Because You Loved Me

SUMMARY: Mother's Day is soon and Ash returns to Pallet Town for the occasion. He wants the day to be special for Delia, but complications unexpectedly arise due to Delia's bubbly personality and overly affectionate ways of treating her "little boy."

GENRE: Family/General

NOTABLE CONTENT: Crude Humor, Mild Mature Themes, and Mild Language

SHIP: (Slight) Eldershipping (Delia & Professor Oak)

COPYRIGHT NOTE: I don't own Pokemon / Pocket Monsters or the song "Because You Loved Me" performed by Celine Dion

STORY TAKES PLACE IN: Early Season 10 – Diamond & Pearl

COMMENTS: This really isn't a true-blue songfic, since only the chapter titles are based off lyrics from "Because You Loved Me" (though not all the lyrics will be used, nor will they be in sequential order). Nevertheless, the song definitely inspired this fanfic, and I find it a very appropriate Mother's Day theme, very fitting for characters like Delia and Ash. This story isn't going to be quite as sad and emotional as my other Pallet drama, "Nothing But Lies," but it'll have its humorous and bittersweet moments just the same. Do keep in mind that this story is 100% separate/independent from "Nothing But Lies," too. Naturally, I'm releasing this story rather early so it'll be completed in time for Mother's Day 2009. Enjoy and feel free to review.

Because You Loved Me

Aiselne Phoenix

Chapter 1: "For All the Joy You Brought to My Life"

"Oooh, my baby's home at last!" Delia proclaimed happy, enveloping her son in a tight embrace and kissing his forehead repeatedly. "I missed you," she choked, jovial tears stinging her eyes. It had been almost a year since she last saw Ash. Especially after his sudden take-off for Sinnoh Region, Delia noticed she had been missing Ash more than usual. It was not uncommon for Pokemon trainers to come and go from their homes, but it was not uncommon for their mothers to miss and worry about them, either.

"I missed you, too, Mom," Ash giggled, finally recollected after his mother crashed into him the second she opened the door. The only reason he never fell was because Delia had a firm hold on him, not that Ash minded. This time of year, whenever he was not in Pallet Town, he especially missed Delia. He got his share of homesickness from time to time but it always excelled around holidays like Mother's Day. Ash constantly wondered how Delia handled such a holiday alone. Being a trainer, Ash did not have the luxury to run back home for every little holiday. He always called Delia on such occasions but phone calls were less fulfilling than actual visits.

This year, however, was going to be different. Dawn was the one who originally made the suggestion, since she desperately wanted to return to Twinleaf Town to spend Mother's Day with Johanna. Dawn and her mother insisted Ash and Brock do the same for their moms, thus the boys headed back to Kanto. Pallet Town was the next stop, and afterwards, Brock planned on heading to Pewter City, since Lola had been missing her traveling son just as much as Delia.

Not wanting to, but needing to wipe her eyes, Delia parted from Ash, Mr. Mime fetching her a handkerchief. Ridding herself of her tears, she then smiled at the little electric mouse the woman nearly trampled earlier in her excitement. Thankfully, Pikachu was fine, and just as happy when it leapt into Delia's arms, getting its own hug. "And how have you been, Pikachu?" Delia chimed, scratching the back of the mouse's ears, making Pikachu 'chaaaa' with delight.

"Pikachu!" the mouse squeaked happily, curling itself into a ball, perfectly content in Delia's arms. She continued to stroke Pikachu's brown stripes before averting her attention back to her son and his older friend.

"And how are you, Brock?" Delia asked the teenager pleasantly, shooting a playful look towards Ash for a moment. "I hope my boy hasn't gotten you into too much trouble lately."

Ash frowned, noticing a few snickers come from Brock's direction. "What's that supposed to mean, Mom?!" he pouted, even Pikachu giggling at Delia's comment.

"Well, not too much trouble," Brock played along, ignoring a small glare from Ash. "Nothing you should worry about, Mrs. Ketchum." Brock knew such was always in the back of Delia's mind. Ash often attracted trouble, and, whether it was intentional or not, it often lead to injuries and whatnot that Brock figured Delia constantly worried about.

Delia smiled appreciatively towards Brock. "Well, that's good to hear," she sighed in relief, looking back down at her son. "I don't need somebody getting sick or hurt, anymore than he usually does."

Ash frowned even more, not quite liking what his mother was implying. "You make it sound like I'm a walking disaster," he muttered, getting a sudden jab from Brock.

"You are," the teenager whispered matter-of-factly, Pikachu nodding wholeheartedly in agreement. Delia giggled to herself, loving the rather sheepish look displayed on Ash's face. It was a classic expression Delia knew all too well; the look of her son knowing he was guilty as charged. Ash was never very good at hiding his feelings, anyway, so Delia could read him like a book.

