Neko: This is an old story I had up on quizilla for awhile before the stupid site messed it up... so after that I gave up on it but I'm trying to bring it back now only now I'm changing it a bit because of the new obsession with the Predator's. xD If I get a few thing's wrong please feel free to let me know. Go ahead and read!
Angel Of Death
It was friday afternoon and the school's would be out soon, it was the last class of the day as a young woman looked out the window of her classroom waiting for the bell to ring. Her head leaning in her hand as she stared at the skies. 'Wonder if Daddy will be home this week? I hope so I was plannin' on cookin' a great meal for us.' She thought to her self as a small smile made it's way to her pale lip's. Just then the bell rang and everyone hurried out the door, she fliped her long black hair out of her face and gathered her book's and left the room and went to her locker and started to unlock it. '5... 8... 10... 3... Click.' With that the lock opened and she removed it to put her book's and school suplies (sp?) into it. Before she could put her last book into her locker someone walking by slamed it shut and kept walking.
She sighed reopening it and placing the book inside and grabing her scetch pad, then closed and locked it. She walked down the crowded hall's and out the door's being pushed and shoved down the step's. When she reached the bottem of the step's, she fixed her white botten-up school shirt and her brown skirt. she taped her shoes on the ground before walking away from the three-story school. Her home was only a block or two away from there, good walking distence. As she walked she grabed the top of her school tie and pulled it down loosening it. 'Ugh, I hate school... Just hope I get to see Daddy.' Was the only thought that crossed her mind at the time.
She humed a little tune to herself as she walked down the crowed sidewalk as the people were rushing by sometime's knocking into her shoulder or almost pushing her down. She hated the city life she was once just a simple country farm girl how loved to tend to the various animal's that lived there. She was content with her life and her parent's seemed to be too, her father worked the land and took a small scientific job on the side for a little extra cash. Her mother worked with the animal's like her daughter Kayla. It was a nice life, right up untill her mother's death.
It's still fresh in Kayla's mind even though she was only twelve at the time she could still feel the fear of being muged by those evil men and the sound of gun shot's and her mother screaming and the smell, oh god the smell, it was aweful and sometime's she swore she could still smell the mud mixed in with the oddness of blood and trash. To this day Kayla still looks over her shoulder and jump's and trembles at the sound of gun shot's, she won't even go near a gun now and she wont go near an ally at night and is wary of them in the day. Even now as she pasted an ally she kept looking back to make she no one was behind her or in the ally.
The dark haried girl turned her head to the ally she was walking passed to see the trash can's moving. 'Some rat's or a racoon or somethin'..' She was going to keep walking but the slightest sound of a yelp like meow coming from the can's. She turned back to the can's walking over to them. Kneeling (sp) down and peering behind them only to be pounced on by a small shivering ball of fur, which got her off gaurd making her fall on her back. "Oof! What the... Oh... A kitten?" She stared at the little dirty fluff of fur, it was shivering and mewling timidly (sp?) at her. 'Poor thing must'a been left behind or lost it's momma..' She slowly and carefully started to pet the frightened animal. It flinched when she touched its head but didn't protest against it. Kayla smiled slightly to hear a soft purring sound come from the kitten.
Kayla slowly sat up and held up the kitten. "Well, 'cause'a my animal lovin' nature I can't just leave ya here alone. C'mon I'll take you home with me." She said to it and got up holding the kitten to her chest and picking up her droped book bag. As she head out of the ally she quickly turned back at an odd sound. 'What the hell was that?' She quickly shrugged it off and went on her way home. 'Just my imagenation I guess.' With that last thought she picked up her pace and turned the corner. Now only a block away the kitten started to hiss as they got close to one of the allies. "Easy kitty cat, there's nothin' to hiss 'bout." She said and patted its head softly gaining a low purring growl from it. She laughed and crossed the street after it was clear.
Kayla smiled as she aproched her home, it was a two story house with lush bushes and flower's all round the front and some of the side's. It was pure white with a brown roof and dark blue shutter's. It was the home her father bought after her mother passed away. It was nice and all and it was big too, but it couldn't replace her old home in the country. The city was so busy and it smelled of smoke and trash, not something she really cared for but it made her daddy happy and to her that's all the mattered.
