Chapter 1: Prologue - Perfect Hit

Family Business

Prologue – Wolfram POV

Thank god it's raining! The cleaning session afterwards is just to annoying.

I turn around and head to the stairways. When I finally reach the top I lie down on my abdomen and get in position for my best shot. My only option to hit the target is when he leaves the knocking-shop and turns to his car in the byroad.

I am put my arms on the edge of the roof and my finger on the trigger. I level the gun, directing it at the door. Just then my my aim rushes the few meters to his safety.

A satisfied smile appears on my face. I close my right eye and intend to pull the trigger.

A big bloody hole accentuates his appearance, his body crushes to the ground. His weight no longer held with willpower alone.

But it wasn't caused by my bullet.

Shit, the man is hit by another part!

His bodyguards are trying to help him and calling for an ambulance. There is no need to. The man is dead.

It was a perfect hit.


I leave my position and look to the roof right in front of me.

A black haired person rushes away.

They interfered again.