Chapter 7
My heart was racing. Thump, thump, thump. I could hear my heart racing in my ears. I could feel the blood rushing to my face. What if something bad happened to my little AJ? What if he was too much that Jake couldn't handle him? What if- Bella, stop frustrating yourself. My conscience told me. Go look and see what happened for yourself.
With my two left feet, I walked down the front porch steps and raced for the bush. When I arrived at my destination, I saw two big wolves wrestling around, which felt like an earthquake was underway underneath my feet. One of was Jake, I could tell by the tan fur and the small features in the wolves presence. But, the other wolf was tinier and had chocolate brown fur. He looked like a newbie because he was losing against Jake and he was limping on his left back paw.
As I realized what was going on before my eyes, I screamed. AJ was the wolf. He transformed into a creature I feared he would not become. He was now immortal, a species of the night, he killed vampires. He killed....... vampires. Suddenly, I figured out why he transformed. New vampires showed up in town, well technically not new vampires. The Cullen's were back. That's why my baby boy is now an indestructible creature that is doomed to killing vampires, why I ask is my AJ like this? He is a creature of the night, that lurks the forests and wood's searching for the killer's, the bloodsuckers. My baby was one of them. Every boy's dream that mothers don't want to happen, becoming werewolves, comes true, even at a young age.
Soon I felt dizzy, and faint. The world surrounding me was spinning, and I felt my self staggering from side- to- side. I could here transforming wolves turning into persons near the distance around me. The forest was becoming white and slowly my vision was disappearing.
"Bella, Bella, get up, are you awake? Please, Bells get up! I'm begging. Wake up!" I could faintly hear Jake's speaking to me in a little echo. Each word coming back louder than the other, I was coming back to life piece by piece, just like back when Edward just left. Jake had to put me back together. He was the key to helping me get back together; he was answering the problem to my puzzle. I couldn't lose Jake or AJ like Edward lost me, although it was his own entire fault.
"J- Jake." I mumbled. Jake sighed of relief as I fully opened my eyes and looked at his black wolf eyes. "I'm sorry I got nervous when I saw the two wolves there. I didn't mean too. I'm sorry, please do not be upset. I did not want to be in harm's way when you were teaching AJ about being a wolf."
"Bella, stop apologizing you did nothing wrong at all. I do not want to hear the word sorry from you at all anymore." Jake demanded and I nodded and helped me up. I realized I was in my house on my couch, which means Jake must have brought me in and sat me on the couch. "Now, I know you are going to take this hard, but please do not be upset, I have to do this, it is part of becoming a wolf."
"Jake, what are you talking about? " I was truly confused.
"Bells, AJ and Mia have to come and stay with me for a while. Just to be safe, I have to do some testing on Mia just to be on the safe side that she does not become a wolf."
"You are not being serious! My little Mia is six years old. How can she become a wolf? And AJ has been living with me for three years now and you expect with just an occasional visit every few months you can just come and take them to run off with! Well, you are not!" I yelled I was getting so frustrated with Jake. He is so thick- headed.
"Bella! You know I cannot control the power of imprinting! It is not possible! I have to take the children no matter what! And it is not like I am taking your so- called daughter. She is a gross parasite! And you know that! I have a right to my children! Now give them to me or I will have to take them by myself!"
I couldn't take it anymore I just leapt up from the couch and through all my frustration out on Jake. How dare he call my daughter a parasite! He is a jerk! He is worse than a dog! He is a lousy, uncontrollable mutt! With my arms punching towards Jake's head I started kicking at his shin, and I'm pretty sure I broke his nose. Jerk, he deserved it. Every muscle I had in my body was used in force against Jake, but soon I noticed Jake was shaking, and it looked like he was going to change, or hit something.
"BELLA! Get back, get back now!" Jake warned, but I didn't listen I kept on hitting him, but minutes I regretted it because Jake transformed knocking me against the wall hard, and I blanked out, it felt like every bone in my body broke due to the force of Jake morphing, and then I fell flat to the ground in second with a loud, humph.