Kayla walked up the path way to the enterce (sp?), it was a pretty big yard but it just wasn't big enough for a country girl used to huge acres of lush green grass and hourses everywhere. Kayla fumbled in her poket and got out her house key's and went inside. "Well, Home sweet home, I guess." Kayla took off her shoes with some difficulty so she droped her book bag and sliped them off a bit easier and walked to the bathroom. The kitten meowed at her and she laughed. "Well you're going to have a bath before we do anything else." She said and turned on the water in the bath so it was warm. She stoped up the tub with the plug leting it fill up a little. When it was full enough for the small kitten she shut off the water and carefully lowered the cat into the water.
"Easy, little kitty, it's just water it's not gonna hurt you." She said calmly at the kittens mewling and struggles to get out of the water. She picked up the wet cat and took the cup from the sink diped it under the water and poored it carefully over the protesting kitten. She took the shampoo bottle pooring it over the kittens back and rubing it into its fluffy fur. "There, there now. See this ain't so bad now is it?" She soothed the kitten by rubing behind its ear's and under its neck with the hand that held it, with the other hand she poored water over the suds and rubed its fur again and repeted (sp?) making sure all the soap washed out of its fur.
"There we go nice 'n clean now." She unpluged the tub and lifted the kitten out of the water, which made the kitten lach onto her chest trying to get dry and away from the water. "Easy little guy, you're getin' my school shirt wet." She said opening the closet door and pulling out a small towl just big enough for the small fur ball. She wraped up the kitten and rubed the towl on it's fur to dry it. "There, there. See ain't it better bein' nice 'n clean?" She said and she rubed her nose on the kittens nose and kissed its forhead. She left the bathroom and went into the livingroom siting down on the nice leather couch sighing heavily. She laied the cat on her lap and kept rubing the towl over its fur to dry it off.
"Once you're nice 'n dry I'll find you somethin' to eat and then get started on dinner for me and Daddy." She said softly scratching the kitten under its chin and smiling at the purr's from it. Deciding the kitten's fur was dry enough took it out of the towl and got up from the couch and went into the large kitchen. "I know we got some tuna in the cabinet." Kayla mumbled opening up the cabinet and rummaging through it until she found what she needed. "Ah ha! Here it is, Daddy loves his tuna." she said and pulled open a drawer and got the can opener. seting the kitten on the table she carefully opened the tuna and pulled off the lid.
"Okay, now I'll get ya a little bowl or somethin'." She said turning to the cabinet where the dishes were and pulled out the smallest plate she could find and turned back and giggled at the kitten already eating the tuna. "Haha, hungry little guy ain't ya?" She placed the plate next to the can and pulled the cat away from its food much to its protest, she picked up the can and droped what was left on the plate. Picking both the plate and the kitten up and then placing them on the floor, Kayla giggled as the kitten greedily attacked its food.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Kayla walked over to the wall phone a picked it up. "Falls residents," She said politely into the resiver (sp?) waiting for the voice on the other end.
"Hey Bumble Bee."
She smiled at her father's voice. "Daddy, hey, are ya comin' home soon?" Kayla stayed hopeful that her father would come home early. (sp?)
"I'm sorry honey, but I have to stay at work late tonight. Forgive me Bumble Bee."
Kayla inwardly sighed, "It's okay Daddy... I understand.. I forgive ya." Kayla listened to the sounds of voices on her father's end waiting quietly.
"I promise I'll make it up to you sweet heart. I love you my dear Kayla."
Kayla smiled slightly, "I love you too Daddy, becareful." Her father gave an 'I will' and they said their good night's and hung up their phones. Kayla let out a heavy sigh and watched as the kitten started cleaning itself and she ever so slugishly draged herself out of the kitchen and into the livingroom. Ploping down heavily onto the couch and sighing deeply and rubing her forhead. "Well my plan's were just shot to hell..." She mumbled and layed on the couch. She heard a low meow and looked down at the floor to see the kitten trying to climb up it. "Hey now, don't ruin the couch. Daddy would flip if he found claw mark's on it." She said picking up the small cat and placing it on her belly. It crawled onto her chest and nuzzled itself there making her laugh.
Now that she got a good look at the kitten it was fluffy and had white and black fur, the black was mostly on the top leaving it's belly white but its paw's where an odd tanish orange color. "Hmmm, you must be a calico cat then." She mumbled to her self as her eye's flutered (sp?) shut and she soon fell a sleep on the couch.
With her Father
The dark haired man placed his hand on an electronic pad which lit up and beeped three time's. "Welcome, Dr. Falls." A womans voice said and the doors slid open. He walked in and up to a blonde woman, she was wearing the same coat as he was only she was wearing a white dress under it that stoped just above her knee's. Her blonde hair was short and straight it went just an inch or so below her shoulders and her thin rimed glasses shined in the bright light of the lab. "Miss, Oneil. What did I have to stay in late for this time? If it's to gather data again I'm going home." He said somewhat glaring at the blode for calling him in and away from his Daughter.
