This happens after time-skip at Chapter 445
Shiho is a minor character who has a very obvious crush (Hinata obvious) on Shikamaru. Refer to chapter 407
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! If I did, Shikamaru and Temari would be official and there would've of been plenty of kisses and shower scenes with my favourite pairings. XDD
Please review! I'm not sure if I want to continue this...
Shikamaru was laying on the hospital bed with his leg in a cast propped up. 'How troublesome' he thought, quoting his favourite saying. Pain attacked Konoha, which is now nothing but a few buildings and rubble, and during his 'big bang' he broke his leg and fractured a few ribs. Naruto finally finished off all 6 Pains and his location is unknown. Shikaku said that he was off to find the 'real Pain'.
He really wanted to go help, but he knew that he wasn't in the right position to do so. What a pain...
The door creak, someone was coming in. Probably Sakura giving me a check-up, or maybe Tsunade telling me when I could leave and knowing her, when I come back I will have a load of paperwork to do. Thanks heaps Pain! Shikamaru thought. He lifted his head to see who it was walking through the door. It wasn't Sakura or Tsunade, it was Shiho.
"Shi-Shikamaru! Are you ok?" She stuttered with her cheeks slightly pink. Shikamaru never understood why she was always stuttering and such, but it was too troublesome to figure out; so he ignored it and let it be. She looked at him with concern all over her face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few injuries."
"O-oh, th-that's good."
"I guess..."
There was an awkward silence. Shiho sat down on the seat near the bed.
"Umm...so why are you here?" Shikamaru asked to break the silence.
"Why...I'm here?" Shiho said almost like she was questioning herself. She turned pinker and seemed to be thinking about something. Then her eyes flew open a little bigger, "Oh, right! U-um, because I just wanted to see how y-you were..."
Shikamaru raised one of his eyebrows. "Ok, thanks."
More silence.
"That's right!" Shiho said now breaking the silence, "we are thinking that breaking the code is probably not necessary anymore because the Pain problem seems nearly over, but Tsunade wants your opinion on this before we actually stop."
Troublesome Tsunade, she's already putting me to work before I'm even out of here, "I don't think we should stop. The code may not actually have anything to do with Pain, but something else important. It won't hurt to crack it."
Shiho nodded. "I agree" she said nodding her head.
Shikamaru slightly grinned thinking about what the code might mean and kinda liked the challenge, even if it was troublesome. Shiho slightly blushed and stood up next to Shikamaru's bed. "Uh-umm..." she hesitated.
Shikamaru looked up at her. Shiho's heart skipped a beat. "Uh-umm...Shi-Shika-maru...?"
"Yeah?" Shikamaru answered raising his brow yet again.
"Uh, umm..." Her heart sped up. She felt like she couldn't breathe, but she tried to ignore. 'This is it, this is my chance to tell him!' She thought to herself, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. "Shi-Shikamaru...I lo-"
"Oi, crybaby!" A familiar voice said interrupting Shiho.
Shikamaru's ears pricked up and looked towards the figure at the door. His eyes widened when he saw one of the most troublesome women in his life standing in front of his door. He slightly grinned and then quickly turned it back into his usual frown; though Shiho didn't miss it and slightly gaped in her mind at his unusual grin. She looked back at the figure in front of the door that Shikamaru was staring at. It was a woman and telling from the headband, she's from Suna; but what was she doing here in Shikamaru's room?
"Eh? What are you doing here troublesome woman?" Shikamaru said with an irritated voice.
"Is that how you speak to someone who came all the way over here to see how you were?" Temari questioned looking pissed with one hand on her hip slightly pouting.
Shikamaru grinned again. She looked kinda cute pissed...wait what am I thinking? He waved the thought away and answered.
"Ok, ok, sorry. Thank you for visiting me." Shikamaru apologised giving up.
"That's more like it. Your welcome!" Temari slightly grinned in victory.
"But next time, don't you think you should knock?" Shikamaru said while raising his eye brow cheekily beckoning towards Shiho's direction. Temari looked towards Shiho and then realised that
Shikamaru and herself were not the only ones in the room. Shiho then notice the huge fan behind her back thinking about how much that would weigh. She seemed to be somewhat close to Shikamaru by the sound of it and the way she talks to him and how he answers back. Could she be the ambassador of Suna that she heard about?
"Oh, sorry! I wasn't interrupting something was I?" Temari said not believing how rude she was just barging into a room without knocking.
"N-no, no! Y-you weren't interrupting anything important!" Shiho answered feeling something get caught in her throat. For some reason, she felt really intimidated around the Suna kunoichi.
Temari raised her shaped eyebrow not completely convinced, but shook it off. She walked up to her, "Hi, my name is Subaku no Temari. I'm the ambassador for Suna and this lazy-ass here is supposed to be my guide. Nice to meet you." Said Temari introducing herself while pointing her thumb towards Shikamaru grinning; and then held her other hand out to shake hands.
