I do not own Chuck or any recognizable ideas or characters from the TV Show. I do however own any original idea you see.

Chuck slid out of what looked like a CAT scan machine but was in fact the Healing Tech. it was white with glowing blue lines all over it. Chuck stood up and glanced down at his stomach. The bruises seemed to have vanished. He gingerly touched his eye and felt no pain.


"The CIA are very adamant on having our agents up to full working order." the doctor said. Neil was walking around with a metal cast that was white with blue lines all over and it was glowing brightly.

"It should be off by tonight Neil." Nora said.

'Is it bad if I can't feel anything?"

"No that's normal." the CIA doctor said as he packed up.

Chuck was on his balcony of the mansion watching the sun set behind the golf course. Sarah opened the French doors of his room. He turned.


"Hey. You ok Chuck?" she asked standing next to him. She smiled as he put his arm around her and pulled her in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the back of her head.

"I'm fine. Is it time for truth serum training?"

"Yes. I kind of asked to take over that." She said. He looked at her laughing.

"What do you plan on finding out Agent Walker?" he asked putting his arm around her and holding her close as they walked in.

"Oh this and that." She said with a smile. He looked in his room to see a table set up with two chairs. The appropriate medical equipment on the table and a syringe was already full.

"I know your aversion to needles Chuck and if it were up to me. We wouldn't even do this. Cause there's no way Casey and I would ever let you get anywhere close to truth serum."

"Riordan Payne." Chuck said. Sarah smacked him.

"That was your fault."

"Oh yeah…"

"Come on sit down."

Chuck felt the serum flow through his blood. His throat felt dry. He chewed his tongue.

"Chuck listen to me. You have to try and protect your cover ok? You're Carmichael. Is your name Charles Carmichael?"

"Yes." Sarah looked up startled.

"No that was a lie. Its not." Sarah shook her head.

"What's your real name?"

"Chuck Bartowski."

"Chuck. Come on you have to fight."

"My name is…Charles…." Sarah looked up. Chuck's face was stressed. He looked angry, his eyebrows furrowed. His fist clenched, teeth gritted. He actually looked constipated.

"Charles….Car…Charles Bartowski." He sighed and smacked his head.

"Chuck no one expects you to get it on your first try. It took me four days."

"What's the average?"

"You should be able to master it within two days. But you and I will only be working for an hour. We need to train you more. If we don't finish anything. Casey and I will handle it back in LA."

"When am I going to learn to throw knives?" Chuck blurted.

"You…you want to learn?"


"Ok. Well I'll teach you when we get back to LA."

"And languages?"

"They're in the intersect Chuck." Chuck closed his eyes. Like how his father thought him. He searched through his database.

"German. Italian. Spanish. Japanese. Swahili. Hindi. Hungarian." Chuck said listing off the languages he suddenly knew. Sarah nodded.

"You have all of them. Now listen. You have to try and fight Chuck. Think why are you telling the truth. Make yourself believe that you CAN lie."

"Sarah Lisa Walker. I do…nehh….ng…I do…no….I love you." Sarah laughed.

"Chuck trying to lie about love is one of the hardest things you can do. And seeing as we just got together. I suggest you don't try that anytime soon." Chuck nodded with a small smile.

"Let's try something easy. This is a red pen. Say it." Sarah said holding up a blue pen.

"Sarah I have a very bad feeling ala Liar Liar." Sarah looked confused.

"Chuck what is the color of this pen?"

"Blue." Sarah sighed.

"Chuck what is the color of this pen?"Sarah sighed an hour later.

"The color of the pen. That you are holding, is…" Chuck's nose flared, his eyes widened.

"Red!" he yelled then he sighed and fell off his chair. Sarah was at his side in an instant.

"Chuck you did it!"

"Not really." He said getting back up.

"Ok your facial expressions and the long pause aren't supposed to be there but you managed to say the sentence! Let's try it again." Chuck sighed.

