A/N: Thanks so much to The Usual Suspects (siouxchef, 4theluvofmary, algonquinrt, adorablecullens & tara), who always help me down from the ledge when I'm ready to give up on something. And to Nina, for giving me the chance to post this Smut Monday, which I greatly appreciate.

All copyright and trademarked items mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. The remaining content is all mine. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without my express written authorization.


I could hardly believe my luck; not only did the cute little hottie I had been flirting with for months at my local coffee joint pay for my press and bagel that morning, but my schedule for the day was packed. More than anything, I liked the busy days. Slow days just meant being bored and thinking about life a little too much.

My life was good, mind you, I just preferred to spend my time keeping busy instead of dwelling on the fact that I was a 32-year-old single lady with no prospects in sight. I guess I'd need to rethink that, what with Barista Boy hot on my heels. That wasn't exactly realistic though; he couldn't have been more than 25, and what would I do with a 25-year-old?

Oh, the things I could do with a 25-year-old.

"Doctor Swan?"

Just as well, no need to let that fantasy go too far in my head.

"Yes, Angela?"

My office in the back of the veterinary area had a door, but I rarely closed it. I only popped back there to check my email or make chart notes and do research. And goof off on Twitter.

"Your next appointment is ready."

And so the day went. I saw cats, dogs, lizards, and birds – this was a chain pet store, after all. I had lunch with Angela and was looking forward to a hot bath, a glass of scotch, and trash TV once I got home.

My last dog of the day was older and I wanted to recommend a special pet food, so I brought the owner out onto the store floor and showed her all the different options.

That was when I first spotted him.

He was somehow being led around the whole store by a small puppy, no more than six months old. A beautiful pup that looked to be a West Highland White Terrier on a brown leather leash. I giggled as I saw them, the dog's nails sliding across the floor in excitement and the tall drink of water being tugged behind him. He was rather well dressed for the pet store in his slacks, button-up dress shirt and tie, but maybe he was just coming from work.

"Doctor Bella? Dear? Hello?"

I felt a nudge and realized I was staring at said tall drink. I turned back to Mrs. Cope and finished telling her about the food for Mitzy.

"You should go introduce yourself, y'know. Ya aren't gettin' any younger," she said, wandering off. From any other patient it would have been an insult, but I loved Mrs. Cope and her near farm-level quantity of pets like a second mom.

She was right, though. I felt every day of my age and although I took good care of my body, there were some parts that had been woefully neglected lately. Those were the parts ruling my thoughts as I began to slowly walk toward the handsome man with the puppy.

The cute little pup turned and caught my eye as I got closer, tugging its owner in my general direction. I bent down and pet behind its ears.

"Who's a good boy?"

I heard a chuckle and looked up, catching a glimpse of the left hand holding the leash on my way. No ring shining back at me.

"What a beautiful Westie. Boy, right?" I smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't be one of those anal-retentive suit-wearing types that would be annoyed I was touching his precious pup.

"Yes, and thank you." He smiled back and I almost fell right on my ass at the warmth that radiated from his gaze. He had beautiful but tired bright green eyes.

He blushed and I looked back down at the dog who was nipping at my hands as I played with him.

"He's a feisty one." I ruffled the dog's fur a bit and he played back with me, enjoying the attention.

"Do you need help finding anything?" I tilted my head toward the dog toy aisle he had been browsing.

"I don't know, really." He shifted his weight and looked nervous. "I just got this damn dog, to be honest. I mean, like I just picked him up for my kids." He turned back to the aisle, running his finger along different toys.

I pointed him to a few options and explained the different benefits of them.

"How old are your children?" I was trying not to relay the whole of my disappointment, but even I could hear it seeping into my voice.

"Oh, six and eight."

His hand brushed mine as he took the toy I was holding and I cursed my terrible luck. I looked up and he was giving me sort of a half-smirk. I decided to distract myself, so I bent to talk to the dog and soak up the cute while I could.

"Little guy, which toy do you want to take home?" I fluffed his fur again and he resumed his playful antics with me.

"He seems to be having a great time with you."

It was my turn to laugh; did this guy really just imply that I was the toy the dog liked the most?

"Wives don't tend to take kindly to strange women coming home with their husbands, you know. Even if it is all for the sake of keeping the dog entertained." I couldn't help it; I winked at him at the end of my sentence.

