"I'm back here?"

She looked around and saw her Spirit Guide leaning against a wall. "It seems so, Ms Stickler."

"But I was just down on Earth. Why am I- Wait! You sent me back up here, didn't you?!"

He nodded.

"But…that's not fair! THAT'S NOT FAIR!! I wasn't finished, yet! How DARE you DO this to me! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Stacy repeated those words as her fists constantly hit the man's chest letting all her anger and frustration of the situation out. At one point she started sobbing. "It's not fair…"

"I'm sorry, Stacy, but time ran out. I gave you an extra length of time to let you take care of what you needed to." She sobbed harder. "It seems like it paid off in the long run, though."

And then stopped completely. "…What?"

"I have good news. You're able to return to Earth."

A huge smile appeared on Stacy Stickler's face at that moment. "WHAT?! REALLY?! OOH THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU!!! You have NO idea how much this means to me!!"

"Ms Stickler!" He tried breaking free from the overly-excited girl's embrace. "That's not all the details! You're able to return to Earth, but not in human form!"

Stacy finally let go and looked up at him.

"You'll be returning as a spirit. A sort of, 'Guardian Angel'."


"It seems like you have some unfinished business that needs attending to."

" 'Unfinished…' I don't understand."

"It means," He knelt in front of her. "When someone dies and has a goal that never got achieved, their soul remains in limbo on Earth until they're able to find the answer."

That left Stacy even more confused. "But…what do I need to get accomplished?"

"Unfortunately I can't tell you that. You have to find out on your own."

She sadly looked at her feet. Figuring that she wasn't going to get an answer, Stacy thought on. "So I'm gonna be a Guardian Angel, huh? Cool! But…for who?"

He gently ruffled her hair. "You'll find out soon enough."

"Is there a time limit for this, too?"

"With this, you're given enough time as you need to take care of it."

"Well THAT'S a relief!" She sighed. "When do I start?"

"When you are ready."

Stacy looked over to the side and thought about what to do. At one point, her eyes trailed over to her Guide who gave her a comforting smile. "Just one more question."


"What…what happens after I find what I'm searching for?"

"You'll be sent back here, officially becoming an angel."

"Be sent back here…" She bit her lip. "Well, I guess I won't know what will happen until I do it!"

"What are your thoughts?"

"I think," Looking up at the Spirit, a strong will of confidence spread her face. "Let's do it!"


Two eyes opened after a peaceful sleep and saw a figure in front of it. The figure had a solid, yet not completely whole figure. Something like a ghost. But it wasn't threatening. It seemed…rather familiar…

The ghost like figure opened it's eyes and looked over at what was at her. Her face met with a nose sniffing curiously. That nose belonged to what was probably the only nose that the young spirit-girl knew of. The Stickler family's pet wiener-dog, Frank.