Summary: A random occurrence with the same person in four different occasions strikes Odd, Jeremy, Aelita, Ulrich and Yumi. Well this mysterious person brings on a whole new group of troubles for our Lyoko group.
This is my second fanfic; but first Code Lyoko fanfic. I hope you like it!
Me: Do I have to?
Moon scope: Yes!
Me: I don't own Jeremy or Aelita.
Moon scope: clears throat.
Me: Or Yumi, Odd and Code Lyoko.
Moon scope: Aren't we forgetting something?
Me: Or…Ulrich
Moon scope: Good!
Me: Hmph! Sits in the corner pouting
Chapter 1: It Begins
It was a beautiful sunny day at Kadic Academy. Two blondes were walking across campus, as one explained a program to another. The one talking was Jeremy Belpois. He sported his usual black rimmed glasses; along with a blue turtleneck and burgundy colored capris. His companion was the infamous jokester Odd Della Robia. His hair was spiked back into a point with a purple streak down the center. Odd was wearing his normal purple long sleeved shirt, bellbottom pants and purple platform shoes.
"Now do you understand Odd?" Jeremy asked his friend.
"Yeah I think I do. Hey wanna grab a drink at the vending machine before class?" Odd replied.
"Uh…I can't I have to go meet Aelita." Jeremy stuttered as his cheeks turned a slight pink. It happened every time a certain pink haired girl was mentioned.
"Okay. See you later Einstein." He said in return, knowing about his friends crush. Before Jeremy left Odd shouted to him, "Give Aelita I nice big kiss on the lips for me!"
"Odd you're so stupid." Jeremy shouted shaking his head as he walked away.
Odd continued on his way to the vending machine. As he got on line for a drink, he noticed the person in front of him was having a problem. He looked up and saw a cute girl in front of him. She had curly blonde hair and was a little shorter than him about an inch or two. She was wearing a blue zip up jacket and jeans. She also wore black boots. 'She must be new I don't think I've seen her around. I wonder what her name is.' Odd thought, for surely he would have recognized her.
"Ugh…this stupid vending machine;" She mumbled, her voice sounded like bells. Then unexpectedly, she hit the machine in several spots: once at the top, then in the middle, the she kicked it! In return two drinks came out when you were lucky enough to get one.
"Whoa! How did you do that?" Odd inquired astounded.
"Trade secret," The beautiful girl said. She winked at Odd and then began to walk away. When Odd realized what was happening he quickly stopped her.
"W-wait, I'm Odd-" He began cursing himself for stuttering
"Della Robbia. I know."
'She knows my name! Oh right pay attention.' Odd thought excitedly, but voiced. "Who are you?"
"Name's Simone Johnson; got to go meet my friend. See ya around." Simone said as she began to walk away again. Odd could have sworn that he got a crush on her in the few minutes that he stood talking to her. Unfortunately for him, Odd and Simone would only soon become good friends.
After Jeremy walked away from Odd he made a quick turn and continued on the familiar route to the girl's dormitory, mainly Aelita's room. As he opened the door, he felt a sharp gust of air as he got the wind knocked out of him and fell to the ground. There was a loud thump as a pile full of books fell to the ground. The person who was previously carrying them was a tan brunette.
The female was wearing a beautiful red hoodie with a pattern of red butterflies on it. Her top was a plain black polo that was unbuttoned enough so you could see her red camisole underneath. She wore a plaid red, pink, and black skirt. What surprised Jeremy most was that she started speaking in what sounded like Spanish as she picked up her books. Feeling bad he helped her pick up their books as they had a chat.
"I'm so sorry this is my entire fault." Jeremy apologized sincerely.
The girl's Spanish cut off, she looked shocked that he was speaking to her. But it passed as quickly as it came. When she opened her mouth he heard her accent. "No, no, no it's my fault. I mean I was the one that bumped into the entire school's second smartest student."
That made Jeremy shocked. Since when was he second? "Second? Not to sound vain or anything but I thought I was the first."
"Yeah you were but-" the Latina started,
"I beat you." Someone finished for her.