"God, no, I'm not married." He shook his head as he spoke, eyes going wide. "Well, not anymore at least." Shit, Bella, now you made the hottie sad.

My eyebrows raised up in question.

"Divorced," he sighed. "She left me for another man. I thought Jake could help me with the kids. They always wanted a dog and she never let them have one; said they made too much of a mess. Now that I get them on weekends and once during the week, I thought it would be fun to have him around."

"Jake? Who names a dog Jake?" I looked at the Westie's face, "Are you a Jake?" My voice went into the baby talk I hated so much in others and I immediately chastised myself. You're in your thirties, and it's a dog, not a baby.

Jake rolled over, letting me pet his belly in slow strokes, and I kept my mindless babbling up for a few minutes. I even picked him up and cradled him in my arms. His mood had shifted from playful to complacent and docile.

"My son saw a photograph of him before I picked him up and wanted to name him after the American Dragon."

Complete and utter non-recognition crossed my face.

"The what?"

"Jake Long, American Dragon?" He paused, waiting for me to get it. "It's a cartoon. Do you have any children?"

My near hysterical laughter was enough of an answer for him, I suppose. Of course, I also startled the dog in my arms and he started to squirm. I set him down and turned again to Sad, Sleepy Hottie, who seemed to be staring. At me. Me? Yep, me. Wait, is he looking at my chest? I looked down. Oh, right. He's reading my name on my jacket. Crap, right, he's looking at me in a boring white jacket, hair up and probably looking ridic right about now, no makeup. I sighed.

"Doctor Swan, is it?" he asked, inclining his head toward my chest. "Are we keeping you from something important?"

"Bella, just Bella," I said, smiling. "And, nope, I finished with my last patient, actually. I'll let you get back to your toys, though." I looked down and shuffled my feet for a moment before bending to pet Jake goodbye.

"Bella?" His voice was hesitant, and perhaps … nervous again? I looked up at him and the color had slightly drained from his face. Who knew asking about dog toys was so stressful.

"Would you like to go to dinner with me? I mean, I know I'm a total stranger, and I'm obviously completely incompetent with this poor dog, and he clearly loves you already. How'd you even do that?" He shook his head and I stood back up.

"Seriously?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah. I mean, won't you take pity on me, poor clueless pet owner?"

This time his smile was broad and crooked and I'm pretty sure I actually swooned. Once rational thought was possible again, I laughed. How awkward; here I was wrapping up a boring day and being hit on in the toy aisle of the place I worked by a drop dead gorgeous divorcé.

Thank you, God.

"I don't even know your name. Hell, I know your dog's name already, but I can't exactly tell my friends to come looking for 'Jake's owner' if I don't show up back home in one piece," I teased.

"Edward," he said. "Edward Cullen. I'm a highly respected architect at Cullen Inc. and I'd be more than happy to provide a list of personal references, should you require such before allowing me to take you out."

"I-I don't think I require any references, Edward. I've heard of your firm, actually."

What an understatement. Everyone had heard of Cullen Inc., and I was guessing from the last name that he was one of the three wünder sons of Carlisle Cullen, a very well-known architect in the area.

He seemed genuinely surprised. "You have?" I nodded and left it at that.

"Well, then. Certainly a Cullen son wouldn't do anything to sully the family name, right?"

The sexy smirk was back, and this time it danced across his face with delight.

"Okay. Only because I feel bad for Jake, though," I teased. "Such a good puppy deserves a properly trained owner."

"Already talking about training me? It took my ex at least a full twelve months to fess up to that." He laughed and I was glad that he could be good natured about his divorce.

We worked out the details and I agreed to meet him at a fancy sushi restaurant at eight o'clock. I drove home, talking to Alice on my cell the entire way, and frantically tore through my closet. I settled on a beautiful but simple black silk sleeveless wrap dress with a low-cut neckline. I got out some of my prettiest lingerie to wear underneath, being a firm believer in sexy undergarments. The black lace panties, bra, and garter were laid out on the bed, along with my stockings and a few nice pieces of jewelry, ready to go after my shower.

The closer I got to the restaurant, the more nervous I became. I tried to reassure myself that this was just a silly, fun, impromptu date with a handsome guy. Still, I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck I was thinking, agreeing to go out with a complete stranger.

