A/N: This is just a story that came to me and I just had to post it. Depending on the reviews I might keep this a ONE SHOT. So if you would like more to this story just review. I have another story in progress titled Help. For all those waiting for more of Help I am writing more and Chapter 5 is in progress.

Much Love,

Eternal Reader


I just sat there on the end of my large bed just looking at the blank wall. My room was huge I hade a walk in closet filled with close that Heidi got me. She reminded me of Alice so much. Shopping was all she could think of.

I was now part of the powerful Volturi and as they put it I was the most powerful. I could copy any vampire's special ability and use it when I wanted. Then I also had one that I recently discovered but never told Aro. I could use and give human traits. Sleeping, Crying, Blushing, and probably some more but I didn't want to test them that much, I wanted to keep this a secret.

I have been a vampire for 6 years. One year after he left me. Victoria came back for revenge. She was going to kill me, but saw that I didn't care if I died so she changed me. I simply went missing to everyone in my old life.

I could here foot steps coming down the hall to my room and soon enough there was a small knock.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Aro would like to see you." Jane said coming to site next to me.

"What does he want." I asked. To him I was like a daughter.

"He says we have special guest and would like you to be there when they arrive." She said. Jane wasn't that bad we weren't Best Friends but we weren't enemies.

I sighed. "Okay tell him I will be there in a little bit."

"Okay" she said walking out of my room.

I didn't want to look like a depressed freak in my sweats and t-shirt.

So I went into my closet and groaned. There was so much clothing it was crazy. I through on the first think I saw. A nice simple sweater dress with some black flats. I combed through my hair and left it down.

I slowly walked to the throne room or what ever you wanted to call it. Then the smell hit me just as I got to the door. I knew that smell.

I opened the door and there stood the Cullen's. I could feel the anger building up. How could Aro do this? He knew how I felt. He didn't even warn me.

I turned to my so called father. "Aro what the Hell." I hissed at him.


I couldn't stand it I wanted my Bella. I wanted to stay in my room, but Carlisle had insisted that I come with them to visit his beloved friends. So I tagged along just to make him happy. I blocked every one out. I didn't care what I looked like to them. I probably looked like hell.

I was just standing there by my family when a smell hit me. It smelt like Bella, but she was dead. Alice saw it?

Then the door swung open and there was Bella. I turned to look at Alice.

Edward, I thought she was dead. I saw her die.

I looked back to Bella but she had turned to Aro.

"Aro what the Hell!" she hissed at him. I could see the anger building up in her.

"Now, now Bella lets stay calm. You know how to welcome guests." He replied with a calm expression.


"Now, now Bella lets stay calm. You know how to welcome guests." He replied with a calm expression.

"You want me to stay calm? Ha that's Funny" she yelled at him.

"You are no farther to me." I screamed at him.

I felt a wave of calmness come over me but I didn't work. I turned to Jasper.

"Don't you dare use your power on me. You do not know what I can do." I hissed.

"Bella, how is this possible. I saw you die. We went to rescue you but you weren't there." Alice's voice was just a whisper. If she could cry she would have been, so I decided to test my power on someone else. Tears started to stream down her face. Her eyes grew wide as she wiped the away.

"H…How is this possible?" she asked. Jasper had put his hand around her waist. Kissing her forehead.

"Yeah that would be me. I can give human traits." I said. Aro just stared in shock. Then I cut the human trait I was giving her. She whipped away the wrest if the tears and ran to hug me. I just stood there tense.


She just stood there as Alice ran to hug her. She kept her hands to her side; she stayed tense.

"Bella why don't you show the Cullen's there rooms for the next couple of weeks." Aro said. "We will discuss your new power later." He added.

She turned around out of Alice's arms and glared at him.

"We will not discuss anything." She hissed as she started towards the door.

"Follow me" she added over her shoulder. We all followed her in silence until we were out of the throne room.


As we walked down the halls in silence I could feel the stairs on my back. Suddenly Alice was right beside me. "How…?" she asked.

I came to a sudden stop. I couldn't show them how much pain I was in. So I put on a poker face. "Victoria" was all I said.

I continued to walk leading them down the hall. The worst part was there rooms were all near my room and I was going to have to share mine with someone. I didn't want to separate anyone so Edward was going to have to share a room with me.

"Alice and Jasper you can take the one across from mine."

"Rose and Emmet you can take the one on the left of mine."

"Carlisle and Esme you can take either one next to Alice's and jasper's."

I turned to Edward. "You are will have to share a room with me for me now. If you really don't want to then I can have Jane find a room for you."

"No I will be fine with you." Was all he said.

"Okay well if you need anything let me know." I said to everyone else plainly.

I turned to open my door with Edward behind me. When I opened my door I saw Heidi on the bed with tons of shopping bags.

"Bella i…." she hopped up off me bed but saw Edward and the let her sentence trail off.

"Heidi, I have enough clothes. I don't need any more." I said annoyed.

"Well we can talk about this later I will just through these in your closet." She said with a huge grin.

"No just leave them" I hissed at her as she walked out.

I stood there for a couple of minutes looking at all the bags on my bed.

"Bella…" I heard from behind me. This was the first time Edward had said my name since he arrived here.


She just stood there looking at all the stuff on her bed. I could tell my poor Bella was hurt and upset. I had to have her back I needed to be able to wrap her in my arms again and kiss here, make her feel better.

"Bella.." I began to say.

She turned around to look at me for the first time in seven years.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I never stopped loving you." I just had to get that out. She had to know how I felt.

"I still Love you. I only wanted you to have a nor mal life without being in constant danger" I continued to talk.

He eyes grew softer. I couldn't take in any longer I ran up to her and kissed her. She didn't push me back and in that moment I knew she still loved me.


Edward just ran up to me and kissed me. I was positive that he knew I still loved him. He slowly and reluctantly pulled away looking into my eyes. He pulled me into his arms laying me head on his chest; he could see through me. He knew I was upset, hurt, confused and scared. Even though it has been six years this life was still new to me.

"Bella.. I am so sorry. I need you." He whispered to me.

"I need you to." I said without hesitation.

A/N: Sorry if there were any typos or grammar errors. This was all done in one night. Remember if you want more to this story then review. At the moment this is a One Shot story but I do have more ideas for this story.

Much Love,

Eternal Reader