Final chapter! Hurray!

Please enjoy!

Ami turned over in her sleep, trying to find Makoto to snuggle close for warmth but finding only an empty spot on the bed. She cracked open an eye, and then groaned as she sat up.

"Mako?" she called out groggily. Waking up a little, Ami decided to go searching for her.

It was a beautiful night, and so the first place Ami decided to look was outside. She stepped out onto the back porch, and paused, smiling gently to herself as she spotted the tall brunette sitting on the railing and leaning against a post, her back to the door and the moon shining down on her, making her seem to glow. One leg was hanging loosely on the other side of the railing, and the other was drawn up to her chest, her cheek resting on her knee as she looked up at the sky.

This was a rare sight for Ami, since Makoto never really seemed so relaxed and off-guard as she was at that moment, so she leaned against the house and watched her, taking in her friend's entire figure; the lean, muscular arms; the long, slender legs with powerful calves; her taunt, muscular back; her flowing auburn hair… Ami couldn't help but just stand there and admire her, butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her heart rate increasing.

She couldn't help but be in love with such a fabulous creature.

Then Makoto sighed and sat up, leaning up against the post and looking up at the ceiling.

"I wish she knew…" she whispered before sighing again and closing her eyes.

Ami frowned a little, and then shook it off, pushing away from the wall and walking up behind Makoto, slipping her arms around her and resting her head on the taller girl's shoulder.

"Ami? What are you doing up?"

"You were gone, so I came looking for you."

Makoto chuckled at the sleepy grumble, and swung her legs over the rail to stand up beside the water goddess.

"Well, you've found me. Would you like to go back to bed?"

"What were you thinking about?" Ami asked, looking up at her desperately. Makoto gaped, tensing a little. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about. Come on, let's go to bed," Makoto tried. Ami, however, had other ideas, and stepped away, turning and moving into the grass before she looked back at Makoto.

Makoto's breath caught in her chest as she looked at Ami. Her clothes and hair were a little disheveled from sleeping in them, and her head was tilted a little toward the moon, which shone just right on the petite young woman to envelope her in a soft blue-white light. Ami lips were turned slightly to be a cross between a frown and a pout. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her.

"I'll worry about it if I want to, Mako, because it bothers you, and I will always worry about you as well. Is it about Kari still? She's your friend, so it's understandable, but you shouldn't worry about hurting her if keeping her from that pain will only keep you from happiness."

"It's not about Kari. Not entirely," Makoto admitted, sitting on the steps and looking at her feet. "You see, I'm in love with someone else, and I think that person may have feelings for another person. I know how Kari feels, but unlike her I can't even tell the person I love how I feel about them. I guess, I'm jealous of her in that aspect, and because…"

Ami walked up to Makoto and smiled softly, cupping her hand to her cheek and forcing her to look her into the eyes.

"Maybe we should both just admit our feelings to the ones we love; just take the risk, Mako. It's worth it to even just get that off your chest, whether something comes from it or not."

They looked at each other for a few minutes, and then Makoto stood, pulling Ami to her feet. She put a hand on the smaller girl's hip and smiled shyly.

"I want to tell her so much what I've been hiding inside for years, that I'm in love with her with all of my heart and soul," Makoto started softly, "but I've always been too scared. There was and is no way she could love me, another girl."

Ami put a hand behind Makoto's neck and smiled strongly.

"I've been in love ever since I first saw her, surprisingly feeling competitive with a cat for her attentions, but not admitting to myself my feelings until the moment everything seemed so hopeless," Ami said, "but I still could not tell her, not even when it became apparent that we may have to deal with that sort of loss again."

Makoto chuckled and snaked an arm around Ami's waist.

"You look beautiful," she breathed.

"So do you," Ami returned.

"I love you, Ami."

"I love you, too, Mako."

With their feelings out in the open finally, their lips met in a confirmation of their feelings. Makoto held Ami close to her, and Ami let her fingers entangle themselves in Makoto's hair as she tilted her head slightly and deepened the kiss.

Soon, far too soon in their opinion, they pulled away and looked the other in the eyes with a happy little grin as they basked in the beginnings of their future together.

"Awwww!!" four voices cooed from the doorway, jolting the lovebirds from their moment to turn in the direction of the voices. Minako, Rei, Usagi, and Kari were standing there with sappy little grins and teary eyes.

Makoto released Ami, her smile turning into an evil grin.

"You guys…" she scowled.

"Um, now would be a great time to run," Kari suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Usagi agreed as Makoto cracked her knuckles.

"You know, I think that sounds like a plan," Minako stated, starting the chain of the four running as fast as possible through the house and out the front door.

Ami chuckled as Makoto took a deep calming breath and turned back to her.

"What's so funny?" Makoto asked, which caused Ami to break out into full on laughter, which made Makoto start to chuckle. Soon, they were both laughing, Ami leaning into Makoto, who was leaning against the house, to keep them both standing upright.

"You know, it would be our luck that they would have been spying on us, wouldn't it?" Ami asked as she settled down.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Makoto agreed, nodding a little. She looked down at Ami, who grinned up at her, and leaned in for another kiss. This time, they weren't interrupted, and it ended up in the bedroom…

To sleep, of course.

Okay, so now that this is over, I thought I'd explain what brought this story on.

I was mowing the yard, and randomly the question popped into my head - "What would happen if Makoto disappeared for a few days and the scouts ended up finding out she was staying with grandparents or something out in the country?"

Well, obviously it didn't turn out that way, but, well, that was what started it.

So when I finished mowing the yard, I turned on my computer and started typing the first chapter... Which led into the second...

This wasn't originally going to go past the first chapter if I couldn't get a nice fanbase, but well, it was a nice distraction and I enjoyed writing it so it continued...

And loe and behold- here it is!

I hope you enjoyed it. I'm leaving some loose ends open, just in case I decide to continue this later, so this may not be the end of this. I don't know. But right now I have a new project started, so if you want to read more of my writing, then go back to the top, click on my name, and go look at my stories. There's a one-shot that you should read, and then the multi-chapter story that is the follow-up of the one-shot.

Anyway, I guess this is "ciao" for now!