AN: And this is what Yuuki has to say about it.

Yuuki's Side


The teacher's sharp rap on his desk snapped Yuuki to attention, and with effort, he dragged his eyes away from the image of Kashiwagi sempai easily slaughtering the other team's defences down on the soccer field, and back to his modern history textbook.


At the Ogasawara – Kashiwagi wedding, Yuuki couldn't help but notice the way the bride and groom smiled tightly and made eye contact with nearly everyone in the room, except for himself and Yumi.


With a sleepy groan, Yuuki stretched out an arm from beneath the quilt and picked up his ringing mobile phone, only to have it snatched out of his hand and tossed onto the floor, before Kashiwagi pulled him back under the covers and proceeded to remind Yuuki just why they had decided to stay at home today.


Kashiwagi looked such a sorry sight as he stood there on Yuuki's doorstep; sleek hair rumpled with stress, impeccable clothes creased and mismatched, dark circles under his eyes, that Yuuki could not find it in him to be angry anymore, and stepped back to let him inside.


As Yuuki walked stiffly beside Kashiwagi, sharing the shelter of his sempai's raincoat spread out over their heads, trying to ignore the curious glances from passersby, he cursed the rain, and cursed himself even more for forgetting his umbrella.


"This is a good place to eat," Yuuki said, ushering his girlfriend into the restaurant ahead of him, only to come face to face with Kashiwagi sempai, who flicked an appraising glance between the two of them, before hurrying out the door with no further greeting besides a curt nod.


Compared to the other guests' birthday gifts of expensive crystal ware and imported wine, Yuuki worried that a Manchester United jersey would seem paltry, but the delighted smile that spread over sempai's face as he unwrapped it, relieved his fears.


"And this is precisely why I'm going to buy a car with bench seats," said Kashiwagi, ruefully massaging his stomach, which had been jabbed painfully by the handbrake as he was leaning over to kiss Yuuki, who was leaning back in his seat, laughing helplessly.


Just one whiff of the perfume, and Yuuki's mind was flooded with images of high school and tall, violet-eyed sempai who didn't seem to understand the concept of personal space; he placed the bottle back on the shelf hastily, ignoring his girlfriend's puzzled glance.


It would have been so easy just to sit there and pretend he hadn't seen anything; but whether it was a man and a woman or a man and a man, Yuuki knew a break-up when he saw one, so he got up from the bar, walked over to where his sempai was sitting alone with his head bowed, and laid a comforting hand on Kashiwagi's shoulder.

AN: I really would love to write a multi-chapter fic on this pairing, or at least something that's a coherent story, but I just can't seem to settle on a plausible plot/scenario. Hence these one-word prompts as an attempt to get me thinking. Hope you liked!