"What's the color of this pen?" Chuck tried to keep his face straight. He made his hand into a fist.

"RED!" he slammed the table then fell back. Sarah was smiling.

"Chuck! One more time."

"The pen is, red. It's a red pen. Sarah Walker the pen you hold in your hand is red!" Chuck said standing up. Sarah laughed and threw the pen behind her then hugged him.

"Ok. Chuck. What is the name of your NSA contact." Chuck considered.

"Michelle." Sarah looked confused.

"I'm telling the truth. Jonathan Michelle Casey."

"That's your handler Chuck. I meant the person you report to. Who do you report to?" Chuck bit his lip then his eyes closed.

"Why would I report to anyone? I have nothing to do with the NSA. GAH!" he clutched his head and fell off his chair again.

"Chuck!" Sarah picked him back up. He put his hand on either side of his head and slumped across the table.

"My head." He groaned.

"Its normal for now Chuck. You're fighting against the truth serum that's in your head. It's bound to hurt."

"That doesn't comfort me at all sweetheart." Sarah smiled. He'd called her 'sweetheart'. A pet name.

"Sarah when do I learn how to leave a man behind?"

"There's no way to train Chuck. Its an instinct…supposedly. I had a partner before Bryce. She and I were in Afghanistan after The Omaha Project." Chuck flashed.

"A secret intelligence barracks in Eastern Europe. Recruits who have graduated were sent there in 2004 to face an experimental training program. The barracks was ambushed and all trainees who survived were forced to go on the run. The experimental program was a cover story as agents were being groomed to be able to hold bits and pieces of the experimental intersect. The ambush was planned by Homeland Security to stop the information from entering the minds of the trainees." Chuck fell back.

"That was a long explanation Chuck."

"Yeah. I usually edit my flash explanations to get the main points out."

"Truth serum. I remember that day. It was Bryce, me and my friend, later partner Melissa Bennett." Chuck flashed again. He struggled to keep his mouth shut.

"Go ahead."

"Melissa Bennett was in the fatal Omaha Project. After graduating the academy she was partnered with Agent Walker. when they were split up she was partnered with one Fiona Hammond who was a double agent. Agent Bennett was MIA for two years until she made her way to an embassy in Iran. She was tortured but she never divulged any information. Her injuries were substantial and she nearly lost her life. Due to her psychological trauma she was retired and given a house in Ipswich, Massachusetts."

"She was raped actually before the torture, after, during. And I guess whoever put the file in the Intersect was being nice. I don't suppose it mentions I was detained and on suspension after I punched Graham for not telling me she was MIA."

"No. but what happened in Afghanistan?"

"We were in a high priority mission. Trying to pinpoint a bio-terrorist associating with the Taliban. Our cover was blown when we assassinated the bio-terrorist and we took his files. Melissa was shot in the shoulder, through the chest and kneecap. I carried her to our rendezvous. Got shot in the shoulder but I wouldn't give her up. She was the closest thing I had to a friend. I was commended Graham told me later I should have left her. Got another suspension for punching him."

"Sarah…you've had sixteen suspensions. Wow. You should have been fired."

"Yeah well Graham liked me. My 'moxy'."

"How old was Graham again?"

"Too old to be a bachelor."

"He's not a bachelor right? The new director?"

"No. he's married. Three kids."

"Hermione Garrison? That's her maiden name right?"

"Gordon. I met her in The Omaha Project. He was there too. Senior agent. They were engaged then. I remember the drama."

"Engaged. huh." Chuck looked at her as she put the truth serum equipment away. He couldn't stop but think about Sarah as his wife.

The next morning everybody was primping and cleaning for when the Director arrived. Chuck came down in a long sleeved T-Shirt, his sleeves pushed up and wearing jeans.

"Bartowski. You could have made yourself a little presentable for the Director." Casey growled as Chuck walked up to the others. Sarah in his arms.

"I'm more comfortable this way thanks Casey. I'm going to want to be comfortable once the Director realizes Sarah and I are dating-."