"Christoper Falls. Nice to see you too." She said not looking up from her note pad and walking over to another door and Christoper followed close behind. "We have found something that we need you to examen." (sp?) she explained placing her hand on another pad as it lit up, "Welcome, Dr. Oneil" With that the door's opened up and they both walked in. "It's nothing we've ever seen before it's... It's other worldly." Christoper rised a brow looking at her. "And what am I to do? I'm only an anneliest (Sp?) for animal's and plant's maybe a few other thing's here and there but that's it." He said eyeing the way Oneil smiled and she looked over at him an odd look in her grayish blue eye's.
"That's what we need you for, to find out if it's an animal or something else." Just then they heard a crash and yelling in the room ahead of them and raced to the door. Oneil place her hand on the pad and it opened leting them in. "What's going on here?!" They looked on to see the gaurd's and some of the other scientist's trying to contain something that slashed out at them with it's tail? Then it got free and charged right at Christoper and Oneil. "Stand back!" Oneil pushed Chris out of the way and pulled out something that looked like a pen from her coat pocket and it extended into some kind of rod, Oneil jabed the rod at the attacking creacher and the sound of zaping electricity and the smell of something burning crashed over Christoper like a pooring rain. He looked at the creacher on the ground wriggling (sp?) and twiching as Oneil kept the zaper on it's neck and shouting order's at the gaurd's to take it back to the holding chamber.
The gaurd's draged it back to the holding chamber and locked it tight. "What in god's creation was that... THING?" Oneil looked at Christoper with a crooked (sp?) smile. "That, Dr. Falls is what we want you to find out." Christoper shook his head sighing and rubed the back of his neck walking over to the chamber. 'This is going to be a long night...'
9:45 Pm.
Kayla turned onto her side making the kitten fall next to her. mew it whined and cuddled up to her relaxed face. Kayla mumbled and opened her eyes slightly and pushed herself up tiredly and sat up and rubed her eyes. "Ugh, must'a fell asleep..." She slugishly got up from the couch and gathered the small fur ball up in her arms and went to the stair's to get to her room. Draging her feet on the hard wood floor of the hall and placing a lazy hand her the door nob of the first door she came to. She placed the kitten on the bed and it floped down on her pillow's and she walked to the hall bathroom just across the hall. She fliped the light on and went to the sink and turned on the water to luke warm and splashed her face in the refreshing water. The odd sound of claws on the wood came to Kayla's ear's and she grabed the towl on the rack next to the sink and wiped her face.
The scene in the mirror made her freeze in place and drop the towl in her hand's and onto the there behind her was some sort of beast or monster. It's black skin shining in the light of the bathroom it's mouth full of razer sharp teeth coated by the drool that oozed from it's mouth, it's sharp pointed tail waged around just waiting to stike at any moment.
"Oh.. my... God.." Kayla then screamed and ducked down as this thing swung it's tail around meant for her head but hit the mirror shattering it to peices. She raced out of the room and across the hall to her room and slamed it shut and locked it as the black monster pounded on it. "Jesus Christ! What the fuck is it?!" Kayla yelled out as she rushed to one part of her room and pulled out a small bag from a pile of discared bags and ran to her bed picking up the kitten and placing it in the bag. "Don't worry this bag was made to keep pet's safe." She said hurriedly as she made for the window, it was easy to climb down the rose ladder if you were careful of the thorn's. She unhitched the lock on the window and leaned over but stoped dead where she was. Two of those thing's were right under her window and to her bad luck saw her and started climbing up the wall!
"Fucking shit on fucking shingle!" She yelled and slamed her window shut and locked it, not like it would do any good she knew they would just break the glass and kill her once they got up to the window. The pounding and screeching of these monster's stressed Kayla out to the point of tear's knowing her death is only parted by wood and glass. Kayla hid the bag in the corner of the room to make sure the kitten would be safe in it's pet carrier, after that she grab her dagger off her dresser. It was mainly for show but if she was going to die she wasn't going to go without a fight. The sound of screeching outside her door was mixed with a roar and something sliceing through the air, but she didn't have time to worry about what it was since the monster's reached her window and broke through it and stood in front her waiting, watching...
