
We could see the house nestled between between to sand dunes and a desert oasis. As we flew closer I could see everything was still in the house, It was eight O' clock in the morning and usually Iggy was up making breakfast.

"Where the hell is everyone?" Fang called from my right.

"I don't know." I replied and tucked my wings and descended to the doorstep and froze. The door was open. The kids knew better than to leave the door open and me fang had slipped from our bedroom window to get to the cave and then our grove.

That meant someone was in our house! My eyes got wide and I was about to barge through the door when Fang's arm stopped me. He had a finger to his lips and he pointed to the little wire connected to the door. I nodded and we took to the air again. We did a quick search around the house and We both saw two figures in the first floor windows. One small and blonde. Angel my baby. The other figure was tall and gut-wrenching familiar. Jeb. Anger flared in my stomach. I snarled and Fang's hand came down on my mouth to silence me. He pointed up to the second story windows. We flew up there and saw 50 or so flyboys and another 20 erasers. Great Just perfect... Then I saw Nudge Iggy and Gazzy tied up in the corner. Again I was ready to barge in and save my family but Fang jerked me up until we were above the roof.

We made a wide arc up and silently landed on the roof.

"OK here is the plan get in get the kids get out." Fang whispered.

"Who the hell could it be Fang? No one has bothered us since I spoke to Congress years ago."

"I don't know lets figure that out later. Just get the kids."

We lowered our selves to the second story and busted in. I punched a flyboy in the head hard enough for its head to snap around and it fell to the floor. I was punching and kicking my way toward just to kee them off me. Just as I reached the flock a flyboy got in a lucky punch to my stomach and made me fall. I rolled and scissor kicked his knee out and then threw a kidney punch to his side and he went down. I got Iggy first and started untying him .

"Up and away. Me and Fang are going to go and get Angel then we will find you."

Max you should kno..."

Shut up and tell me later! Go now!" I yelled at him as I got Gazzy and Nudge untied.

"Max!" Fang yelled as each flock member jumped out the window. "Come on lets move."

We made our way downstairs . At the bottom I heard laughing and we froze. Angel was holding Jeb's hand. My baby was a traitor I looked at Fang and he lunched at me and jumped in front of me. Then I saw the Glock in Jeb's hand lower. Fang went down hard.

"Fang!" I knelt down at his side. Then there was a crash and the rest of the flock smashed through the French doors and start fighting the remaining flyboys and Jeb.

"Fang. Baby where's the wound."

He hissed when my hands touched his stomach where blood was already soaking his shirt and pooling on the floor. My eyes got wide.

"Max." He sucked in a breath. "Max you have to get out."

"No Fang I'm not leaving you. So just forget about it." There was guns going off behind us. His eyes got dark and determined.

He pressed his hand against his wound and hauled himself up He went to the door and pulled me with him. "Fine." He growled

"FLOCK! UP AND AWAY NOW!" He bellowed and the kids ran and took to the air as soon as they were clear of the door.

I sighed in relief he was coming with us. Then another bullet pierced through his shoulder just above his heart. I gasped. "FANG!"

"GO LEAVE ME. KEEP THE KIDS SAFE!" I shook my head. Tears sprung to my eyes. No I could leave him but I saw the wound in his wing. He wouldn't be able to fly. He pulled me to him with his good arm and crushed me to his chest. "Go. Stay safe." He whispered.

I kissed him quickly and then he pushed me out the door. "No Fang I'm not leaving you. I love you. I can't leave." I saw Him start fighting. He was fending them off to give us a head start. I started to go to him then Iggy was pulling at my shoulder and Nudge was pulling me upp towards the sky.

"We have to go Max!" Iggy yelled.


Iggy scooped me up and struggled to get skyward. I let him pull me away from the one I love with his blood drying on my hands and his kiss still on my lips.

End of flashback

A few hours just as the sun was peeking on the edges of the sand dunes I got a searing pain in my stomach and I ran into the bathroom in time to wretch into the toilet. Afterward I sat against the huge Jacuzzi tub and wondered why the hell was I sick? I don't get sick. What could this be Then I froze. I counted in my head when the hell was my last period? Two? How long had Fang been gone? Three months exactly.

"Oh my god!" I said out loud. I was pregnant. I was pregnant! Yes. Fang and I were going to have a baby."Fang gues-...." Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Fang wasn't here to be happy with me. He didn't even know. I felt that feeling in my stomach again and puked into the toilet again.

I had to find Fang. We had checked the School and the Institute and even Germany at the former Itex headquarters. Then the little light bulb went up over my head. Jeb would hide him in the place I would never go back to. The place where he betrayed me. The house in the Colorado mountains!

"Oh my God! Iggy!" I cried. I jumped up and ran to the door just as Iggy came barreling into my room.

"Max! What's Wrong?"

"Oh Iggy I'm so happy. But I'll tell you about that later. I know where they took Fang!" I smiled as a tear of joy rolled down my cheek.

"Really holy shit where?!"

"The house in Colorado. It's th place Jeb betrayed me and where Angel was taken he knew I would never go back there."

Iggy's face lit up. "Ha. Max you are a genius!" He picked me up into a hug and spun. "Come on let leave now."

"You took the words right out of my mouth start packing the food ad wake up the others, I'll be right down."

"All right Max." He confirmed with a smile and ran down the hallway yelling at the kids to get up.

I started getting my stuff together. When I got downstairs everyone was packed and was ready to go.

"Are we going to get Fang? Nudge asked.

"Yep!" I smiled and high fived her "Yes!" Gazzy yelled and punched the air.

"LET'S GO" Iggy yelled and we all filed out there door.

As we flew north east I whispered to myself " I'm coming Fang."