Zoey stood in the hospital hallway with her regular clothes back on. She looked with a pained expression into the painted room of the baby nursery. Yes, Zoey had a child and stark was the Father. Zoey had tried hard to hide it from them and succeeded with mild suspicion.

She had traveled to Chicago, well away from her home in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to have her child. When she discovered she was having a child the House of night was at a mini debate with the humans. They were gradually being excepted back into the human world after they had imprisoned Kalona back into the Earth. They had a lot of amends to make with society what with all the killings and such and Zoey did not want her baby girl to be thrown into all that stress. She wanted her girl to have a regular life and to live happy. Not cooped up in the House of Night where they might have to be stay for awhile before they were accepted again. She was scared for her daughters safety and this was the only way for her to be sure she would be safe. By nobody knowing at all about the child. Not even her fiancé Stark whom had pledged his allegiance to her and they shared everything together.

She stared into the room with sorrowful eyes until she felt a presence behind her.

"Mrs. Redbird?" Dr. Sharden placed a hand onto Zoey's shoulder. "Zoey?"

Zoey turned around. Dr. Sharden was a Vampyre just like Zoey so she was happy that she got her for a doctor. "I can't keep her. Its just not safe." Zoey said, her voice breaking toward the end. Her anguish was plain on her face.

Dr. Sharden looked at Zoey with a sympathetic look. "I know its hard but it was a decision you had to make. Are you sure about this?" She asked, looking down at Zoey, her hand still on her shoulder.

Zoey nodded. "I do not want to give her up but its for her safety. I do not want her in danger. I can't lose her." Zoey said softly, wiping a tear that threatened to fall.

Dr. Sharden nodded and hugged Zoey. "Would you like to supervise the Adoption?" Zoey shook her head no.

"Just make sure it's a good family, I trust you Dr. Sharden."

"Teresa, please." Teresa smiled down at Zoey as she attempted a smile back and nodded.

"Alright, I will make sure she goes to a loving family." Teresa looked at Zoey for a long time then asked, "Would you like to hold her before you go?"

Zoey looked up at Teresa with a hopeful look. "Please?"

Teresa nodded. "Of course, Zoey." She motioned for Zoey to follow her.

She led her to a room where Zoey sat down and waited for Teresa to come back. She did not have to wait long though. Teresa came through the door with a small bundle of blankets in her arms. She closed the door and smiled at Zoey. "Hold out your arms." Zoey hesitantly mimicked Teresa's arm structure and felt the small little bundle be placed in her arms. She held the baby carefully and used one hand to move the blanket from her face. She smiled brightly, she had her fathers defined face structure. She traced a hand along the side of her child's head. She saw the baby look up at her and giggle a little.

Zoey gasped, her baby had her eyes. She smiled as she saw them sparkle like diamonds. Some tears slide down her cheek.

"Do you have and idea for a name?" Teresa asked, with a smile on her face at the site before her.

Zoey nodded. "Marielle. Marielle Angelique." She said, smiling as she stroked the little curls on top of her daughters tan skin.

Teresa nodded and wrote it down. "When you come out you must sign the paperwork before you leave." She said before leaving the room.

Zoey looked back down at the bundle in her arms. She wasn't crying, nor did you hint the slightest at even being upset like normal babies usually did. She looked at peace. So quiet. Zoey stood there for a good hour, swaying her to sleep before walking out and handing her to Teresa.

Zoey then signed all the paperwork and the birth certificate and then signing Stark's name. She then walked over to her child once more and looked at Teresa.

"Thank you." She whispered in a broken voice. She took one last look at her baby girl before kissing her forehead and watching her be walked away forever.

Zoey walked out the front of the hospital and to her car. she sat there crying for what seemed like hours. she would never see her only baby girl again.

16 Years Later

The music in Marielle's car played at medium level while she drove her way back to her house. It wasn't a long drive and she pulled into the long drive way and got out, locking her mustang before slamming the door closed. "Ah hell." She said, noticing she had left her book bag in the passengers seat. She unlocked the car and bent to retrieve it and then once again slamming the door shut and locking it before turning around. Upon turning around she gasped loudly as a figure stood before her.

"What do you want?" She asked, gripping the car as she backed up.

The figure looked up. "Marielle Angelique Whitlock. You have been chosen as a child of the Goddess Nyx. Take this mark and fulfill your destiny!" He said, before tapping her forehead and her screaming as a shock racked her body. She fell to the ground passing out but not before seeing her parents run out of the house and gasp.

Ah hell, she thought before falling into darkness.

Okay so what'cha think? There are SO not as much Zoey/stark fics out there as there should be. So tell me Whatcha think if I should continue or not. R&R please!!! And I thought the ah hell part was so Zoey. XD thanks for reading!

Oh and I was wondering if anyone has a thought for a better name! Please? If you do please message me!