Later that night back at the hotel room we were half locked in an embrace desperately trying to get our clothes off, kissing and rubbing each other all over. I was a nymphet craving every touch he placed on my body with his hands and mouth. "Damn baby, you so wet!" Mark moaned as he plunged repeatedly into me. I clutched him as if my life depended on it. "Ohh baby, I'm coming," he warned.

"Not yet," I begged.

"Oh shit."

"Not yet."


"Damn!" He collapsed on top of me his body shaking as if he were having a conniption, and then relaxing. "I'm sorry baby," he said panting into my neck. "I'll last longer next time. You just so good to my dick, I can't help it."

"You are going to lost longer once we are married right?" I asked him laughing.

"I always last longer then that, tonight that was your punishment for saying no the first time." He just smiled at me.

"Why do you want to marry me anyway?" I never though anyone would want to marry me. I guess that is part of the reason why I didn't think it was for me. I also knew that Mark had cheated on my mother with me the question was would he also cheat on me?

"Because I love you. I though you loved me also." He said getting up out of the bed.

"I do but I am just scared." I said watching him walk to the bathroom to clean himself up. He was in there for a while and didn't say anything to me. I just sat there waiting for him to come back out. He came back out and sat down on the bed next to me.

"You have nothing to be scared of."

"Yes I do of you breaking my heart, cheating on me, and leaving me." I said about to cry.

"I had every intentions of stealing your heart and body, Nikki . Using you mentally like your mother had done to me. I thought I could remain impassive to you, but I think somewhere between getting revenge I found myself falling in love with you." That intense look on his face made my whole body tremble. Suddenly, he buried his face in my neck murmuring, "I don't deserve you, Nikki."

"You have a lifetime to make it up to me, Mark." I pulled him in my arms and pressed my lips against his. His response was immediate.

"I love you, Nikki."

"And I love you, Mark."

"So do you think we could work out being married to each other?" I asked him still a little scared.

"Yeah, I think you and I will last forever." He said smiling then kissed me. I will tell you this. Today is my wedding day. I really do have everything a girl can ask for. I am so happy and I also can't wait until tonight when I get to tell Mark the big news. That not only is today our wedding day, but I found out we are going to have a baby! So this is my crazy messed up life. It did in a way end up happy I guess.

The End.

Let me know what you though about the story. I hope you enjoyed the story.