool it, will you?"

"Cool it? You want ME to cool it?" He growled at him, "This was my chance to outshine Fox! Maybe Falco too, but nobody ever gives a crap about him! Plus, it's already embarrassing enough that I can't understand a species related to a bunch of normal animals!"

"How are you normal? You can talk."

"I CAN ALSO HANDLE A GUN, TOO!" He threatened, putting one into Toon Link's face.

"Alright, I get it!" He cried, using his shield to guard him and Jigglypuff. "Look, let me talk to her, alright? I've had experiences with animals, I can understand them."

"Pfft, the only experience you have is playing with pigs." He scoffed.

"Well I don't torture cuckoos unlike my older self!" He snapped back, "Alright, Jiggly, what did Mario say?"

As Jigglypuff whispered in his ear, Toon Link nodded throughout the entire time.

"Uh huh….uh huh…..yeah…..yeah huh…..alright….no, the salad was quite crisp-"

"Hey, are you even asking the question?"

"Yeah, Jiggly said that Mario called about him and all the others preparing their ships for an invasion into the Subspace to defeat whatever was controlling it."

"And they were supposed to go for lift-off on this exact spot?"

"Puff." Jigglypuff nodded.

"Alright…" Toon Link pondered, rubbing his chin, "And how long ago was this call?"

Jiggly opened her mouth but stopped her self, eyes wide and a dumb look on her face.


"….You're kidding, right?"

"What? What did the female-version of Kirby say?" Wolf rushed.

"….Uhm…." The boy twiddled his fingers together, "How to describe it…Well, lets say that, the call Jigglpuff got she apparently missed which went to voice mail, then listened to today."

"So wait, you mean Mario didn't really call her today?"

"That would be the case."

"Well when was the bloody phone call?"

"…I'd rather not say."


"A WEEK AGO!" He squeaked.


"RUN, JIGGLAAAYY!" The boy cried as he and the pokemon ran for the hills, the wolf hot on their trails.


With an oof!' he tripped over something and flew in the air landing on Jiggly's right. Toon Link looked back at the forgotten object on the ground not so far away.

A Smash Ball.

Wolf had also caught sight of the beloved weapon, and when he and Toon Link shared a glance at each other, it was as Pit would put it; 'the fight is on!'

The two took off as fast as they could towards the ball, Wolf ahead. Toon Link took a suicide dive, which was worth it 'cause he caught the ball, but was tackled into a wrestle by Wolf.



"I'll claw your eyes out, you pipsqueak!"

"As if that'll be worse than what you plan to do with this!"


A round shadow grew larger over the two, and in an instant their hands we under the bottom of Jigglypuff who smashed herself onto on the ball, now glowing colors.

"Arghhh! CURSE YOU, I was so close to being RID OF YOU BOTH!" Wolf bellowed, "And now I can't feel my paws! How am I supposed to enjoy the slashing noises of my victims as I rip away at their flesh?"

"Ha, once again a toonefied-version of justice prevails!" Toon Link laughed.

"Jiggly?" Jigglypuff said nervously, as her body started to grow.

"Hey..Hey, what's going on?" Wolf asked as his arms were starting to be crushed.

"I think it's that weird ball!" Toon Link cried as the pink blob's body started to crush his head into the ground, "W-Wait! JIGGLY, STOP!"

"JIGGLYY!" She cried fearfully, and Wolf didn't need a translation to know she couldn't control herself.

"THE PINK!" Wolf screamed, half of his body now under the fat pokemon, "IT BURNS! THE PINK HURTS US ALL!"

Half a minute later, a HUGE Jigglypuff took up the area.

"….Well…it could be worse." Toon Link called from underneath.

A crumpling noise came around Jiggly's inflated self, as a crooked line of the ground drew itself around her and ended from from where it started; the edge of the cliff.

The sound of screams that night was drowned by a roaring splash.





…that's right, this is an Earthbound ending, FOOLISH MORTALS! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA…!






Zeph the Mage





Bluebell of the Long Patrol



Diagon the Uber Lord of Lawlz

the new wouldn't u like 2 no

Twilight Okami

The RPers HELL group











Well, I did it. After a year, a whole long year of starting it on DA, but nevertheless getting my first fan-fiction reviews, I have completed SSE Bloopers.

First of all, I don't know what to say. I'm relieved I completed this, and before school started. plus, i can now work on all my other big stories!

But I'm sad, because despite how in the future i'll look back at this and think 'what was wrong with me?' i'll still always love this story, for it was based my own first wii game! er, unless you count wii sports, which i never play. Seriously though, i remember getting this account when i was home from school sick!

So I shall put up a poll as to which song parodies in this story you like, and it shall also be my first poll! As i said, feel free to check out any other stories, and thank you again for those who read and reviewed, you all are the best without a doubt!

So…that's that….