I looked up with all my energy and I seen Jake in his wolf form and I heard people running in but I did not have enough in myself to look over. Suddenly, my eyes were going dim and in seconds everything was blank.
"Beep....Beep....Beep...." I could hear a heart monitor in the distance. I must be in a hospital but why? What happened? My eyes were opening one blink at a time. I tried to get up but realised there were wires all attached to me.
"Ugh, what is going on?" I mumbled to myself but I soon realised there were two people sitting near me in the room. I squinted closer to realize it was Nessie and a little girl, a few years younger then AJ. She had her long black hair tied up in a ponytail, and she had small green eyes that were staring at Nessie. She was very skinny, but tall. She was wearing a light green tank top and army camouflage Capri pants with white flip-flops. She reminded me of a young girl from long ago. A feeling in me gave me a chill of déjà vu, but why?
"Kailey, do you think my mom is going to be okay?" I heard Renesme ask the girl now called Kailey. "I just hope she doesn't freak when she hears what Jake did."
"Jake...Kailey....Renesme...what Jake did?" My mouth dropped open in shock. That girl sitting beside my daughter was Kailey Uley, the girl that Jake imprinted on. "RENESME CARLIE SWAN" I screamed. "What do you think your doing?"
"Mom! Your okay! I am so glad!" Renesme looked so happy and then she frowned. "What did I do wrong?"
"Are you really asking that question to me? Look who you are with!" I screamed I could hear my heartbeat pick up in the monitor.
"Mother! Why are you being like this? Kailey is my friend and she is here to talk to you about something!" Renesme got up and ran in half vampire, half human speed to me and stopped at my bedside. "God, what is the matter with you!"
Her chocolate brown eyes made my heart melt. I sighed and realized, as usual, Nessie was right. "I'm so sorry Nessie, it's just so much stress latlely. I mean with the Cullen's returning, Jake putting me in the hospital, and AJ becoming a werewolf."
"Wait! Is that why AJ smells so much like Jake lately? Wow, why is he changing? Is he going to be okay?"
"Yes, darling. AJ is going to be fine. By the way, where is he and my Mia?"
Nessie looked towards Kailey and then down. "Mom, Jake took Mia and AJ somewhere, for a....awhile. Just to be sure."
"What! Is he def! He puts me in the hospital and then took my children!"
"You are not in the hospital; Jake left you here, at the Cullen's place. And then he called my cell phone and told me that you were here, so I took Mia here in a piggyback style and then he told me you were inside and when I went to check he left a note saying that he took the children and is going to be away for awhile." She took a deep breath and then continued. "Then I tried to trace him with his scent, but they were too far away. Mom, you've been here for two weeks."
"Oh my god! That Jake! I swear I'm going to kill him! How dare he!" I started shaking beyond control, my heart race was going up and my vision was going blank slowly. I could hear Nessie yelling for help, and then a Mr. Carlisle Cullen come running into the room and then I was out.
Yet again I awoke. My vision was as clear as ever, and I was lying down on a couch. I got up and suddenly a gush of wind came before me and a family of Cullen's were right in front of me.
"Bella...." Edward murmured running up to me and pulling a piece of hair behind my ear. I shrugged and he looked depressed and walked back and took a seat on a rocker across from the couch.
"Edward, I swear if you touch me again, I will do harm to you."
I jumped at the unusual sound of Emmett's booming laughter and I couldn't help but laugh with him.
"Bella it has been way too long. I missed you. Thirteen years too long." And then I was enveloped by a big bear hug from my long lost brother Emmett. "I am so happy to see you."
"Emmett, as much as I appreciate this, I need too leave. In these past thirteen years I have learned a life lesson."
"What is it?" I heard Alice ask in the distance.
I smirked evilly, "never trust vampires."