~*~Authors Notes and Thanks~*~

*waves hello to everyone* Well it's finally over! I must say I really liked the way this story turned out. I'm sad to see it over. There was a time when I thought I wasn't going to finish it. I am so glad that I had the support of people here, and that I did. Anyways on to the thanks, what your all here for ;).

grrl gamer~ Thank you so much for being the first reviewer on this story! Its amazing to me how you stuck with me through the whole thing too. I'm glad that someone of your caliber of writing can appriciate my story. I love Innfatuated Souls!

Lisa ~ Thanks Loyd for being the only one of mine of my friends not attached to a computer who read this. Means a lot to me.

NaTaku ~ Hi! I'm glad you liked this story. I want you to know that you were a lot of the insperation for this. All of your wonderful Seiftis's

Jacks ~ *Huggles* *Glomps* Thanks for all of your reviews. You gave me a whole bunch right at the time when I was thinking about stopping this. Your reviews and support kept me writing. Your very majestic ;)

Dalpal ~ I dont want One More Day, I just want A day with Seifer ;). Heheh j/k. Thank you for all your reviews. I love that little =0.0= face, it always makes me smile.

Ifalna ~ My god, you write the most beautiful Seiftis's. Your lemons are tasteful, unlike some of the trash that is lying around here. It means a lot that you read this!! Thank you so much for reading!

Female Imposta Sephy ~ Thank you for sticking by me. Your reviews were always so nice and so encouraging. I looked forward to each and everyone. Hope to read more from you soon!

Saiyanbrat Thank you for all your reviews! Do you have an account? Your never signed in.. or else I would have reviewed something of yours!

Tiy ~ *is still hiding from the watermelon you treatened to throw at her in her last review* Hi! *peaks up over the computer moniter*

Jello Ink ~ Thanks for reading! I remember the first time I reviewed one of your stories it was sortta not nice. I'm, sorry :((. *huggles you* Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.

tigerlily35184 ~ Thanks for all the reviews! they were always so nice.

Emy ~ Hi. I honestly don't know if you ever finished this story. You said you don't normally review. But the fact that you took the time to review my story ment heaps to me. Seriously I read the review about 12 times, and I cried. It was so sweet. I hope that you do get to finish this.

Akira Aarons ~ Ah a new favorite author of mine. Your Seiftis is great! And wow! thanks for taking the time to read this story!

Glacial Phoenix Mystiara ~ :) Thank you for your reviews. They always make me smile and laugh. You are a great writer!

Quistis88 ~ You are wonderful for sticking by me through this entire story! Wow it make me feel so good to know that someone is reading! Thank you!

Sleeping Soul ~ It amazaed me to see that I am on your favorite authors list. It amazed me when you spent 2 hours to read this whole fic. I always thought that someone who is a good a writer as you are would ever notice me. Thank you so much for making my day and reading this.

seyenaidni ~ Thank you so much for reading! Your comments always make me laugh!

Diskord ~ You said this was original!!! that was what I was hopeing for!! I wanted to be orignial!! thank you so much for confirming that I was!!

Brazen Angel ~ OMG you MUST finish your fic soon! It is so good! Thank you! For reading that is! Your reviews were great!

My favorite reviews to read were the ones everyone left after Seifer said the fated "I know". Hehe thoose are great. Here are some of the best quotes from thoose.
grrl gamer ~ Argh! "I know!" Seifer's such a bastard!
Female Imposta Sephy ~ SEIFER THAT PUNK!! I cannot believe he said..."I know" I would have hit him if I were Quistis......GAW
Jacks ~ Seifer is being a bastard...unless he's got something planned. Once again...bastard...he should have said I love you too!!!!!!!!
seyenaidni ~ U STUPID SEIFER lol...he probably was like "SHIZ WAT DO I SAY"
Sleeping Soul ~ Seifer! You big stupid jerk! ::throws pencil at him:: Uh-oh, now he must face the wrath of Quisty...

Anyways thank you all so much for reading.

Well what do you think, does there need to be a sequal?
Yes, No? :) Let me know!