Chapter 2

"Gohan! Gohan! Wake up!"

Gohan blearily opened his eyes. Goten was jumping up and down near him on the ground.

"Wha…?" Gohan looked at the clock. It was 6:00am. Better than the 4:30am wake up last year…

"Santa came!" Goten dragged him out of bed. "Santa came! Look!"

Goten dragged Gohan down the hall.

Videl opened the door to Gohan's room and looked out tiredly, wondering what it was all about. She realized it, and followed them.

Chichi was already there, puzzling over a large box leaned up against the wall. The Ox King was watching in silent amusement.

"There are lotsa presents!" Goten pointed. "Look! Can we open them now, mom? Can we? Huh, huh, huh?"

"Okay." Chichi chuckled. "Go ahead, Goten."

"Yay!" Goten dove into them, and pulled out the four that were signed to him.

Gohan looked at Videl.

Videl smiled.

"One from mom," Goten counted, "One form niichan, one from grandpa, and one from Videl!"

Gohan pulled out four that were addressed to him. He then pulled out the one for Videl he had purchased and handed it to her. "Here, Videl. This one is yours."

Videl smiled. "Thank you, Gohan. I got you something, too. It's that present there."

Gohan smiled. "Okay. Let's open them at the same time." He knew what the presents from Ox King and Chichi were: Books. Goten had already received his share of books from Ox King, and the fire truck from Chichi. Gohan had given him an action figure he'd had his eye on for weeks.

There were four presents for Chichi, too. And three for Ox King (Videl didn't know someone else was staying, so she gave him a card she made last minute).

Videl had figured that, since they were letting her stay with them and celebrate the holiday with them, that she should get something for them.

But that still left the large, mysterious box on the wall.

Everyone was deterred from their own presents after a while.

Gohan and Videl didn't get to open the ones they had exchanged yet. All other gifts were opened.

"Niichan…" Goten tugged at Gohan's pajama pants. "Who's that from?"

Gohan stopped and put the present from Videl down.

Videl did likewise with the present from Gohan, since they promised to open them at the same time.

"I didn't buy anything like that." Chichi frowned.

"Neither did I," Ox King admitted.

"Well, I can't even reach the top!" Goten pointed.

"It's not from me." Gohan frowned.

"I haven't the slightest idea," Videl stated.

"What does the card say?" Chichi asked.

Gohan reached up and took it. The box was about his height…maybe a couple of inches taller. He opened it up.

"Well?" Goten asked.

"It doesn't say anything." Gohan blinked. "It's just an ordinary card."

"Let me see." Chichi took it. She read it, "It says, 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'." She looked up. "That's odd. There's no name or anything on this."

"Very peculiar," Gohan agreed.

"Wait…" Ox King took the card. "It's addressed to Chichi, Goten, and Gohan."

"Where does it say that?" Goten asked.

"On the back." Ox King pointed.

"So…who's it from?" Gohan frowned.

"Why don't you open it and find out," Videl suggested.

"Is it safe, mom?" Goten asked.

Chichi nodded. "I don't see why not. I mean, I've got the strongest man in the world here in my house."

Gohan blushed, "Mom…!"

Chichi grinned.

Videl giggled at what she thought was a joke.

Goten walked forward and started to tear off the wrapping paper. It was normal Christmas wrapping paper, too.

"Go on." Videl prodded Gohan.

Gohan walked over and began to help.

"You, too." Ox King gently pushed Chichi over.

Goten worked on the bottom, Chichi took the middle, and Gohan took the top. When they finished, they were staring at a giant box. There were hinges on one side, and a latch with a key-hole on the other. There was a golden key hanging from a loop on a shiny red ribbon.

The three exchanged looks.

"Now what?" Goten asked.

"I suppose…we open it." Gohan took the key. He felt his hands grow sweaty.

Chichi nervously stood near her father.

Goten stood uncertainly near his mother.

Videl stood impatiently near Chichi and Goten.

Gohan took a deep breath, and put the key in the hole. He turned it.

They all looked.

Gohan opened the box….

…to reveal nothing there.

"Huh?!" Goten exclaimed.