I valeted my car and walked in. Edward was standing at the hostess station with a single red rose and smiled when he saw me. He'd dressed up from earlier, adding a jacket and tie. The formality of it was shocking initially, and then I was glad; he took the time to dress a little nicer, knowing he was taking me out. Most guys would have been happy to go home, change into jeans, and order pizza. I knew this firsthand from the various and sundry first dates I'd been subjected to over the years, mostly thanks to Mrs. Cope and her friends with unmarried sons.

As I reached Edward, he held the rose out for me. I took it in one hand and he gathered my other hand in his as he bent to kiss my cheek. His lips were soft and smooth against my skin and I felt him take a deep breath while he was there, which frankly both excited and creeped me out just the tiniest bit.

"You look stunning. And, my God, you smell… delicious."

My hand was still in his as we were led to a small table off to the side of the main dining area.

"Enjoy your dinner, Mr. Cullen," the hostess said, her gaze lingering just a bit too long for my comfort. Yeah, I was already getting a little prematurely possessive.

"Come here often?" I asked, laughing. He let go of my hand and pulled my chair out for me. Once I was seated, he took his place in the chair next to me.

"I do, actually. Great place for business lunches."

"Well, I'll just let you order then, okay?" I smiled at him and his gaze put me at ease. I was feeling bold, so I put my hand on his knee as I spoke. He didn't flinch or move away, as if what I'd done was the most natural thing in the world.

He ordered a wide variety of things and we slowly ate, feeding each other delicious pieces of sushi and stuffing our own faces in between. We laughed and talked about our lives. I learned so much about Edward and his kids in just that short time and felt like I had shared my whole life story with him as well.

The flirting? The flirting was out of control through the whole dinner.

When he told me that his ex-wife confessed on her way out the door that he was still the best kisser she'd ever been with, it seemed almost like a challenge.

"Prove it."

My hand was in his and I gave a little squeeze. We were almost done with dinner and I had no desire to leave this man's company, so I was maybe a little desperate to prolong our time together.

A single heartbeat passed before he leaned forward and cupped the side of my face with his hand. His fingers carefully wove through my hair, coming to a rest at the back of my neck. With gentle pressure, he pulled and I complied, moving my lips closer to his. His lips swept softly across mine, tentatively, as our eyes met. The next pass he made was delightfully more, teasing and plucking my lips with his. In between kisses, I felt him sigh against my lips and I couldn't help but smile. She was right, he was hands down the best kisser I had ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

At this small movement of encouragement, he teased my lower lip with the flat of his tongue. When he had softly trailed it from one side to the other, he moved it back into his mouth and deepened our kiss; we were almost at inappropriate-for-public levels and I moaned against him, my eyes closing. I could feel his hand on my leg and as the pressure and intensity of the kiss increased, his fingertips moved just slightly underneath the hem of my dress. His hand turned to the inner part of my thigh and he groaned when his fingers grazed the top of my stocking.

He slowly stopped kissing me and pulled back to catch his breath. I was ready to go without air for the rest of my life if he would just keep kissing me, but I suppose one of us had to be practical.

I brought my free hand up to my lips and traced both plump lines with my fingertips as I stared at him, looking slightly smug with a half-smile on his face.

"Christ," I muttered softly, causing him to laugh.

"You agree with her, I take it?" His crooked grin was back and I wanted to kiss it off him. Okay, I just wanted any excuse to get those lips back on mine. Or, really, anywhere he wanted them to be. Everywhere he wanted them to be.

"I'm not sure I'm convinced yet. I mean, I'm no slut, but I've kissed a few boys. Best kisser ever? I dunno." I was sure he could see right through me, but he played along, laughing. A little smirk drew up on his lips.

"I'd be glad to do more... convincing. Perhaps we could do it at my place? I think Jake will probably need to be let out by now." He looked at his watch. "I can hardly believe it's already been almost three hours." He sighed.

Three hours? Christ, even my best date didn't come close to that – and that included making out at the door!

"You're probably right. I'd love to see that cute puppy face again, too."

He paid the bill and I followed him to his house, once again calling Alice. I wanted to make sure she was on the phone with me as I drove so she could write down the subdivision we entered, then the house number and street name when I saw him pull into a winding driveway. I hadn't even realized where we were until Alice spazzed over the phone about the area. Right. Cullen money, Cullen, Inc., he probably custom built this place.

