Disclaimer: Not Mine!

Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed!

After arriving back at Hogwarts, Minerva headed to the Gryffindor Common Room to find Harry and to ask him if he would like to stay with her at Hogwarts that summer.

"Mr. Potter, please come with me," she said, leading Harry out of the room and into her office. "Harry, would you like to spend your summer holiday with me this year? I will be staying at Hogwarts and the Headmaster has given me permission to let you stay here with me in my private quarters."

"Of course I would love to stay with you, but… is it possible for me to visit the Weasleys' at some point?"

"Yes you can, as long as Molly agrees, which I am sure she will."

"Great!" Harry exclaimed and tentatively gave her a hug. Minerva embraced the boy and could feel the happiness radiating from him.

"Oh, and Harry, Professor Dumbledore has given me permission to bring you to McGonagall Manor, as every member of the McGonagall family has had to go there right after they are born or adopted. We are going this weekend, and you can bring some of your summer things there later as we might stay there a bit over the summer."

They spent some time in the more comfortable room adjoined to her office and discussed nothing much, just how Harry was doing in school, his homework, and other such things. Harry immediately accepted his new mother's offer to help him with his homework. Then Minerva decided to test Harry's magic level, as she remembered that Harry had been proclaimed to be extremely powerful. Harry had not done any magic since his outburst at the headmaster and his change of his mother's appearance and therefore did not know how much his magical power had changed.

"Try a simple spell first, Harry."

"Lumos" Harry said, waving his wand.

There was a crack and his wand exploded while the room lit up brighter than natural light could.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore had been walking towards Minerva's office, to ask her if she would like to play chess. When he heard the loud noise coming from her office, he broke into a run, fearing that she had been injured. When he entered the room, he saw Minerva sitting next to Harry, both with a stunned expression on their face, with fragments of wood on the floor, and Harry holding a phoenix's feather that looked like it was from Fawkes.

"What happened?" Dumbledore anxiously asked.

"I wanted to test Harry's magical abilities so I told him to cast a simple spell and he used lumos. Then, his wand burst at the same time that the room lit up really bright, but it has dimmed down again. I don't know what happened and judging from Harry's expression, he doesn't either."

"Professor, that has never happened before, I didn't put any extra energy into it either."

Dumbledore guessed "I think that you had too much power and using a wand magnified it too much, causing it to explode. Can you just try casting a lumos spell now?"

"But I don't have a wand, so how do I do that?" Harry asked.

"Just curl your finger and focus on the spell."

Harry curled his forefinger, while focusing on creating a ball of light in front of him. A globe of light appeared, one that glowed silver and gold.

"Impressive, and wordless, too." Minerva was shocked by this display in power. After all, she was not able to cast wandless spells until she started Auror training and it had taken her months to get a simple lumos spell.

"Harry," Dumbledore started, "I am going to start giving you lessons on how to use your newly found powers and test you for other powers too. Why don't you and Professor McGonagall come down to my office tomorrow after dinner?"