They all rushed over to it to look at it.

"I don't see anything." Gohan blinked.

"Where's the present?" Goten searched in the box.

"Do you think it was the box?" Ox King asked, looking inside as well.

"Don't be ridiculous, dad!" Chichi examined the inside. "Who would give us a box?"

"Beats me." Videl was looking in it.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind them. "What are you all looking in an empty box for?"

Gohan, Chichi, and Ox King stiffened at the voice, not daring to hope. They slowly turned around and was in for a surprise.

Goten and Videl turned around, too.

Standing there, wearing a red/orange dogi with a navy undershirt, a black belt, and boots was a man with big black hair and a halo over his head.

Gohan felt tears mist over his eyes as his smile widened.

Chichi already had tears streaming down her face.

Goten blinked, looking at the older version of himself.

Ox King laughed. "Goku!"

"Dad!" Gohan ran up to his father and wrapped his arms around him, letting tears fall down. "Is it really you?! Oh, Dende, I don't believe it!"

Goku put an arm around him. "It's me, Gohan."

"Goku!" Chichi sniffled. "I can't believe that this is happening…!"

"Hi, Chichi." Goku smiled. He looked past her at Goten. "Hmm…?"

Gohan drew apart.

"I'm Goten." Goten gulped, tentatively stepping forward.

"Hi!" Goku smiled. "I'm Goku."

Goten smiled, then laughed and jumped into Goku's arms. "It's daddy!" Tears ran down his face even though he was laughing.

Chichi also embraced Goku, then pulled back.

Goku lowered Goten and smiled.

"I missed you so much, dad," Gohan whispered.

"So did I." Chichi nodded.

"I'm glad to meet my daddy!" Goten squealed in delight.

"Wow." Ox King smiled. "It's really you, Goku. Amazing!"

Videl wiped a tear from her eye at the scene. She was a bit confused as to the 'how' and 'why'…something she figured she'd try and pry out of Gohan later…but was touched by it none the less.

About half an hour later, they were all seated around the fire, sitting on the couches by the tree.

"So, Goku." Chichi frowned. "How did you come back?"

"Well." Goku smiled. "It was the funniest thing. I was training, and then, Baba comes over with the Grand Kai. Well, I was sure surprised. Baba explained that I had one day; twenty-four hours to come back to the real world for Christmas morning. I was a bit confused over why. Baba and the Grand Kai said that it was an agreement. Because I am officially dead, I only have one day. I couldn't permanently come back. I said it was okay by me. Baba told me that it was because of my 'track record', as she called it, and good merit that I would be allowed back for a day."

"But why…all of a sudden?" Ox King frowned.

"Well." Goku smiled at his eldest son. "It seems that someone heard the wishes of the rest of the family, and realized his own wish as well. What everyone wanted for Christmas. That's why."

They all looked at Gohan.

"Did you…?" Chichi blinked.

Gohan blushed. "W-well, I went to the Lookout Tower, and Piccolo-san directed me over to Master Roshi's, where I met Baba. She said she would try and see what she can do when I told her that we all really wanted dad to come back, if only for a little bit…"

Chichi hugged her eldest son. "Oh, Gohan! Thank you!" Tears ran down her face.

"You're the best, niichan!" Goten hugged him as well.

Gohan sported a slight blush, but had a bright smile on his face.

Videl, once again, was touched and confused at the same time.

Ox King smiled. "You've got a very pure heart, Gohan."

Goku nodded. "I'm proud of you, son."

Gohan smiled despite the tears. "Thank you, everyone."

Chichi smiled as she watched Goku and Goten have a snowball fight outside. Ox King was trying to keep up with them. Just then, a snowball hit her in the shoulder. She turned to see who it was.

"Goku!" Chichi shouted.

"Come on, Chichi!" Goku laughed. "Come and join us!" Just then, the got a snowball in the face.

"Gotcha, dad!" Gohan laughed.

"Since when were you playing?!" Goku exclaimed.

"Since now!" Gohan grinned and threw one to his right where Goten was trying to sneak up on him.

"That's not fair, Gohan!" Goten complained. "Using your ki sense!"