"So..." Delia started, changing the subject, much to Ash's relief. "Say, wasn't there a young lady traveling with you?" she recalled, remembering from recent phone calls a pretty girl with long navy hair was venturing with Ash and Brock through Sinnoh. Delia did not know the young lady and the girl certainly was not Misty or May.

"Dawn's visiting her mom in Twinleaf Town," Ash explained, grinning a tad bashfully. "It was...her idea for us to go visit our moms," he admitted, knowing he could not really take full credit for this reunion, since Dawn was the one who encouraged it. That did not mean Ash was unhappy to be home, of course.

"I'll be heading back to Pewter City, too," Brock informed, discreetly checking his watch. He did not want to be rude to Mrs. Ketchum, since Brock often considered Delia a second mother. However, if Brock had any plans of reaching Pewter before midnight he had better leave in the near future.

"Oh, well wait a sec.' I'd like you to come in for a minute," insisted Delia quickly inviting Ash and Brock into the house, asking Mimie to fetch some mysterious bags. After setting Pikachu down on the sofa next to Ash and Brock, Delia went into the kitchen, instinctively pouring two glasses of juice, nearly colliding with Mr. Mime as they re-entered the living room at the same time.

"Um...I don't want to impose, really," Brock spoke modestly. He had nothing against staying at Ash's house, but Brock knew Lola might get paranoid if he did not arrive at the time he promised. My mom tends to be just as jittery as Ash's whenever I'm late, Brock sweatdropped. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Brock promised he would be home around suppertime, and the walk to Pewter City easily took three to four hours. The teenager did not exactly feel like running the whole way.

"Oh, this'll just take a few minutes," Delia reassured, kneeling on the floor before the coffee table where Mimie dumped three large brown paper bags. "Professor Oak and I just came from a flea market downtown and you wouldn't believe the deals I found!"

Brock blinked curiously, knowing it had been several years since he last visited a flea market. Lola often visited them, especially when she was going through her 'collecting vintage items' phase. Frankly, Brock did not mind flea markets, and above all, they were more places to meet girls.

Ash, on the other hand, suddenly looked terrified. Oh God...Mom plus flea markets equals trouble. Delia was quite savvy whenever it came to shopping 'deals,' and she loved flea markets because one 'never knew what they might find.' Mom tends to go overboard whenever she's 'bargain hunting.' There's no WAY this'll take a 'few minutes' if she plans on showing EVERYTHING she bought.

"Isn't this lovely?" Delia gushed, holding up a small mirror elegantly framed in a silver Milotic design. "It's in terrific shape and it only cost me three dollars! Why, this must easily cost three times as much brand new!" she declared proudly, loving how she could always find a bargain. "Can you imagine someone wanting to give this away?" she asked rhetorically, admiring the design of the long, snake-like creature etched in its border. "And it's such a lovely Dragonair."

Ash giggled under his breath, shaking his head. "It's a Milotic, Mom," he corrected.

Delia blinked, getting a good like back at the design. Sam said it was a Dragonair, but then again, he DID say he needed new glasses, too. "Oh, well, you're the Pokemon trainer, not me, sweetie," she shrugged pleasantly, setting the mirror down on the coffee table. It was then Delia noticed the two glasses of juice she brought had yet to be touched by her arrivals. "Oh please help yourselves to those drinks," she encouraged. "You must be thirsty after your trip here."

Brock scratched the back of his neck, doing his best not to be too obvious about checking his watch every five seconds. "I...really don't want to be a bother, Mrs. Ketchum. And I really should be going-"

"Oh nonsense!" Delia interrupted with the wave of her hand. "You kids need your strength. My motherly instincts keep telling me you kids don't always eat and sleep right, now do you?"

Knowing where that subject would lead to, the two boys eagerly accepted Delia's drinks. Ash and Brock knew it was always best to humor 'motherly instincts,' lest the kids get hounded about how poorly they take care of themselves. As always, Delia's instincts were right on the money. Brock usually tried to make sure the group ate well, but traveling on the road did not always give the kids luxuries of ample food and supplies. Plus, rarely a night went by that they did not go to sleep until after ten or eleven o'clock (ten was on a good night). Of course, the kids did not dare say that to their parents.

