So this is my first trip into AH. It's also my first M-rating. There will be violence, language, and later on some sex. This first section is very short, but it's just a prologue to set the stage. Chapter one will take place 12 years earlier, but will catch up fairly quickly. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I do not own these character. SM does.
Prologue - What I Live For
So, here I am; belly down in the mud and muck that made up the floor of the Congo. Odds were some huge ass fucking snake was around and the mosquitoes were buzzing around me. I noticed some kind of colorful beetle crawl across my arm and scurry away.
My rifle was beside me but it would be saved for later. Tucked against my arm was my trusty k-bar. That would be my weapon of choice to start. We wanted to go in unknown for as long as possible.
Two weeks ago, two American aid workers went missing from a station about 80 kilometers from were we currently were. No one seemed to be able to figure out there exact names or any other relevant information. All we knew was that it was two females, one blonde and one brunette, approximately 25-30 years old. Intel had led us here, the most likely location that the woman were being held.
The men that held them were unpredictable at best. They weren't terrorists or soldiers. The were mercenaries hired by the hierarchy of the cocaine food chain. These girls either saw something or heard something to brings these guys on top of them. My question was why they were still even alive. Usually these guys just killed whoever witnessed something, so what was the game plan?
It didn't really matter right now. My job was to get the women out and make it to the rendezvous point about 65 kilometers west of here. A long trek, sure, but the closest safe landing point for the chopper. I just hoped that we weren't picking up two whining little pains in my ass. It would be much easier if they could move themselves without a shit load of drama.
Finally, it grew dark and the ran began to fall. I heard Emmett whisper in my ear over the com device. "Gecko to Humphrey and Vanquish; time to move in."
Then I heard Jasper. "Humphrey moving in."
That just left me. "Vanquish moving in," I said. As I belly crawled closer to the enemy camp, I let calm seep into my body. I turned off my emotions as I moved into position behind one of the perimeter guards. He was dead before he even knew I was there.
I felt nothing for him.
I was death.
I was a Green Beret.
My name was Captain Edward Cullen and taking down bad guys was what I lived for.
Are you intrigued? I hope so. Please review and let me know what you would like to see. I haven't flushed out all the details yet, so there is plenty of room for your input.