Jeremy turned and saw one of the most gorgeous girls he had ever seen, aside from Aelita and his mom. She had curly blonde hair and was around the same height as him, and if not taller. She was wearing a blue zip up jacket with clouds on it. She also wore dark faded jeans and black boots. Her face was just as attractive as her outfit. From her flawless and milky skin and crystal clear blue eyes, Jeremy fell head over heels for this girl.
The Spanish-speaking girl's surprise from seeing Jeremy didn't hold a candle to her shock of spoting the stunning girl. "Simone! I was about to meet you but I kinda got held up."
Simone's voice sounded like chimes, to bad it didn't have pleasant things to say. "I noticed. Do you need any more help? Oh and Jeremy can you stop gawking? Besides we need to have a talk; you know with the gang. Like now! So can we hurry it up?"
"Is it serious?"
"Yes. Now let's go. I don't want to waste anymore time here."
'Although she's beautiful she's kind of pushy. Well I better go find Aelita.' The bossy girl's friend got up from the floor with her books and shook Jeremy out of his ponderings. "Oh it was nice meeting you Jeremy."
"You too…uh…um-" Jeremy replied trying to find a name.
"It's Jasmine. Bye." Jasmine said as she followed Simone.
Neither did any of the participants of the previous conversations know that the three of them would be seeing more and more of each other as the year wore on.
It was a time that most students and faculty members of Kadic enjoyed, lunch. Lunch is a time to hang with friends and talk. You don't have to worry about school test or grading papers during lunch. It is also a time of thinking as Aelita was doing. She was standing on line for her meal; reviewing her thoughts about the conversation she had with Jeremy earlier. But little did she know she was standing next to the person that was the subject of the conversation.
After his encounter with Simone and her friend Jasmine, Jeremy barreled towards Aelita's room. As he burst in the door his eyes took in the familiar landscape of pink walls, wardrobe, bed covered in pink sheets and stuff animals, with Mr. Puck leaning against the pillows. After his eyes scanned the room momentarily they finally landed on Aelita.
"Aelita, I did it! I think I found a way to materialize us from a replika to a lab to destroy it!" Jeremy told his pink haired companion with excitement.
His happiness was quickly spread to Aelita who asked "Really how?"
"Well you know how I told you that I had found that unknown file on the supercomputer? Well that had the code that I needed along with some other stuff that I still need to look at." He explained. Aelita's face was immediately drawn into worry.
"But Jeremy isn't that dangerous? I mean how do we know that the code isn't from XANA?"
"Well that's what I thought about at first but when I ran it, it was perfectly safe. So either XANA wants us to use it, or it belongs to someone else." Jeremy said to reassure his crush.
"You mean someone else is using the supercomputer?"
"It's a strong possibility. Anyway we'll talk about it more with the group it's time we headed to lunch." Jeremy said as his stomach growled.
End Flashback.
As Aelita was zoning off she didn't hear her name being called. "Hey can you pass the salt?" someone asked. The girl next to her called her again when Aelita didn't respond. This time she was fully shook her out of her thoughts.
"Hello?" the person asked.
"Oh did you say something." Aelita turned to ask the girl who was speaking to her.
When she turned she saw a stunning girl. She had curly platinum blonde hair. She was slightly taller than her and was wearing a blue zip up jacket with clouds on it. She also wore dark faded skinny jeans tucked into her black boots. Her face was blemish free and her skin looked as soft as satin. She had wonderful clear blue eyes that looked as if they looked into your soul and that you could get lost in them. Next to this girl, Aelita felt less than adequate.
"Yeah, I asked if you could pass the salt." She explained.
"Oh here, I'm sorry." Aelita said apologizing profusely to her.
"It's okay. You seemed like you were deep in thought. I know when I get like that my friends have to like practically smack me." She said jokingly as the two laughed. Unfortunately, for Aelita their conversation had to be cut short.
"Oh yeah I know what you mean. Well I got to go; my friends are waiting for me." Aelita said as she turned to walk away.
"Yeah mine too. And if I know Alex he'll have a lot to say about me being late. Well bye." The other girl replied as she rolled her eyes. Aelita said bye and they both went their separate ways. As they joined their friends only one of them knew their conversations would revolve around each other.
A/N: Well there's the first chapter. I hope you liked it and I'll try to get the next chapter up for you depending on how many reviews I get. Until next time!