This is based on an ALMOST true story. Hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Mai-Hime/Mai-Otome character. And I dont own RF Online either..
"Duran, go ahead to the wasted cave and see if there are booby traps there."
"Roger that!"
"The rest of you, be sure that all of you have parties and follow my command"
Natsuki applied her "hide" buff as she checked the said cave for possible booby traps that has been set up by the opposing race, specifically by the Accrecians. She searched every nook and cranny making sure that all is safe. As she reached the back of the cave which leads to the Accrecian Chip, she wasn't surprised to see a sea full of booby traps. Red arrows denoting that a bomb was there (thanks to her trap detect buff) were just lining up endlessly. One bomb could kill anyone who stepped on it, let alone a whole bunch of them. She could trigger them one by one but that would take her too long.
"Got problems Natsuki?" Mai asked from her computer. She was having a good time joking around with her fellow guildmates when she heard a sigh coming from her best friend.
Natsuki scrunched up her face in irritation. She was slightly annoyed at how one race could overdo putting bombs in one area. "Accrecians are at it again, I can't defuse all of this!"
The orange haired girl stood up from her seat and walked up behind Natsuki. Looking at her monitor, the opposing race indeed had a great time decorating the entire area with bombs. Smiling, she went back to her place and controlled her character again. Mai's in-game character was a Rider. One who rides robot like vehicles, the MAUs and was the pride of their race, the Bellato. Mai maneuvered her Red MAU inside the cave towards Natsuki's location.
"Natsuki, could you stand up from your seat for a while so I could see where the bombs are"
Shrugging her shoulders, she stood up, giving way for Mai while she looked over her best friend's monitor. Mai's Red Mau, plowed through the area, triggering all the bombs along the way. Since her vehicle have 300,000 hitpoints and have a very high defense, she managed to blow all the bombs with just about 1/10 of damage taken.
"Cool" Natsuk said, giving her friend a tap on the back before returning to her seat.
"Now plant your own bombs while I go back to the group and start the plan. PM me if you see any movements from the Accrecians. The Corites are our allies for today's Chip War, so no PKing the Corites okay?"
Natsuki gave her the thumbs up.
Mai, along with Natsuki are computer game addicts as we speak. Both of them spend most of their free time playing online games or chatting with friends (Mai mostly do the chatting while Natsuki does most of the gaming). Right now, both of them were hooked on one of the online games and were pouring their hearts out playing it. When I said pouring their hearts out, I mean it literally. Spending almost 12 hours of playing, stopping only to eat, take a leak or sleep a little during weekends. One could see dark rings starting to form under their eyes but none of them seem to care.
It was ten minutes into the Chip War and the Bellatos found themselves pushing towards the Accrecian Chip with the help of the Corites. Natsuki was busy planting bombs by the wasted cave while Mai and her fellow Riders were leading the pack. Together with the race leader, Midori aka Gokutenou they managed to reach the chip and were able to push the Accrecians back.
"All MAUs and footies, hug the chip! Mages kill the stc's! Saboteurs and Harriers go plant booby traps near the Accrecians crag portal but watch out for the towers!" Midori shouted at the race chat.
Everyone was busy doing their jobs; Natsuki was partied with her fellow Saboteurs and was currently planting bombs with a character named MyNeedleIsSharper who also was the Bellato's consul. After surrounding the enemy's port with booby traps, Natsuki went back to the chip to help break it. Upon going back, she was being chased by one of the Accrecians and had no choice but to run towards the Corites side.
"Please don't let them kill me" Natsuki prayed to herself as she let her character run towards the corites. As she neared them, the Cora's race leader immediately intercepted and applied debuffs on the pursuing Accrecian. The said Cora killed the Accrecian with ease (which was a 1 hit kill) and was back at doing DPS at the enemy's chip. Natsuki was slightly surprised but still manage to bow towards the Cora as a sign of courtesy.
The Chip War was won by the Bellato's thanks to the help of the Corites. Mai and Natsuki were now back at the Bellato HQ. Mai was complaining at how expensive it was to have her MAU repaired after every CW. The cobalt blue haired girl just restocked her potions and arrows before heading out to the desert. Some lowbie was shouting that some Accrecians were raiding the Bellato portal at Sette desert and were having difficulty on doing their quests. A Saboteur is not a killer type of character. It's more of a support type thus making it not suitable on repelling raiders. But that doesn't stop Natsuki from repelling. She was bored out of her mind and she needs some action. Some of her fellow guildmates and Mai (who half-heartedly agreed on going) were able to kill all the pesky raiders while Natsuki was still chasing one who got away. She ended up going towards the Corites side of the desert. The Corites race leader, once again, happen to be on the site, killed the said Accrecian with ease. Natsuki stopped on her tracks as she was now face to face with the Corite.
"Oh fuck" she cursed to herself as she was pretty sure that the Corite is going to kill her, it wasn't the Chip War and they weren't allies for now. Somehow she couldn't click her hide buff and just run away. She just closed her eyes and waited for the other race to kill her.
To her surprise, the said corite just bowed and sat in front of her.
The two characters just sat there for quite sometime, not saying a word (since they can't understand each other anyway). "Kiyohime" Natsuki read the corites name out loud.
"Yo! Whats up Natsuki?" Mai greeted while tapping Natsuki's shoulders. She moved closer and watched the monitor. "Oh it's Kiyohime"
Natsuki raised an eyebrow. "Do you know her?"
"Everyone knows Kiyohime Natsuki"
Her friend just stared at her. "I mean everyone who has an account at the RF boards knows Kiyo" Mai corrected herself.
"Well, as from what I read, "she" is a good tactician making "her" suitable for the position of being the Corites Archon. And I think she is level 54. One more and its cap level for her."
Natsuki turned her attention back to the monitor and stared at the character in front of her. "So, Is Kiyo a girl or a boy?
"Dunno, with all those threads about her, no one knows if she's a girl for real or some guy just using a girl character. Some say that maybe she's a guy coz she's just too good"
"Midori is our Archon and she's a girl" Natsuki pointed out.
The two glanced towards Midori's just a few computers away who was busy typing with her left hand while munching on a borito on the other. "Well Midori is an exception"
The bluenette nodded.
"And there's you"
The game I am referring to is RF Online "Rising Force". The game has three races. The Bellato: small dwarf like people. (They are cute! Period). The Corites or Cora: They pretty much look like elves. If you know Legolas from Lord of the Rings then you get the picture. The Accrecians: Robots. They look like Terminator without the flesh.
Natsuki's character is a Saboteur, one that specializes on planting booby traps. Range type.
Mai's character is a Rider, the only job who could ride the armored vehicles known as MAUs. They could either be range or melee but in Mai's case, she is a melee type.
Midori's character is a Berserker, a footman of bellato who inflicts heavy damage on the opponent.
Kiyohime's character is a Magus. A Magus is a type of a caster who has a higher magical damage than its counterpart, the Summoner. Summoners summon monster for its aid.
STC's are character like monsters that guard the chips.
DPS- damage per second.
PK-player kill
MAU- Massive Armoured Unid
Buff- this one is kind of hard to explain. This one is being applied to oneself for support like increasing your life or increasing your defenses and attack. Debuff is the opposite. It is meant to make the enemy's status bad. Like lowers it defense or entangle to prevent them from escaping.
Sette desert is a neutral place in the game where the three races could meet and kill each other or in Natsuki's case, stare at each other.
The three races can not understand each other in game. The words that the other race would be typing will turn out to be symbols to the other.
If you have questions please pm or post it. I want everyone to relate to the story as much as possible. ^_^