Pleased to see they listened to her, Delia then continued to rummage through the three paper bags, showing off her latest bargain hunting treasures. "Oh, and I got this for Mimie. Isn't it precious?!" Delia gushed, holding up a small apron that looked around the mime's size. Mr. Mime looked thrilled, but Ash and Brock had to cover their grins when they got a better look at the outfit. It was an apron, plain and simple, but a bright pink color, and its appearance looked like the designer overindulged with frilly lace. There were countless hearts embroidered in white and red shiny beads. The ensemble looked like the Valentine's Day apron from Hell! Mr. Mime was too oblivious to care, and happily tore his old green apron off and slipped his new outfit on. Meanwhile, Ash, Brock, and even Pikachu nearly doubled over in laughter at how undeniably ridiculous the Pokemon looked.

"How embarrassing," Ash giggled under his breath, loud enough just for Brock to hear.

Brock had to bite his lip as to not rudely laugh. "Well, you know what they say..." he whispered back, watching as Mr. Mime started sweeping towards the kitchen, looking more like a pink fairy princess than a housekeeper. "...'It takes a real man to wear pink,' though in Mr. Mime's case, I guess he'd be a real 'Pokemon'."

"Oh, and speaking of precious, take a look at this!" Delia gushed, grabbing the boys' attentions away from Ms./Mr. Mime back to Delia's next treasure, Pikachu "chaa"ing at it in admiration. The item Delia held was just about the mouse's size; a plush Pokemon rendering of a Wigglytuff. Though real Wigglytuff were bigger, Pikachu liked the Pokemon toy, especially its cute blue eyes. "Isn't it adorable? Professor Oak said it looks just like a real Wigglytuff!" I just hope Sam's glasses didn't fail him THIS time. Delia never saw a real Wigglytuff, so she hoped she was not making a fool out of herself by messing up another Pokemon name.

But Delia was right, as was Professor Oak. The Wigglytuff doll did look just like the real Pokemon, only a few inches smaller. In fact, for a moment, Ash and Brock shivered since their past memories of Wigglytuff were rather unpleasant, considering the prima donna one back from Pokemon In Love, and Harley's super-creepy Wigglytuff. Plus, their past Jigglypuff encounters did not ease them. But thankfully, the Wigglytuff Delia found was a doll, and yes, it was cute.

" is cute, Mom," Ash replied, Pikachu nodding in agreement as it sat on top of its trainer's lap, admiring the Wigglytuff toy. Even the mouse wasamazed how today's designers could make toys to look just like the real creatures.

"Oh, you really think so, sweetie?" Delia asked excitedly, her eyes glistening with joy as she then held out the pink Wigglytuff plush. "Because I got it for you!"

Thank God Brock's reflexes were quick, because his hand flew to his mouth just in time before he burst out into hysterics. He nearly had to bite his tongue off to prevent himself from laughing, though muffled snorts and chuckles were evident. Pikachu was not so lucky, as it rolled off its master's lap in an unstoppable fit of giggles, rolling down the length of the couch and accidently bumping into Brock.

Everyone on the sofa was laughing, except Ash. It was amazing how in one split second his mom could innocently impose a lifetime of humiliation on his shoulders. The Wigglytuff was not looking so cute and appealing anymore. The thing's fake blue eyes practically glared at him and its artificial smile was practically an amused grin. Ash did not want to look at it anymore. "Mooom!" he whined loudly in embarrassment, figuring his face was at least ten shades of red at the moment. Brock and Pikachu's poorly hidden laughs were not helping, either.

Delia did not seem to see what the big deal was. Shrugging, she smiled back at the cute Wigglytuff doll. "Oh, and listen! Listen!" she encouraged, shaking the toy so they could hear whatever sound she was referring to. "Isn't it sweet?" she cooed, closing her eyes blissfully as a sound emanated from inside the shaken Wigglytuff, the lovely, harmonious chime of a...


Brock could not take it anymore. "Ex-cuse me...I need...t-to use your...bathroom...!" he barely managed to say the last word without bursting into hysteria. He did not mean to be rude but this was PRICELESS!! Of course, for Mrs. Ketchum's sake, Brock still wanted to keep some level of modesty, and took his hysterics to the bathroom. Not that the bathroom did anything to hide his laughter, since the place echoed and only amplified his laughs. Pikachu decided to seek refuge upstairs, trying to remain modest but laughing just as badly.

It was official; Ash was not going to hear the end of this until he died. Just when he thought Delia could not embarrass him enough, she just had to point out that the Wigglytuff doll...was a freakin' baby toy! "MOOOM!!" he exclaimed, burying his red face into his hands, praying when he looked back up, the Wigglytuff from Hell would be gone. Mr. Mime's valentine princess apron had nothing on this! "Why would you buy me something like that?!"