Edward parked in the garage and I took a spot in the circular driveway that would be easy to leave from. He got out of his car quickly and held out a hand for me as I stepped out of mine.

"Edward, I..." I motioned to the house, which was really more of a mansion.

He just shrugged and squeezed my hand, leading me into the house through the garage. I was amazed at the detail and time that had been put into the decoration and furnishings as I walked behind him, appreciating it all for a moment. In the mudroom, he took his jacket off and hung it up, then loosened his tie.

Once we were in the kitchen, Edward reached into a high cabinet and got a bottle of wine out. "Would you like a glass?"

I nodded and sat at the island in the middle of the room. He set the bottle in front of me, opening it carefully with a funny kind of corkscrew I'd never seen before. After he poured it into a glass decanter, he sat next to me, one hand on my knee again.

"Just needs to breathe for a minute," he explained, motioning to the burgundy liquid. I nodded and smiled.

As he leaned in, eyes half-closed and entirely filled with lust, Jake whimpered loudly. We laughed, breaking apart, and I followed him to another room where Jake was in a crate. Edward grabbed his leash, opened the door, then connected the leash to the collar and led us outside. His backyard was easily the size of my entire house, with a playset, a pool with an attached in-ground spa, and several things I couldn't identify in the darkness.

Jake was let off his leash to go explore and have free time and I asked Edward more about the house. He explained that he built it as his dream house for his family. When his wife left, she couldn't see herself living there, even though it was more suitable for life with kids than her current arrangement was. He confessed that it was lonely living there without them and I tried to imagine what it must feel like to build a family with someone and then, through no fault of your own, have it all taken away. I suspected there was more about his ex that he wasn't telling me, but decided to let it go. It was only a first date, after all.

"I'll be right back," he said, before he turned and wandered off.

There I was, standing in the dark, in a strange man's backyard on enough property that made it questionable if anyone would even hear my screams, should I need them to. My heart started to beat faster and I got nervous. Where did he go? I wondered if Edward abandoning me was some sort of evil Karmic payback for the time I texted Alice and begged her to call me with an 'emergency' to get out of a bad date easily. Did he have a shed we passed, where he hid giant, sharp tools?

Just as the bile was beginning to rise in my throat and the panic had genuinely set in, the backyard lit up and I had a complete view of the space. There was beautifully cared for landscaping all around, a gazebo with a bench in the center, a patio table and a barbecue near it. My eyes swept up and I saw a balcony off an upstairs room.

Music filtered through the air and I spotted Edward, standing in the gazebo. "Dance with me," he said. I walked over and he slipped one hand around my waist, lacing his fingers between mine in his other hand. We moved together slowly in the warm summer night and I had butterflies for an entirely different reason than just a few minutes ago.

The hand that had been tangled with mine slipped out from between my fingers as I rested my head on his shoulder. Edward trailed his long fingers down my arm and to my waist, where it joined his other hand resting on my lower back. He pulled me closer to him and placed soft kisses on the side of my neck as we swayed. I brought my hands up around his neck and my breathing picked up in response to his hands moving up my back. Edward's lips moved against my skin, slaughtered lyrics to the song that was playing, as my fingers played with the hairs at the base of his neck.

I moved my head so we could kiss again. My fingers gripped his hair involuntarily as he gently slipped his tongue between my lips. He was working his magic again, making me weak-kneed and in serious danger of letting my heart get ahead of my brain. I was ready to attack and throw him on the very well manicured lawn when the music ended. We had long ago stopped moving, but the lack of the ambient background noise brought us both slightly back to reality. Did I really want my first time with Edward to be on the lawn?

"Let's get Jake and go inside?" I whispered.

He took a step back and called for Jake as I made my way inside, both of them trailing quickly after me. Edward surprised me by walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist again, pressing his body into mine. His hands moved up and cupped my breasts, teasing my nipples to an even harder state than they were already in. I leaned back against him and felt him straining in his slacks, my hands moving behind me to run up and down whatever surface of his body I could reach.

Edward pressed harder against me and I squeaked as I realized he was trying to lead me somewhere. My feet moved under his guidance and we wove through hallways and up stairs to a closed door. I stopped, knowing this was my point of no return. Edward's arm came out beside me and turned the fancy scroll lever handle, opening the door for me.

