Disclaimer: I do not own the names of any current or past WWE superstars/divas only the original characters.

Chapter One

Jeff grabbed his bag and headed out of the hotel room. Just as he reached the door the phone rang. Cursing to himself, he dropped his bag and went back to the phone. "Hello."

"Stay away." A deep voice said.

"Hello?" He repeated again.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away."

"Who the hell is this?" He asked as the line went dead. "Whatever". He was heading back out when the phone rang again.

"Listen," He said into the phone. "I don't have time for this."

"Jeff?" He heard his brother bark over the phone. "What the hell is going on? I've been waiting down in the lobby for almost a half an hour."

"I'm on my way now. Just relax and I'll be down in a minute."

"Well hurry up. We're late now." Jeff hung up and this time, he made it out of the room. Coming down the elevator he could feel this was going to be a bad day. He and Matt received word last night that they were to meet with Stephanie about changes in their storylines, which meant he was probably being pulled out of the title run, and to top it all off, last night he had a huge fight with his girlfriend and he was pretty sure that at this moment she was throwing his stuff out the window. Now he had to go down stairs and deal with Matt being all pissed about him being late. He loved his brother but he was a little anal about this stuff. As the elevator open he took a deep breath, and walked into the lobby.

"About time." Matt said checking his watch." Come on Stephanie's gonna be angry that we kept her waiting."


"Yeah, I know. What happened this time?"

"Man, I was up all night on the phone with Meg. She's unhappy about the direction of our relationship, her words not mine."

"So what does she want?"

"A ring." Matt chuckled at the pained look on his brother's face.

"Oh come on you had to know this was coming. I warned you months ago that she was looking for more."

"Yeah, I know."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her I wasn't ready."

"I'm sure she didn't take that well. So, now what?"

"I don't know." They didn't really talk more on the ride to the arena, and Jeff was grateful that Matt understood he needed some time to think. Jeff wasn't sure what he was going to do. It wasn't that he didn't love Meg; he knew he did, but he never could picture himself married to her. He always used to pass it off to her that he wasn't the marrying type but that wasn't true. He could see himself getting married, but she wasn't the one. He kept the relationship going because of his feelings for her and the hope they would grow into him wanting to marry her, but so far that hasn't happened. He knew she wouldn't wait forever and now he's gonna have to deal with it. He was already dreading the trip home.

They pulled into the parking lot and there were already fans waiting outside. Jeff could hear the frenzy of the fans screaming as they drove in. Usually, those cheers raise his adrenaline and his excitement builds, however, today with the meeting with Stephanie and the problems at home, all he felt was despair.

"Come on" Matt said as the car came to a stop. "Let's get this over with." He climbed out of the car and grabbed his bag as Jeff did the same.

"So what do you think they're gonna do with us?" Jeff asked.

"Beats me. With all the leaks on the web, you never know and no one's talking. I didn't even know what you were doing with your last story."

"Hell, half the time neither did I." They laughed as they came upon Stephanie's makeshift office. Matt knocked and Stephanie's assistant, Megan, opened the door.

"Hi Matt, Jeff. Mrs. Levesque is ready to see you now. She opened the door wider so that they can enter.

"Hey Stephanie" Matt said as he sat down in one of the chairs.

Jeff quietly nodded to her as he sat next to Matt. Meetings with Stephanie always made Jeff nervous. He knew very well that Stephanie as well as her brother Shane didn't like him very much. They used to all get along okay until Jeff dated Stephanie's best friend, Jessica. Jeff screwed up and broke her heart and Steph and Shane never forgave him for it. Just the thought of Jessica caused Jeff's pulse to race. He pushed the thoughts of her out of his mind and tried to focus on the words coming out of Stephanie's mouth.

"As you know Jay is due to return to the WWE tonight. We wanted to do a throwback to the past. So we've decided to bring back the feud that you and Jeff had with Adam and Jay. Now we'll have to tweak it a bit with Vicky now being involved, and you'll be joined with a Diva as well."

"Which Diva?" Matt asked as there was a knock on the door as Shane entered.

"Hey Matt," He said as he further entered the room. "I just got off the phone, she's on her way. I'm going to meet up with her and get her situated."

"Okay." Stephanie said to her brother. "Let me know when she gets here."

"No problem." He nodded to Matt and gave Jeff a disgusted look as he left the room.

"You'll have to forgive my brother. He can be a jerk sometimes." Stephanie gave him a smile, which confused but somehow comforted Jeff.

"It's okay. I deserved it."

"Still it's been three years. He should really get over it."

"I'm sorry, you mentioned a Diva?" Matt interrupted trying to change the subject. He knew that it still hurt Jeff to talk about Jessica. It bothered him too. They had become good friends while she dated her brother and it hurt him the way she shut him out after everything went down.

"That parts still in the works. We haven't finalized that yet." She handed them each an envelope. "Everything you need is in here, scripts, and rundowns. Well open with Adam and Vicky coming out and welcoming Jay. Then you two will come out to welcome him in your own way. You'll give a couple of insults to them and Vicky of course," Megan entered.

"You've got a call on line one."

"Thank you." Stephanie said. She looked back to Matt and Jeff. "I'm sorry guys but everything is in those envelopes. I know this is all short notice but I want this started before the web gets a hold of anything. Needless to say I need you guys to keep this to under wraps. There are only a few people who know of this storyline, and I want to keep it that way."

"Still trying to find the leak?"

"Yes, and I will. Good Luck tonight. I tell you guys if we have any more information." Jeff and Matt left the room.

"Well that was strange." Matt said. "All secret agent like."

"Yea." Jeff said quietly not really happy with what went down. "Why would they want to repeat the past?"

"You mean the storyline? Ratings, why else?" He already knew what his brother was thinking. "It's gonna be strange bringing back the feud when so much has changed. I mean none of us are tag teams anymore, Vicky being involved, and a new Diva. I wonder who it's gonna be."

"It's not gonna matter." Jeff was none too happy with the choice in storyline. He didn't want to relive those days. Anything about those days reminds him of her, and bringing in a new Diva isn't going to replace Jessica. He had worked hard to move on from everything that happened. It took him a long time to get over losing her. For months he moped around and waited for her to return. He called daily, begging for her to forgive him, but she wouldn't even pick up the phone. Gradually the pain dulled and Jeff got involved with Meg again. He never got over Jessica but found it easier to move on blocking her out of his mind. This was not good.

"Well let's go find Jay and Adam and see what we have to do." They headed towards the locker room. Jeff's cell phone went off he looked down at the screen. Meg's name was blinking across it.

"Listen I got to take this. I'll meet up with you guys in a few minutes. Hello?"

Matt walked off to leave Jeff with his problems. He was worried about him and not sure if he could handle the storyline. He knew that he was already thinking of Jessica, and Jeff's problem with Meg was only going to get worse.