Delia blinked, setting the Wigglytuff toy on the coffee table by the Milotic mirror, a tad surprised by her son's reaction. "But honey..." she said gently, patting the Wigglytuff's head. "...I figured you'd be happy. After what happened to your old one-"

There was a loud howl of laughter roaring from the bathroom, followed by the thud of a teenager hitting the floor and rolling around hysterically. Brock was not even trying to be discreet this time...he doubted he could if he tried! THIS IS PRICELESS!! Ooh hooo hoo!

This moment could not get anymore embarrassing...could it? Ash was not willing to find out. Did she ever think there was a REASON something happened to the old one?! Oh my God! THIS is embarrassing! Ash was starting to miss Delia's 'you-know-what' comments. Just wait till' Brock tells everyone else! Ash was going to have to do some serious sucking-up if he had any hopes of this not reaching the ten o'clock news!

"Oh baby..." Delia said gently, getting up from her kneeling position and sitting next to her embarrassed son, who still did not dare look up in fear that the wiggly demon would still be staring at him. "...I just wanted to make you happy," she spoke honestly, stealing a look back at the Wigglytuff doll on the table. "You were so upset when you lost your old one."

Ash was going to be very surprised if Brock did not pass out in his bathroom due to hysterically laughing. Then again, Ash was going to be very surprised if he, himself, did not pass out from embarrassment. There was a reason something happened to the old Wigglytuff doll. Ash said he conveniently 'forgot' it in the woods one day, and then came home and pretended to be upset. Unbeknownst to Delia, he chucked the pink nightmare into the Gyarados and Magikarp river, especially after Gary found it one day. Miraculously, Ash managed to lead Gary to believe it was Delia's, but that was way too close for Ash's comfort. He was not about to become a laughing stock due to some Wigglytuff toy, though Ash was not stupid enough to believe Brock would let him live this down! This new Wigglytuff's gonna' get fed to the Gyarados, and maybe even BROCK if he doesn't keep his damn mouth SHUT!!

"I hope you like it, Ash," Delia hesitantly added, reaching out for the Wigglytuff toy and then placing it next to her son. Ash's skin crawled as he felt the toy's plush fur against his side, thinking No, I DON'T like it, Mom! Oh God...I've never been so embarrassed!

But he was not about to say that to Delia. Embarrassing or not, Ash had to remind himself that Mother's Day was just two days away. Plus, Delia was only thinking of him. The end result was horrible, but the intentions were pure. But still, Ash thought. Couldn't she have gotten me a, say, Tyranitar toy, a Charizard...PIKACHU?! Something that doesn't practically scream...GIRL?!

But what else could he do? Mother's Day was coming up, and Ash could always dispose of the Wigglytuff monstrosity at a later date. And as long as a certain Pokemon Breeder keeps quiet, along with a certain electric mouse...I should be fine! With as much dignity as he could muster (he really did not have much after the Wigglytuff scenario, so it did not take him long to muster any), Ash raised his head from his hands, putting on a small smile for Delia. His face was still flushed with embarrassment but he was trying to make her happy. I guess it IS the thought that counts. Keep telling yourself that.

"Thanks Mom," Ash replied, nowhere near as jubilantly as Delia had hoped, but pleasant, nonetheless. Ash knew his response did not overly satisfy her, so he added in an appreciative hug, 'accidently' knocking the Wigglytuff out of the way to embrace his mother, the horrid toy rattling in protest. Ash wanted to kick the damned thing under the sofa before Brock returned, but that would have been a tad obvious for Delia.

For what it was worth, Delia was pleased. Presents or not, she was just happy her son was home. Holidays were lonely and often lost their glow when Ash was away. Granted, Professor Oak and Tracey often visited to keep her company but there was nothing quite like having her son back home.

After they parted, Brock returned to the living room, his face red from his hysterics but wearing a much more composed look. He still could not help but grin when he laid his eyes back on Ash, the boy shooting a 'blab-and-you-die' look right back at Brock. While Delia got back up and returned to her flea market bags, Brock returned to his seat next to Ash.

"Uh, Brock..." Ash started, narrowing his brown eyes at his clearly amused friend. "...Didn't you say you'd better get going?" God only knew what else Delia had in those bags; perhaps more weapons to destroy whatever pride and dignity Ash had left.

Ash was right. It was getting late, but frankly, Brock was rather interested to see what other gems Mrs. Ketchum had hidden in the brown bags. If she pulls out another baby toy or one of those valentine aprons in ASH'S size I will simply die! But Brock figured it would be best to take his leave. He really was in no position to laugh, since Lola once got him some repulsive octopus-something-or-another toy for Brock. It did not help that she gave it to him right in front of his friends, too, which totally embarrassed the hell out of Brock. Something 'unfortunate' happened to that 'gift,' too, but Ash would most certainly resurrect the topic if Brock dared speak the words 'Wigglytuff' or 'rattle' in the future.