"I don't see any problem with that." Came a voice to Chuck's right. From the shadows of the elevator to the upper levels walked a man. They all turned. He was tall that was for sure. His hair was short and combed back. he was in a black suit with a black tie. As he got closer Chuck noticed he had an athletic build. His suit was buttoned his hands were behind his back as he stood before them all. He looked at them as though examining them. His face was cool and calm, his eyes alert moving from face to face. Then settled on Chuck. He smiled. And it wasn't a cold smile. Chuck found himself liking this man. Director Samuel Singh.

"Ryan. Good to see you. Josh, how are you keeping?" he clapped Ryan on the back and stood before Josh.

"Good, sir."

"That's good. Neil what have you done this time?" he laughed standing before Neil folding his arms.

"Heard about my little healing tech tenure then sir?" Neil laughed.

"I authorized it didn't I?" the Director said with a smile.



"How's Mittens?"

"She's fine thank you sir." Nicole blushed as the others flashed her inquisitive glances.

"Oh guys. It's a cat." The Director said. Everybody nodded and laughed.

"Casey. How's the bonsai tree?"


"Big surprise." He said shaking Casey's hand.

"Nora. Dear, dear Nora. Does it feel good to be back after volunteering in Iraq?"

"Very good sir. But I did my duty."

"Roland." He said cheerfully he made to pretend punch Roland who blocked and threw a mock punch at the Director who blocked. They laughed and shook hands.

"Roan." The Director said putting his hands on his ribs.

"How's the wife Samuel?"


"You know if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have gotten her." The Director raised an eyebrow.

"Then again maybe you might have."

"Indeed. Vince! Stephanie. How are you two? Still married?" Vince and Stephanie held up their hands and laughed along with the Director. He was friendly but everyone had a deep level of respect for him.

"How's Hermione sir? And Jack and Rachel and Lucy?"

"All fine. Thank you." Then he faced Sarah and Chuck.

"Mr. Bartowski. An honor." He said extending his hand. Chuck took it and felt a firm grasp. And returned it.

"Very strong handshake you have there. Tells a lot about a man." The Director said.

"Dick Van Dyke said the same thing." Sarah elbowed him as the Director laughed.

"Sarah Walker. long time no see." He said shaking her hand.

"Its good to see you Sam—Uh I mean Director." He rolled his eyes.

"Well then. Let's get to business shall we?" he said clapping his hands together.

They were in a conference room. The United States Seal engraved into the middle of the long wooden table. Everyone was seated. The Director at one end of the table his legs crossed and gazing politely at the screen at the other end showing General Beckman.

"Despite certain setbacks and disagreements over training methods. You all agree that Mr. Bartowski has passed his training?" Beckman asked glancing at Chuck's dossier before her. The Director had one too. He sat straight up and leaned across the table.

"Roland?" he asked. Roland put his fingers on the table and turned at an angle to face Chuck.

"I believe Agent Bartowski is ready. He managed to incapacitate both Agent's Walker and Casey and managed to hold his own in a fight with me before bringing me down. In hand to hand combat. He's ready." Chuck tried to hide his grin. The Director was openly smiling however. He stamped a paper before him.

"Neil?" the Director asked. Neil forcefully angled his chair away from Beckman.

"Well sir. Mr. Bartowski had shown aptitude in weapons training I haven't seen in any rookie. His aim is excellent and as you will recall our method of bringing Chuck here wasn't exactly orthodox. He managed to 'kill' his assailants. His knowledge of weapons is extensive. I know with his instincts he can handle himself in a shootout. In my opinion Chuck is ready to be an Agent." The director stamped the paper again,

"Seduction?" Beckman asked.

"Charles. Charles did very well in the exercise. He managed to seduce each of the girls. His kissing technique is good as is his style. He can hold himself well and manages to remain indistinct but catch the interest of those he needs to. Despite his relationship with Agent Walker I think-."

