Author's Note: This is a short story based off the Night World Series. This is my first story, hope you like it.
Phil's Calling
Poppy had called that morning asking Phil to come see her immediately. Something in her voice made Phil think something was wrong, very wrong. She wouldn't say why, but that he be cautious. He packed his bags in a rush and retrieved the .9 millimeter his father had stashed away in the basement and filled it with silver bullets he had gotten at a pawn shop. He had to rouse through his closet to find the wooden stake he had made himself. Ever since his sister had been made into a vampire to save her life and he learned about the Night World, he knew he could never truly be safe again.
There's nothing more dangerous than heading head on into a city where every corner or club a Night person could be waiting for their next victim or meal. Las Vegas had ways of playing tricks on you, it could be exciting and attractive to the naked eye, but look closer and you'll find out that it's one of the most dangerous place to be a human. All the lights and sinful attractions can be easily reduced to upright horror at just exactly what is happening behind all the fun.
The night Phil had helped James escape with Poppy he had also discovered that he was a lost witch with powers that had yet to be uncovered. However, that night he was still in denial about the Night World and wanted to keep living with the idea that vampires, werewolves, and witches were all just make believe. He was determined to lead a normal life and as long as he knew Poppy was still alive somewhere, he could continue living that way. He would only be putting himself and his family in more danger if he had accepted his powers and chose to be apart of the Night World. Up until Poppy began asking Phil to arm himself with weapons that could kill Night People and news of random attacks by wolves and mass murders where the victims were completely drained of all blood, Phil began to rethink his decision.
After Note: PLEASE REVIEW or I wont write anymore for this story.