"O-oh, he-hello. My n-name is Shiho. Ni-nice to meet you." Shiho stuttered taking Temari's hand. She acts just like Hinata, thought Temari. She gripped Shiho's hand and shook it. 'Wow, she has a firm grip. I guess she's pretty strong' thought Shiho. They let go and Temari turned to Shikamaru.
"Now, how did you get yourself into a situation like this?" Temari questioned with her hand returning to her hip.
"If you had a good look around, you can see that Konoha has broken into pieces." Shikamaru said sounding a bit irritated, almost like he was proposing a challenge. Shiho stood still a tad stunned by Shikamaru's rude tone and gesture. She has never seen Shikamaru act like this before.
"Oh don't tell me you cried again, crybaby." Said Temari taking on the challenge.
"This is why woman are so troublesome, always bringing up the past." Answered Shikamaru with the same droning tone.
"And there you go again talking about men and women and the significance of it all!" Temari said throwing her arms up in the air.
Shiho just stood there again still stunned about what's happening in front of her.
"Well if women weren't so troublesome, I wouldn't have to" continued Shikamaru with an irritated tone.
They're arguing and their tones are quite snappy... thought Shiho.
"Oh? And that's all MY fault?! If you weren't such a lazy ASS, then you would make better use of yourself than just sitting around doing nothing but complaining!" Temari argued back raising her voice.
But yet, there's no tension in the air. It may sound bad from outside, but they don't seem to hate each other or anything if you really look at it. Shiho continued to think, analysing what was in front of her. It's almost as if they are enjoying themselves.
"Well as you can see, I can't do anything at the moment since I'm injured!" Shikamaru was now raising his own voice.
Shiho has never heard him raise his voice before and was quite shocked on how harsh it could be. Though there was that feeling again.
"Geez, I can't believe you got yourself this injured so easily. If you trained more instead of complaining, then maybe you wouldn't be in such a bad position!" Temari leaned towards Shikamaru in a intimidating gesture.
"Sorry. I must of missed the class that taught us how to fight back a falling building when your whole country had just explod-" Shikamaru leaned forward to face Temari, but then cringed in pain forgetting about his fractured ribs and leaned back again. "Ow, shit I forgot!"
Shiho snapped out of it and was about to say something in concern, but Temari beat her to it. "Oh, Shikamaru are you ok? Don't over-exert yourself! You're still injured!" Temari said with a little panic in her voice.
Shikamaru picked up on it and grinned, "Says you. Who did you think made me exert myself?".
Temari giggled and smiled her signature cheesy smile. "Oops, I guess that's my bad?"
Shikamaru loved that cheesy smile of hers. It always made himself smile back like he's doing now realising the smile plastered on his face.
Shiho just stood there watching them smiling at each other. There was that feeling again, the feeling of being left out. Just like that, their argument was over and they're now smiling. She was very confused. Was she missing an inside joke? She felt like she needed to go. "Uh, umm..."
Shikamaru and Temari turned to face her, realising that she was still in the room. "Oh, sorry, uh Shiho-san was it? Just ignore what just happened before! It's nothing big."
"Oh, umm that's ok. I-I have to go now so please excuse me..." Shiho said on her way to the door about to leave the room.
"Ah, Shiho-san" said Shikamaru quickly.
Shiho's heart skipped a beat when he called her name. "Y-yes Shikamaru?"
"Did you want to say something before this noisy, troublesome woman barged in?" Temari glared at him, but kept quiet letting it slide.
Shiho then remembered her almost-confession, but there was no way she was going to say it now. "Uh, no. I-it wasn't anything important. D-don't worry about it!" She said with a little smile.
"If it's something you need to say in private, then I'll leave if you like" offered Temari.
"Oh, no. It really wasn't anything important! Thank you anyway Temari-san, but I need to go and report back to Tsunade-sama now anyway. It was nice to meet you Temari-san. Goodbye Shikamaru".
Shiho said convincingly, then bowed and left.
"Uh, ok. Nice to meet you too." Said Temari confused
"Cya" said Shikamaru
Then the two were left by themselves a bit dumb-founded in the room. "Well, I feel kinda stupid. Not to mention rude" said Temari breaking the small silence.
"Yeah, it was a bit embarrassing having her to see us arguing like that" agreed Shikamaru. Temari grinned again and then looked at Shikamaru a bit worried.
Shikamaru saw the worry and smirked, "What? You're worried about me?"
Temari shook her head, "Of course not! Don't be so full of yourself!" and gave Shikamaru a little playful smack on his head. Shikamaru grinned back and they just looked at each other in the room grinning.
Well that's it for now! I'm not sure if it's any good to continue, but if you want me to, then please review!! Thank you~ ^_^
Oh yeah! All feedback is welcomed! Hope you enjoyed it ^^
Oh and if you know how to make bigger breaks (between paragraphs) please tell me~