"Excuse me?" Beckman interrupted.

"Please continue Roan." The Director said.

"I'd rather here about this Mr. Director."

"General as both Agent Walker and Chuck are in my agency and I have no fault in them pursuing a relationship I think we can move on and finish with Roan's assessment. Roan?" The Director flashed a smile at Chuck and Sarah who held their hands tightly under the table.

"As I said despite this. I know Chuck will be able to seduce a mark."

"And what of the sexual capacity?"

"Uh…" Roan trailed off.

"He's passed. Definitely…definitely passed." Sarah said. Everybody coughed and looked away.

"Children. Please grow up." The Director sighed as he stamped the paper.

"Sense Training. Ryan?"

"Chuck's history with this subject wasn't that great when I first started training him. He was a very deep sleeper. But now he has the best sense and instincts I've ever seen. He can examine a cluttered room and return five minutes later to see what was moved. He can hear danger. He's got lightning quick reflexes. Chuck is trained with the instincts of an Agent."

"Excellent." The Director said stamping the paper yet again.

"First Aid. Dr. Wilson?" Beckman asked. Nora put her fingers together and glanced at Chuck.

"Chuck has a history of an aversion to needles and blood and so on. But when we went into the emergency room as per his training. Chuck was brilliant. He handled himself exactly as a doctor would. And I never needed to come into assist him. A first in all my years of training rookies. If Chuck or anyone in his team is wounded on the field. I will put my qualifications on the line to say Chuck can handle it as well as I could." The Director stamped the paper again.

"Director really?" Beckman asked.

"I'm sorry General. Following protocol." He held up a paper. Chuck's picture and name was on it. And there was a table with two columns. The first column listed all his training activities the second was supposed to be blank but a few held the stamped words PASSED.

"Mission Preparation, Tech Training and Cover Fabrication. Nicole?"

"Chuck was surprisingly good with the gadgets. And he's already had a history with Mission Preparation so I just brushed him up. He's created six very believable covers. And based on that terrible torture training exercise. He can keep his cover together. I know in a mission if I was with Chuck I wouldn't be worried cause he'd have all the bases covered. He's ready to be an Agent." Another stamp.

"Fitness Training." The Director said.

"Chuck…Chuck was lanky when he came in. he had stamina but not enough. We've built him up now. As you know the Agency has a strict restriction on Agent Fitness. Chuck's passed Director. He's lifting weights heavier than I am. He can run twenty miles straight at the same steady speed."

"Very good." The Director stamped again.

"Evasive Driving?" the General asked.

"Agent Casey brought something new to this training this time, he called the police informing them Chuck was a high-priority vigilante. For the next five days Chuck was outrunning the police. Each day he managed to escape. He can handle himself in all types of vehicles." Sarah said.

"What about flying?" the Director asked.

"He's flown a Helicopter sir. And he's driven a speedboat before you ask."

"Very good. You're very versatile aren't you Chuck?"

"Uh…I ry." He said. The Director laughed he sobered up before saying,

"Training to Kill?"

"We used the androids this time. Before that, we taught Chuck how to use common everyday items to his benefit. Upon entering the exercise he handled himself well. He disabled the android and following the book he questioned it. The android tried to take back control but Chuck deactivated it with a pen to the side of its neck." Roland said.

"And what of this business with the Casey Android?" Beckman asked.

"We led Chuck to believe that he and I would be fighting to the death and we sent an android in. upon threatening the safety of both Chuck and Agent Walker he disabled the Android." Casey said. Beckman sniffed in disapproval. The Director shook his head and stamped anyway.

"How to put up with Torture I know he passed." The Director said looking up to glare at Beckman who avoided his gaze.

"He rescued me sir." Neil said.

"We're still working on truth serum but he managed to lie about a pen yesterday so we're getting there." Sarah said.

"Alright. If you all would leave please. The General and I must converse."

"Is that normal? For them to 'converse'?"

