Hello, ever wondered what would happen if the Teen Titans had to face off against a spider? Well here you go.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or anything in this story, with the exception of the scary spider ^-^.


"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!" Starfire let out a high-pitched scream.

Down the hall all the other Titans (with the exception of Raven who was out at the bookstore) came rushing to her room.

Robin, especially worried, kicked down the door and was ready to fend off whatever was attacking Starfire. However, he froze in his tracks when there on the wall he saw a huge, horrific, black spider.

Cyborg and Beast Boy also soon followed and also stopped in horror at the grotesque site.

"Dude……….I've squished lots of bad guys but there is no way I'm going near THAT." Beast Boy exclaimed.

"We need a battle plan." Robin added seriously.


(some time later)

Robin was talking to everyone in a huddle, after arguing for about 15 minutes and tracking down the moving position of the spider, they finally figured put a plan. "You all have been given your assignments, Titans GO!"

Everyone was in position. They were all hiding around the room with the exception of Starfire, who was tied up and clearly sitting in plane sight.

"Oh no help me, I have been tied up by the most evil Glarnug The Terrible, and I am now helpless if I were to be attacked and consumed by a large ravenous earth spider." Starfire said in an obvious rehearsed voice.

Whether the spider crawled out of the shadows to Starfire was because of dumb luck, or if somehow perhaps the spiders tiny brain somehow understood and took the bait, was never known. But the spider did go towards Starfire so it does not matter.

"BEAST BOY NOW!" Starfire yelled.

Transforming into a small bird, BB flew over the spider with a tiny net and pinned it down in place.

"OK Cyborg finish him off!" Robin yelled.

"I got one shot, Boo-ya!" Cyborg smirked as he aimed his sonic canon at the beast.

A flash of blue and a small explosion and it was over…..or was it?

After the smoke cleared, to there horror, the blast had missed and had destroyed everything around the spider. This ironically allowed the spider to escape the net.

They panicked the spider was now in front of them and was creeping closer….was this the end of the teen titans?

They had grimaced for a painful defeat and hoped for the end to be short when they heard a "splat!" sound.

They looked up to see a black mess, which was the spider, and on top of it was a blue colored boot.

Raven stood up, wiped her boot off, and quietly whispered "pathetic" as she walked out of the room.

Well that's my story I know it's quite short and probably not that funny, but I tried eh?