Gohan laughed.

Videl came out the door and stared.

"Sometimes, I think we're the only sane ones, here." Chichi looked at her as the boys continued to fight.

"We're involved in some way with them, though. What does that say about us?" Videl looked up at the woman.

"That's a scary thought." Chichi gulped. Then, she smiled. "Come on in and I'll make some hot cocoa. I'm sure the boys will be begging for it after a few hours."

"I'll help." Videl volunteered.

"You don't have to." Chichi opened the door. "You're a guest."

"I want to," Videl insisted, and walked through the door. On the way to the kitchen, she glanced at the two presents that lay unopened on the couch. 'We'll open them at the same time.' Videl smiled. Gohan…

"Huh?" Goten stopped.

"What's up?" Goku asked.

Gohan looked up from where he was seated in the snow. Ox King had gone in an hour ago.

"It's snowing." Goten pointed.

"Oh…yea." Goku smiled. "I almost forgot what snow looked like."

Gohan lay back in the snow and smiled. "It's great, isn't it? Just letting the snowflakes fall down."

"Yea." Goten lay on his back, too.

Goku joined them. "I had forgotten what snow felt like." He looked over at Goten who was collecting snowflakes on his tongue, and smiled. "And I forgot what it tasted like, too."

Goten laughed as snowflakes fell down.

Gohan put his hands behind his head. "It's been a long time since I just lay on the ground like this. The last time was before the Cell games. Remember, dad?"

Goku nodded. "I sure do. Those were some great times."

"Daddy…" Goten propped himself up on his elbow. "Why can't you stay longer?"

"Well…" Goku pointed to the halo above him with a smile on his face. "I'm just here temporarily. I'm dead."

"How did you die, daddy?" Goten asked.

"This bad monster named Cell got me," Goku stated, "But your brother kicked his butt for all of us."

"Wow!" Goten smiled, pride in his eyes for his father and his brother.

"Dad…" Gohan whispered.

Goku shook his head.

"Wow." Goten smiled again.

"We should get back inside before you catch a cold there, kiddo." Goku picked up Goten.

"Wee!" Goten squealed.

"I betcha your mom has some hot chocolate waiting for us." Goku grinned at his sons. "How about it?"

"Yea!" Goten giggled and jumped down. "Race you there!"

"Come back here!" Goku launched after him. He stopped and turned around. "Aren't you coming, Gohan?"

"Huh? Oh, yea…I'll be there in a minute," Gohan responded, already on his feet. "I just want to…look at the snow a bit more."

"Okay." Goku shrugged. "Come I soon."

They went in.

Gohan nodded. "Yea…okay."

"So, the boys are back," Chichi put down some hot cocoa in front of them. "Where's Gohan?"

Videl looked around. "Gohan…?"

"He's still outside." Goku indicated.

"Why?" Chichi blinked. "It's getting late. You boys have spent half the day out there!"

Goku shrugged while drinking his cocoa.

"If he doesn't come in soon." Chichi frowned. "He'll catch cold!"

"I'll go get him to come in." Videl volunteered.

"Thank you." Chichi nodded.

Videl pulled on her coat and walked out.

She found Gohan standing out there, his hands in his pockets, just staring up at the sky that was falling with snow.

"Gohan?" Videl asked.

Gohan turned, a bit startled, and looked at her. "Videl…?"

"You forgot I was here already?" Videl blinked.

"No." Gohan shook his head. "It's not that…"

"So why are you out here?" Videl clutched at opposite shoulders. "Ooh! It's so cold!"

Gohan didn't say anything.

"Gohan?" Videl questioned again.

"I'm sorry." Gohan shook his head. "I was just thinking about something. Come on. Let's go in." He started to walk back to the house.

Videl blinked, then shook her head and muttered, "And guys say that they don't understand us girls…?"

"That day went fast." Chichi sighed as they sat at the table, eating dinner.

"Yea," they all agreed.

"And then, daddy's gonna hafta leave…?" Goten sniffled.

"Hey." Ox King grinned, a hand on the small boy's shoulder. "You should be glad for the time you got to spend with him. You may never have gotten to see him, even this once. You should be happy, not sad."