"Don't worry Chuck you're in. because the Director is both our bosses he's approved us for the team. He needs her approval for Casey." Casey grunted.

"A Team Chuck without Casey…no can't be done." Chuck said.

"Chuck, Sarah, Casey. In here please." The Director said opening the door. They filed in and stood before the screen. The Director stood beside it.

"We've come to a decision." Beckman said.

"As of next week. All three of you will be based full-time in Los Angeles. As Agent's." Chuck breathed a sigh of relief and began to laugh he embraced Sarah in a hug and a quick kiss. The Director came forward.

"Here it is Chuck. The official CIA Contract. I don't think you need one seeing as you're the Intersect but I can't let the Agency's legal team know that so you know."

"No problem Director."

"And enough of this Director business. All three of you know me. I'm afraid I can't assign a contact of the Agency to this team. So you'll be dealing with me."

"And me." Beckman added as Chuck signed the contract and the shut your mouth clause. The Director took something out of his pocket.

"Congratulations. Agent Bartowski." He shook Chuck's hand and handed him a leather wallet like object. Chuck opened it to see his official CIA ID. He smiled down at it.

"You have a gun I assume?" Chuck nodded.

"Very good. Well you have seven days break. You can spend it anyway you want before we call you in. enjoy it. We'll be shutting the Mansion down tomorrow so make sure you're out before then." The Director said as they walked out.

"Yes sir." Suddenly a beep emitted from the Director he withdrew an iPhone.


"Something wrong sir?"

"I was supposed to pick up the kids from school today." He said dialing.

"Hermione. Don't freak out…" he walked into the elevator. He held the iPhone away from his ear as yelling emitted from it.

"All you Trainers can return home check in at Langley for debriefing next week." He gingerly put the iPhone back to his ear.

"I know. Yes. I'm sorry. Can you do it?" the elevator doors shut.

Chuck and the others were gathered in the Courtyard of the Mansion. Everybody was packed. Roan helping himself to a few Cigars and a bottle of scotch. Now he had one between his teeth.

"Guys. Thank you. All of you for training me. I hope this isn't the last time we see each other."

"Oh it wont Chuck. Nicole programmed all our numbers into your phone. If you need us any of us. Just call." Roland said shouldering his bag. Chuck smiled and nodded. They all exchanged goodbyes and hugs and handshakes. Roland and Neil who were best friends drove off first in Neil's black Hummer H2, Roland driving because Neil was still a little tender. Vince and Stephanie smiling took off in their silver Volvo XC90. Roan was leaning next to a car that suspiciously looked like Beckman's Mercedes.

"Charles. John. Sarah." He said before getting into the backseat and the car took off.

"Casey is that-?"

"That's classified information Bartowski." Casey said before Chuck could ask. Josh nodded and smiled before getting into his Jeep. Nora was hitching a ride with Nicole back to DC in Nicole's Mercedes convertible. Casey looked at them.

"I'm going to DC. Might as well move all my crap to LA now. I'll see you later." Casey said getting into the Crown Vic. Sarah and Chuck faced each other. Sarah's Porsche was here as were a bunch of cars Chuck was given. The ones he didn't take would be towed to the Mirage.

"I have to go back to DC too." She said. Chuck didn't say anything. He sensed she had more to say.

"Come with me?" she asked tentatively. He smiled and stroked her cheek. Her hair falling in that attractive way where she had a slight fringe. He pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

"I'd be honored." He said kissing her head. She smiled.

"Come on. We'll ride together." Sarah said making for the Porsche.

"Sarah. I think we should go for the Lamborghini."

"You just want use the police siren again." She smiled closing the door to the Porsche and following him to the silver-grey Reventon.

"Course." He grinned as they flew down the driveway.

"You ready?" he asked.


Its been a long torturous journey. For me it was the writing. For you it was trying to figure out what the hell I was on about. Watch out for my next story. If I decide to write it. Reviews on this will lead me to write.

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