Hermione Granger's Stolen Treasure Part 4 by HPFangirl71

Hermione pushed Malfoy off her, the emboldened act catching him off guard. She got up off the bed and looked at him.

"I don't know what kind of game you think we're playing here Malfoy, but I didn't come here willingly! I only came here because of your threats and the fear that you might do something worse to me!"

Draco laughed at the Mudblood's defiance. Gods but if she didn't look gorgeous when she got angry! He wanted her and he would have her even if he had to take her by force. He wasn't going to let a little thing like her willingness get in the way of what he wanted.

"Getting a bit feisty now are we Granger? Could make for some interesting foreplay…"

Malfoy gave her an evil leering look before lunging at her. Hermione narrowly escaped, causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor. She tried running for the door but he was up too quickly, wand in hand.


Suddenly the door disappeared. Hermione stopped in shocked horror, turning herself around.

"I won't let you take me without a fight Malfoy." she said as she pulled out her wand to defend herself.

She whispered a spell, which Malfoy quickly dodged. He ran at her but she was ready this time, she was able to sidestep his maneuver. He let out a frustrated cry and then pointed his wand back at her. His Cruciatus spell barely missed her and she knew then that he wouldn't give up easily.

Hermione threw a tripping jinx Malfoy's way and he fell flat on his face. He got up sputtering obscenities and moved closer to her as he tried to use a body-binding curse on her. The only thing that saved her was a quickly muttered "Protego!" Malfoy lunged at her again, this time grabbing her wrist and pulling her down onto the ground. She pushed him away from her, able to regain her footing. He lunged at her and she kneed him in his family jewels, rendering him incapacitated for the moment. He quickly regained his composure and was now angrier than ever. She ran to the other side of the room.

"You little bitch!" he spat out at her as he chased her nearer to the bed.

Draco's face was red and he looked to be in a lot of pain. He was pissed off and she had nowhere left to run. Her options were few and none of them particularly good right now. Fear clouded her face as she watched him approach her and felt her wand fly out of her hand as he caught her off guard.

"Draco please…?" she begged.

He lunged at her, pinning her down upon the bed.

"I told you all this unpleasantness could've been avoided if you just played nice. You had to go and be all brave Gryffindor instead…" he screamed hatefully into her ear.

She felt tears rush to her eyes but she pushed them back, there was no way she'd give him the satisfaction. This wasn't her fault and she was tired of playing the victim.

"Go ahead Draco… do what you must! Just remember that this is your doing! I won't take the blame because none of this is my fault!"

"You keep telling yourself that Mudblood, if that's what makes you feel better. We both know you came here because you wanted this and soon you'll come crawling to me, begging for my touch because no one else will ever want you!" he said in a venomous tone.

Draco pointed his wand at her and muttered the word she dreaded most. As the full weight of the Cruciatus curse hit her, she screamed out in pain. He laughed a maniacal sort of laugh and she suddenly feared for her very life. She tried desperately to catch her breath as the curse released her but Draco wasn't about to let up. He had ripped her blouse open and was fondling roughly at her breasts.

Hermione gasped in horror as his groping became more aggressive. He grabbed her thighs and pulled them apart so he could settle himself between them. She felt his arousal grinding hard into her. She tried pushing him off but he was relentless. Draco pushed her skirt up around her waist, his eyes perusing her prim cotton undies.

"Trying hard to cling to the notion that you're virtue is still in tact?" he said tauntingly at her. "We both know that's a hopeless dream now don't we?"

His grin was evil and malicious as he ripped the underpants from her body forcefully. His eyes greedily drank in her exposed sex. He loosened his grip on her as he claimed her mouth within a searing kiss, which she resisted. He slapped her across the face, and then laughed in her face.

"Still think you're too good for me do you Granger?"

She cringed as another Cruciatus spell hit her. She felt the searing pain deep within her abdomen and involuntarily cried out. Her body felt like it was on fire, the burn searing her from head to foot. Tears sprang forth unbidden and she pleaded with him to stop the pain.

"You want me to stop Granger, then you have to play nice…" he said in a sinister voice.

She felt the pain within her every limb. She tried to be strong and resist him but his hold on her was too much for her to take. The use of dark magic against her had been unexpected and she finally succumbed.

"Please Draco… Please… I'll do what you ask, just make it stop." she finally cried out in between the spasms of unbearable pain.

He released her but she saw a glint within his eyes that told her that her pain was only beginning. His lips again captured her mouth in another rough kiss. This time she parted her lips to allow him full access, she didn't return his kiss but she also didn't resist him. He seemed pleased when he released her.

"That's more like it Granger. Now be a good little Gryffindor and remove your clothes for me." he said with a knowing smirk, his wand still aimed directly at her.

She felt the utter humiliation at having to give into his demands. Embarrassed, she removed the clothing she was still wearing, exposing her full nakedness to his hungry grey eyes. Instinctively her hands went up to cover her breasts modestly.

Draco's eyes suddenly clouded over with lust and needful desire. He let his fingers gently travel down her jaw, tracing a path down her throat and into the valley that dipped between her breasts. He pulled her hand away and then pulled her closer so he could capture her breast within his mouth. He sucked greedily as she lay there with her eyes closed tightly in shame and fear.

Draco lifted his head to look at her, to drink her vulnerable beauty. Her eyes opened for a moment and a smile crossed his face. Meant to reassure her it only frightened her more. His hand crawled up her thigh until it met her entrance. She quivered in fear but willingly parted her legs for him this time. He pushed several fingers into her and delighted at how her body tensed at his intrusion.

She was so wickedly tight and he knew that it was because he'd been the only one to fuck her. The only one to feel her body tightly wrapped around his cock and the dirty thoughts filled him with a feeling of heady power. As he removed his own clothing and entered her roughly, he held her tightly, bruising her purposefully. He wanted to mark her, to prove she truly belonged to him and only him…