Hey people! I decided to try out my humor-less self on a humor thing-a-ma-jig! Let us see how it works out, shall we?

"Hey, hey, yeah you, Cinderheart, would you all please keep it down! Hey! I said be quiet! Come on, people, cats, whatever, settle down! I have an announcement to make! HEY THUNDERCLAN! YOUR LEADER WANTS TO SAY SOMETHING!" Firestar screeched. The other clan members were dancing and drinking sodas like there was no tomorrow. Spiderleg was doing the hokie-pokie, Cinderheart was doing the Electric Slide, and Sandstorm was pouring soda on Lionblaze.

Firestar bristled his orange fur and yowled, "HEY! LISTEN TO ME ALREADY, WOULD YOU! I HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO DELIVER!" The clan stopped what they were doing, all for Brambleclaw, that is, who was sticking marshmallows to Squirrelflight's fur. He sighed as he watched his deputy act like a Twoleg kit.

"Now that I have your attention," the ginger tom began, clearing his throat, "I have an important announcement. Due to lack of interests, I will be resigning from my place as ThunderClan leader." All was silent for a moment, before Brambleclaw started cheering and the others started crying and moaning. After listening for a few moments, and hearing an audible "Ohmigod the apocalypse is coming!" from his daughter, the nerve-fried Leafpool, Firestar tried to continue. Leafpool kept interrupting.

"Now, as you all..."


"I am not..."


"Clan leader..."


"Anymore, and I bet..."


"You all think that..."


"Brambleclaw is leader..."


Firestar hissed in frustration. "Am I the only normal one left?! Leafpool, BE QUIET. I don't even know what an apocalypse is!" Leafpool whimpered and sulked over to Dustpelt, obviously looking from some comfort from him. The ex-leader shook his head in disgust.

"I have lost any and all interest in being a leader of this foolish kittypet-filled Clan of mine! Now, as I was saying before my own daughter interrupted with this apocalypse foolishness... As you know, I am not Clan leader anymore, and I bet you all think that Brambleclaw is leader," Firestar growled. Brambleclaw did a back flip and cheered eagerly for at least a full minute before the ex-leader could continue.

"Well, he isn't!" he bellowed. Gasps came up from the Clan, and Leafpool could be heard shouting random stuff about the apocalypse again. "That's right; I have fired Brambleclaw from being Clan deputy! Instead, I am leaving Longtail in charge of this blasted Clan! From now on, no matter what StarClan says, he will be known as Longstar, and I will be known as Firemasterofallawesome!" Firemasterofallawesome hissed and leaped off the High-Rock, leaving Longstar to find his way there.

Longstar pranced bravely on the High-Rock, and then lost his footing and fell, face first, into the ground. He jumped up, twirling around and looking for his 'attacker'. "CURSE THIS BLINDNESS!! I will never eat or touch another stupid rabbit again in my life! I DESPISE YOU, RABBIT MASTER OF ALL EVIL!" he cried to the world. The other cats stared at him as he ranted on and on about the evil that lurked behind every rabbits' cute gaze.

Clearing his throat, Longstar managed to calm down and make it up to the High-Rock... again. "Um... hey, everyone... I don't know what Firemasterofallawesome was thinking when he appointed me leader but uh... HUZZAH! And now, with the side of StarClan near me, I strip Jayfeather of his medicine cat apprentice title, and I shall makez him my blind deputy! RAWR!" Jayfeather let out a happy, girly squeal.

"Like, Ohmigod! I am just, like, so happy that you, like, totally picked me! I mean, like, you could've picked, like, Brackenfur, but you like, didn't! For sure, for sure!" Jayfeather screeched in a high-pitched voice. He also fell off the High-Rock.

"LET US BOOGIE-OOGIE-OOGIE TILL WE CAN'T BOOGIE NO MORE!" Bumblekit howled. The rest of the Clan cats began to dance merrily and go crazy with sugar. Leafpool kept muttering junk about the apocalypse coming, and Brambleclaw was taking his depression out by drinking all of the soda available. Is it possible to become drunk on soda?

So, Leafpool's neurotic, Firestar is Firemasterofallawesome, Longstar is the blind leader, Jayfeather is the blind ex-medicine-cat deputy, and Leafpool is also in love with DUSTPELT?!? AH! Flamers will be used to burn Hollyleaf. R&R, give me ideas, etc etc... I need help with the mate switchups! Who should go with who? HELP!! LOL, peace. ---Brackenfurlover