Chapter Twelve
Brittany couldn't wait to go to bed that night. The next day, she was going to be in a spelling bee at school, and then her opening night in the theater. She was sad she hadn't gotten the chance to tell Alec about either of those things. Emmett came in and said goodnight to her, and then he walked out. Rosalie didn't come in.
She was just settling down when she heard a tap on her window. Brittany blinked, seeing it was Alec. Despite how she felt attached to him, Brittany was sure that something was wrong. Something felt wrong. After a lot of effort, the girl managed to get the heavy window open. Her friend climbed in. Her friend wasn't smiling. "Brittany, you have to come with me."
"Good. I don't mind." She started to get a bag together. Alec put a hand on her arm. "What?"
"No time for that. Come." He hoistered her into his arms. "Keep it quiet. We don't want your family to hear."
"I want to say good bye to Rosalie and Emmett. They've been so..." She gasped suddenly. Alec's grip on her tightened painfully.
"I said be quiet." Her friend's voice suddenly sounded dangerous. Alec carried her through the open window, and out into the cold night. He wrapped his cloak around her gently. And then suddenly, he took off.
Brittany clung tightly, unaccustomed to the speed. When he finally stopped, deep in the woods, she threw up by a tree. "H-how...?"
"I have my ways." The boy was staring at her. There was no warmth in his voice, nor was there kindness. Alec clasped his hands behind his back, looking very much like Aro or Caius had. "Brittany, there's something you need to know."
She didn't reply. Brittany just stared at him, feeling rather confused. "Alec, have I made you mad at me? I didn't mean to...."
"Quiet." He came up to her then. "I'm not human." He said it blandly, so at first, Brittany thought he was kidding. However, something told her he wasn't. Her reached out, and touched her cheek lightly. "That is why we sent you away. We wanted to protect you. Well,I did." Alec let his hand drop. "I can't protect you anymore."
"W-when you say you're not human, what does that mean?"
"I'm... I'm a vampire, Brittany. But not just any." The words were no sooner out of his mouth when Brittany suddenly gasped. Alec hadn't moved from his spot in front of her. "What's the matter?"
"I can't move... or feel....anything. I think...something is wrong...." With every word, Brittany was panicking more. "Help, Alec..." She reached a hand out to him. To her surprise, Alec smacked it away.
"You're fine." His voice was cold, completely different from what she was used to hearing. "I did it." His expression was blank. "There is more I could do. Jane does more harm than I, and there are others that know worse talents."
Brittany began to shiver. "A-alec... what have I done wrong? I thought you loved me...."
"Love? Oh no. I don't love anyone. We needed you. I wanted you to trust me so you'd cooperate. But truth is, you're not worth the trouble Jane, Felix and I have gone through." He backed up a bit. "I hate what you've made me become. It's blinded me to my duty. It ripped my bond with Jane apart. I never want to see you again. Do you understand me?" With every syllable, he backed her farther into a tree.
"That's enough." Carlisle's voice drifted towards them from somewhere behind Alec. "Let the child go."
"Gladly. But she knows the truth now. She knows what I am. That means we'll be back for her." Alec pulled away from Brittany, turning to her foster uncle then. "I will regret this of you, but protect her from us when we come back." Without another word, he fled. Brittany sank to the ground of the forest floor, and cried hysterically.
"Come on, little one." Carlisle picked her up, and Brittany wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sh, Brit. It will be okay." Before she could respond, Brittany found herself drifting into a sleep she knew would be restless.
"I don't want to discuss it, Jane. It's done and over with. " Alec spoke through his teeth, as the twins arrived at the doors of the Main Hall.
"What exactly are you going to tell them?" Jane was never one to worry, so this bothered Alec a little. "You might be in trouble for betraying our true identity." The entered the room.
Alec took an unneeded breath as he made his way to where the Elders were seated. The elders were staring at him. For a long moment, he said nothing. Alec was trying to come up with a rational explanation for his actions. He was just about to reply when Marcus beat him to it.
"What you did is inexcusable. You made it so that we'll never be able to get near her."
"Not true. I told Carlisle we'd be back for her when she's older." Alec replied. He kept his voice even. "She will be ours in a few years' time."
Aro raised an eyebrow then, clearing his throat. "You did all of this just to keep her away from you. There is nothing wrong with loving, Alec. That girl needed your love. Very well. We will not interfere with what you have set into motion. However, no one is go near that girl until the time is right. We will monitor the situation from afar."
"Of course, Aro." Alec nodded. "May I retire to my room? The flight back has made me tired." Alec truthfully wanted some time alone. Even though he pretended not to be affected by what he'd done, he already felt a void inside of him where Brittany had been.
"By all means." Aro dismissed him with a wave of his hand. Alec didn't wait any longer. He fled from the Main Hall, and up to his room. Despite what he had done, he knew that Brittany wasn't going to be safe. It would all be for nothing when she was older.
(A/N:That's it for this fanfic. This last chapter was incredibly heartbreaking for me to write, but I know Alec will redeem himself in the sequel when I around to writing it!!)