"Yeah..." Brock relented, getting up from his seat and checking his watch again. The Wigglytuff ordeal, as hilarious as it was, did take a good chunk out of Brock's traveling time. He was going to have to definitely keep a steady pace if he wanted to get to Pewter in time. I guess that means I won't have time to say hi to Nurse Joy in Viridian City when I pass through. Dammit! "I really should be going."

"Oh..." Delia started, getting to her feet as well. "You're more than welcomed to stay here, Brock."

"I know," smiled Brock. "And thanks, but my mom's expecting me for Mother's Day, too."

"Well, I won't stop you," Delia returned the smile, impressed at how all the kids seemed to specifically be taking time off from their journeys for Mother's Day. It's so sweet. "But it is a long walk to Pewter City," she noted, a bit worriedly. "Why don't I make you some sandwiches? You'll need your strength, after all."

"Mrs. Ketchum, that's not necessary-" Brock reassured, barely finishing his sentence when Delia headed for the kitchen to whip up the said sandwiches. He doubted he would have much time to eat, anyway.

"Of course it is!" Delia insisted firmly, turning around back to give the teenager a stern, maternal look. "I consider Ash's friends like my own children and I don't want you collapsing or getting sick from malnutrition!"

"Oh don't worry, I'll be fine-" Brock sweatdropped, trying to reason with her, but it was not working. Delia had already disappeared into the kitchen, resonating sounds of her and Mr. Mime getting to work on Brock's sandwiches.

Ash giggled, relieved to see the awkward light had been taken off of him for the moment. Smirking back to his eldest friend, Ash chuckled. "She's not gonna' stop, Brock, so you'd better run for it if you have any intentions of getting to Pewter before dark."

"I heard that!" Delia playfully barked from the kitchen doorway, making her mischievous son giggle.

Ash was right, and Brock was running out of time. "Uh, thank you anyway, Mrs. Ketchum, but I really have to be going," he called back out to her, not wanting to be rude but knowing Lola was going to throw a nervous fit if her own 'little boy' did not come home on time. Jeez...Moms are all the same, aren't they? Brock could just imagine what 'homecoming gifts' Lola had in store for him! Heading for the door, Brock made his departure. "Nice to see you again, Mrs. Ketchum!" he called back out to her, shooting a grin right back at Ash. "Enjoy Wigglytuff, Ash."

"Shut up, Brock," Ash shot back, narrowing his brown eyes at the teen. "If you know what's good for you, this never happened!"

Brock chuckled, grinning like a madman. "Oh, lighten up, Ash. I won't tell," he reassured, though both he and Ash knew 'blackmail' was written all over this fiasco. "Look on the bright side; if it takes a real man to wear pink, it must take a saint to be able to deal with a Wigglytuff toy...rattle and all!"

"You're gonna' be joining the saints if you don't shut your damn mouth!" Ash murmured threateningly.

"What was that I just heard, Ash Ketchum?!" Delia barked from the kitchen, making Ash sink down into his seat over his language. Brock knew that was his cue to leave, and did just that, bidding the Ketchums farewell once again and heading off for his hometown.

Delia stomped into the living room a second after Brock left, frowning at the teen's leaving without her sandwiches. However, she was more displeased due to what she just heard come out of her son's mouth. Placing her hands on her hips, Delia put on that maternal glare, digging right into Ash. "What did you just say, young man?"

Ash knew he was going to be in even deeper trouble if he did not think fast. Getting Delia on his case like this was never in Ash's best interest. Spying the horrid Wigglytuff laying on the floor, he seized it and mustered every once of courage he had to hug it, putting on the most pitiful look for his mother. "I love you, Mom."

It did not work, of course, but it was worth a shot. "Nice try," Delia said, narrowing her brown eyes as her son cracked a playful, boyish smirk. Frankly, Delia missed these types of days. Having Ash home for a little while was the best Mother's Day gift she could have asked for...and Mother's Day was still two days away! She really could not stay mad at him, nor keep a smile off her lips. "You little rascal."

To Be Continued

A/N: I love to torment Ash, don't I (*inserts evil laugh*)? Anyway, this story is going to have its share of humor and drama, and few dabs of Eldershipping later on (not much, but a little). This story is dominantly about Ash and Delia, anyway, meant to spotlight their cute mother-son relationship. More cuteness, and Sato-Chan humiliation (^_^), is ahead.

Feel free to review (or I will set the evil Wigglytuff plushie after you).