Goten wiped his eyes and smiled. "You're right, grandpa."

Gohan suddenly put down his chopsticks on the table. "Dad, can I talk to you?"

"Of course…" Goku blinked.

"In the other room…?" Gohan indicated.

"Uh…" Goku blinked, then looked around.

Everyone glanced at him.

"Sure." Goku stood up and walked out with Gohan.

Goten looked up. "Mom, can I…?"

"No, Goten!" Chichi shook her head. "It's not nice to listen on to other people's conversations!"

The two exchanged looks, then ran over to the edge of the hall to listen in, with Ox King following.

Videl fell off her chair.

"What's up, Gohan?" Goku blinked.

"Well…" Gohan took a deep breath, then let it out, "Dad, there's something I've been meaning to say to you. I've always wanted to say it since the Cell games."

Goku frowned.

"Dad…I'm sorry," Gohan stated, "I didn't mean for it to happen. It was because of my mistake that you were killed. That Goten had to grow up without you, and mom had to cope. And it was hard on me, too. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Gohan." Goku shook his head. "Like I said before, what you did may have been the best thing."

"But if I didn't…"

"Gohan." Goku smiled. "If you stay in the past, how do you expect to move forward?"

Gohan blinked.

"I certainly don't blame you. And neither does anyone else," Goku stated, "So there's no need to feel bad. Besides, you were only…what…nine at the time. You were just a kid. We're not perfect, Gohan. Even I make mistakes."

Gohan smiled. "Yea…I guess…"

"Come on." Goku grinned. "It's Christmas! Bring up that mood of yours!"

"Right." Gohan smiled. "Thanks, dad." He embraced his father.

"Sure thing, Gohan." Goku held him back.

"Now." Goku drew apart after a moment. "Let's say we finish our dinner. I'm hungry!"

"Okay." Gohan laughed. He felt as if a big burden had been lifted.

They walked back in just as the other three scurried to get back to their seats so as not to be detected.

Later, Goten went to sleep. Chichi and Goku were spending time together in Chichi's room. But Gohan and Videl were up, too. They were sitting in the living-room, on one of the couches they had put the presents down on.

"Sorry it took so long to get around to it." Gohan picked up the present he had purchased for Videl.

"It's alright." Videl handed him the one she had bought.

They exchanged gifts.

"What were you talking to your dad about?" Videl asked, starting to open hers.

"Something long past." Gohan smiled wistfully.

Videl blinked.

"Never-mind." Gohan smiled. "Anyway, let's do this."

Videl nodded.

They both opened what they were given.

"Gohan…this is…I can't believe it…it's absolutely…it's…the best gift I've ever received," Videl whispered as she held up the necklace.

"I like the one you gave me, too." Gohan beamed as he fingered the crystal pendelum he had been given.

"Gee…I feel bad." Videl looked at the ground. "Compared to what I got you, I don't deserve this…"

"Videl…" Gohan shook his head and placed a hand over hers.

Videl looked up.

"It's not the size of the gift," Gohan whispered, "Or how much it cost. What matters is the thought put into it. This present came from your heart…that's all that really matters."

Videl blushed a bit, but smiled.

After a few moments of silence, the girl spoke up, "Gohan?"


"Thank you."

"Thank you, too."

They were quiet, then looked at each other. Then, they embraced.

"I bet your gift was from the heart," Videl whispered, "It is practically written all over it."

"Is it?" Gohan smiled.

The clock ticked the seconds and minutes away.




"I know. But I…"

"I know."

The two drew apart a bit, but only at arm's length.

"Merry Christmas, Videl." Gohan smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Gohan." Videl smiled back.

The two shared another brief hug, then stood up.

"We'd better get some sleep." Gohan smiled.

"Yea." Videl nodded. "Thanks again, Gohan…"

Gohan waved his hand. "Aw, it's nothing."

They walked down the hall, and then stopped in front of the two different doors.

"Good night," they both said at the same time. They blushed, then embraced. Then, they walked into the rooms, feeling like it was the best Christmas ever.