His lips came back to my neck as he nudged me into the room and I didn't even have time to really look around before I was at the edge of the bed. Edward turned me around to face him and pulled one side of my dress down, revealing my black lacy bra. He let out a strained groan as he lowered his mouth to my nipple, standing proud and at attention. His teeth came out to play first, teasing me and nipping all around, never quite where I wanted them to. I whimpered and he looked up at me.

There was a look of lust on his face as he darted his tongue out and swiped across the lace-covered peak. I let my head fall back and he chuckled as he undid the tie at the waist of my dress, pushing both halves to the sides. He hummed in appreciation and touched me where he could reach. I shrugged out of my dress and finished undoing his tie, pulling it over his head and throwing it to the side before stepping out of my shoes. My hands were frantically undoing the buttons of his shirt as he continued to run his along my bare skin, placing kisses randomly.

"Mmm, Bella?" he muttered against my collarbone. One of his hands had slid down to the waistband of my panties and was gently sweeping back and forth against the skin beneath. I had his shirt completely unbuttoned and was in the process of untucking it.


His voice was soft as a whisper, right at my earlobe. "Are you okay?" When he was done speaking, he swept his tongue just beneath where he'd been and sucked lightly. I cried out softly and then laughed at my own response. He pulled his hand from my abdomen and his shirt fell to the floor behind him.

Oh, right. He was waiting for a response. "Okay. Mmm, yes, I'm okay."

I sucked in a sharp breath as his hand slipped all the way into my panties and grazed my lips.

"Still okay?"

My breathing picked up and I had to really fight to get the words out.

"Yes," I whispered.

My eyes were trained directly on his pants, fumbling with the belt, buckle, and zipper, and yeah, my fingers were sometimes accidentally on purpose splayed out toward his erection, brushing across it lightly. Edward's fingers slipped between my lips and pushed forward gently, slowly burying themselves. His mouth was on mine again, and began a slow and steady kiss to match the pace of his fingers inside of me.

The squeaking and moaning was not something I could have stopped from coming out of my mouth even if I had wanted to. The way Edward was dragging his fingers from inside of me and then sliding them back in, slow and teasing, wasn't something I had ever experienced before. I could no longer focus on removing his pants, my brain too caught up in his actions.

"Do you like that?"

"Yes," I said, drawing out the 's.'

My legs began to wobble but I came to my senses when Edward's fingers left my body and I watched him wrestling to get his pants off. I giggled a little at the sight of him, grown man who was just doing deliciously evil things to my body, now stumbling around and nearly tripping over his pants.

"You think this is funny?"

I bit my lip, unsure if he was serious or teasing me. He was toeing off a shoe, pants a twisted mess at his ankles.

"Maybe." I held my lip to prevent my smile from going too far.

His other shoe was finally off and his pants were discarded as he stood there in just his boxers. He looked down at me through his lashes, although I swore I saw a smile flash across his face before he began to stalk toward me. Once he reached the spot he'd been at in front of me, he gripped my hips and lifted me to the bed, pushing me back slightly so that I wasn't falling off the end.

"I'll show you funny," he mumbled against my breast as his hands began to tickle me. He started on my sides, vicious, hard tickles that made me laugh insanely loud. Soon he was tickling all over, the back of my knees, then back up to my sides and elbows. His lips caught my nipple and he sucked it between his teeth, hands never letting up on the tickles. I was laughing, moaning, and begging him to stop and continue all at the same time.

He trailed kisses down the center of my body and I squirmed from his hands gently running along my sides. Edward stuck his tongue out to lick and swipe at my skin now and then, teeth nipping and dragging.

When he reached the top of my panties, his tongue dipped underneath and licked from one side of the small fabric triangle to the other. I lifted my hips for a moment and felt his laughter vibrate through his chest where he was resting next to my legs. He looked up and moved one hand to the band of the lace, bringing them down to give him better access, and his other hand went to my breast. My back arched into his touch and he lowered his mouth to me, swiping his tongue through my wetness.

Edward moaned into me and I flexed my hips up again, needing him to be as close as possible as his tongue began to work my flesh. He moved his mouth away momentarily, requesting that I remove my bra, and I was only too happy to comply. Once his hand had unhindered access to my breast, he began to tease and pinch my nipple between his fingers, tongue flat against my clit and moving back and forth just as slowly as his fingers had worked me before.

