Written for comment_fic on livejournal
"Casey?" Chuck panted, still breathing hard from the close escape.
"You. (gasp) Are such. (gasp). A BADASS!!"
Casey tried hard not to smile. He liked to think he was above caring about the video-game values that Chuck and his idiot friends did. Still, he had to admit: he felt a little proud when he incapacitated five agents.
"Seriously, Casey. You pulled down a wall. A frickin wall! With your hands!"
"With a rope, Chuck. And only after I cracked the architectural support with a screwdriver."
"You took down five guys with a screwdriver and a rope! And you did it without killing any of them!" Chuck said the second part like it was a compliment, so Casey didn't get offended.
"Seriously," Chuck said, "I am such a Casey fanboy right now."
Casey raised an eyebrow.
"It's not as gay as it sounds," Chuck explained, before noticing just the tiniest moment of disappointment in Casey's jaw.
"Unless," Chuck asked slowly, "there were some way of hitting on you that didn't end up with me on the ground in pain."
"How boring would that be?"
Chuck's eyes widened. "You're being unusually ... forward, Casey."
"Must be the adrenaline." Shit. Why do I always have to get laid after an op, Casey berated himself. At the least, I should find someone who's not quite so needy, so timid, so ... Chuck.
But Chuck was more forward than usual too. He leaned over and planted a rough kiss right on Casey's mouth. He hesitated just a moment, to see if Casey would push him away (or worse) but then went right for Casey's mouth with his tongue, surprisingly forceful. Casey could feel the heat and sweat from their recent rush to escape, Chuck's blood still pumping hard, the chemicals of fear, fight, and flight all still shooting through his system.
Casey was suddenly aware of Chuck's hands, first fumbling around on Casey's body, and then landing on each of Casey's hip, gripping them hard with fingers and thumbs. Must have strong hands from all those video games, Casey thought, as he grunted involuntarily.
"Haven't heard that grunt before, Casey. Guess I'm about to see a new side of you."