Then, the one closest to her gave out a shrill cry and launched itself at her and she ducked and rolled to her right toward the door which might not have been the best idea to do 'cause when she did the door busted open and the other shiney black monster charged her. "C'mon mother fucker!!" She screamed as it landed on her knocking her on her back as it lashed out with it's claw's and tail. "Get the... Fuck off me!!" She used her leg's as best as she could and grabed at it's neck and turned the tables on it so she was the one pining it to the ground, which was ALOT harder then it seemed.
Out of the corner of her eye she could see that someone was fighting the other monster keeping it at bay. "This is so FUCKED UP!" Kayla said just before the wind was knocked out of her by this thing's tail and almost lost her footing at the same time. 'Damn this fucker is strong.' Then the tail hit her in the arm and when to move back to attack the other side. "No you don't!" She reached out and snagged the tail before it got to far away. Trying to hold the thing down by it's neck and trying to keep a good grip on it's tail was more difficult then she could have ever emagine! Then something in her mind clicked. As quickly as the thought came she acted and with as much strength and forse as she could muster, jamed the pointed part of it's tail under it's chin as far and as hard as she could which may have been a bit much seeing as it almost went through it's head! Then it thrashed and wiggled violently and tossed her off as it then shuttered and lay limp on the floor.
It's yellow blood oozed out of it's wound and it hissed and dissolved the floor from under it. Then the sould of clicking and low throaty growls pulled Kayla's stund gaze from the dead monster and up to the figure that towered over her. He must have been seven to eight feet tall large and broadly built with a silvery-gray sort of armor and mesh neting around his torso and odd shiney dreadlocks framed it's head and mask. Kayla scrambled back as she crouched down and looked her tilting his head making some kinda of clicking purring noise at her. "What the hell are ya?! What the hell are those thing's?! And why are ya'll even in my house?!" Kayla couldn't help but yell but soon regreted it when the thing in front of her roared and extended some hiddened blade's on it's wrist which made her slink back when he held them up to her neck.
Kayla whimpered against her will and tried to mutter out the word's that tried to hitch in her throat. "F-for-forgive me... I-I-I didn't know I-I was in t-the presence o-of s-s-s-such a ski-lled w-warrior like y-yerself..." She half whimpered out but he seemed to approve of what she said and lowered it's blade's from her neck. He purred and stood up looking down at her and tilting it's head again, almost seeming like he was waiting for her to get up, which she was but a sound cut her off. The sound of russling and meowing made Kayla snap her head over to where she had hid the kitten. She was going to go get it and check to make sure it was okay, but the big man beat her to it and was over to the corner in no time picking up the bag. "No, don't! Oh god, please be careful!" She shouted and raced over trying to take the bag from him as carefully and as quickly as she could but he held it up and out of her reach.
He roared at her again and she steped back holding up her hand's in a none threating way. "Easy big guy... I-I Just want the bag... Please?" She said as she held out her hand's for the bag hoping that maybe he understood what she wanted. He clicked and growled before bringing the bag down and messing with it and turning it in diffrent ways causing her to twich and reach out for it and succeeding in geting it which made him roar at her again. "Easy, easy... I'm goin' to show you what's inside, okay?" She said and unziped the bag and reached into it pulling out the furry animal.
"See? It's a kitten." She said holding up the cat so he could see it better in the dim light of the moon shining through her window. He tilted his head and reached up a clawed hand and touched the kittens soft furr. Their little moment of peace was short lived when they heard the screeching and clatter of glass being moved around on the hard wood floor. They turned and saw another one of those monster's there. "Damnit! Can't these thing's cut us any slack?!" She yelled placing the cat back into the bag and ziped it up and held it close to her side. The monster charged and the big guy delt with it quickly and disscared it's body to the side and turned to Kayla clicking and purring at her.
Somehow she got what he was trying to say and followed him out of her room and down the stair's as quickly as she could. "Where are we goin'?" She said outloud knowing full well he didn't understand her at all. He clicked at her as a responce only that didn't help her much as she tried to keep up with him and still holding the pet carrier close to her for the poor kitten's sake. Kayla let out a yelp as he turned and stooped down wraping his arm around her middle and halled her up over his shoulder and kept running almost making her drop the pet carrier. "Whaa! Damnit! I almost lost my cat! Put me down! I can run on my own! C'mon put me down!" She tried in vain to have him let go but it was useless to try so she gave up with barely a fight.
Neko: Okay I had to get this out of my system! I love the Yautja! So I made my own story, I think this is kinda long though sorry 'bout that! It was waaaaaaaaaaaaay longer then this so I had to down size it. Well R&R please!