My eyes were closed, head tilted back as he continued to lap at me, his fingers dipping inside again. It had been too long since I'd been loved this way, this well, and I let out a scream as I felt my orgasm begin. One of my hands flew away from the sheets I'd been clinging to, and onto the back of his head. I grabbed his hair and held him in place, desperate for him to not move away until I was finished. He moaned again and I felt his fingers still their thrusting and begin to stroke my g-spot, quickly coaxing another orgasm from me.

As I caught my breath and loosened my fingers in his hair, Edward withdrew his fingers and mouth from my lady bits. He unclipped my garters and slid my panties and stockings off, dropping kisses all over on the way back up my body. His body moved against mine, and I felt just how hard he was; I was nearly giddy with anticipation.

"That was... so incredibly fucking hot," he said, once he was level with my face again. He looked like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide and sparkling with glee, mile-wide smile on his beautiful face.


"I think I'm ready to agree that you're the best kisser." I giggled and moved his mouth to mine. He tasted of me, but I couldn't bring myself to care at that moment; the man had just given me two mind blowing orgasms back-to-back.

"Well, I hope that doesn't mean you're done with me already," he said, mock pouting. At least, I hoped it was a mock pout and not a real one. He couldn't seriously think I was done already, could he?

"Oh, not nearly finished." I ran my nails down his chest and grabbed his thick, hard cock in my hand, giving it a not-so-gentle squeeze. "Roll over, baby."

Edward complied happily, Cheshire Cat grin plastered back on his face. I kissed and teased down his chest, licking and biting at each of his cute little nipples on my way down. When I got to his waist, I grabbed the band of his boxers and pulled them down, allowing him to kick them off into who-the-fuck-cares where.

"Condom?" I asked. He leaned over to his side table and got the infamous blue square out, handing it to me. I unwrapped and rolled it down onto him. I moved my eyes back to his as I brought myself above him and then slowly sank down onto him.

His hands came to my hips, guiding my movements, and then slid up my back, pulling my upper body down to his. He leaned up to bring his lips to mine, too eager to wait for me to reach him, and his hands slid over my ass. With each thrust up, his hands pressed and held me to him.

"Fuck," he panted, my forehead against his as I tried to move faster.

"Please," I begged. I wanted and needed him to go faster, finished with the sweet softness we'd been engaged in. I needed him; all of him. I constricted my pelvic muscles around him, hoping to spur him on.

"Bella," he said, his voice strained.

"Oh, Edward," I moaned, doing my best to be as sexy as possible. I was shamelessly rubbing my breasts against his chest as I sucked his earlobe into my mouth.

It was apparently the last motivation he required. His hands moved to my shoulders as he gently moved me up into a sitting position. Once I was upright, he pushed me back just slightly further and started to hit straight on a very different spot inside of me. I shifted my hands to his thighs to steady myself and as he thrust up into me, and his hand went to the spot between us and began to work my clit. He was keeping a fast pace and I was suddenly grateful he owned plenty of property around him; this wasn't quiet or soft making love.

I let out a loud scream as I came for the third time. Edward groaned and mumbled incoherently, his movements stilling as I guessed he was rolling through his own orgasm.

My hands slid up his legs and across his chest, coming to rest at the base of his neck again, each of us catching our breath as we lay there together. We were wrapped up in each other and as close as we could get. For a minute, I panicked about what might happen later, tomorrow, next week… and then I simply reminded myself to live in the moment.

Edward's hands were on my hips again, gently lifting me off him as he dealt with the condom. I wasn't sure what all of this between us meant, so I crawled under the covers and stayed on the other side of the bed, watching him. When he was finished, he slid under the blanket with me, pulling me close.

"Thank you," he whispered to me between sweet kisses. His hands were stroking my hair softly and my eyes closed. I wrapped my arm around his waist and nestled myself into his embrace again, content for the moment.

"For what?" I asked, trying to mask the yawn that escaped with my words.

"For tonight. For helping me with Jake. For helping me with me." His voice got softer toward the end of his words, and I moved to look him in the eye.

At the mention of his name, the puppy jumped onto the bed and attempted to burrow between us.

"No, no, Jake, this one is mine," Edward said, moving Jake down to the foot of the bed.

I laughed as he laid back down next to me and we fell asleep together, a tangled mess of limbs.