Harry hated to argue with Draco. He knew that fighting his love was pointless. Draco always got what he wanted, Harry hated to see him unhappy. It was a week from Christmas and Draco wanted to spend it with only Harry. Harry wanted to go visit his two best friends, Ron and his wife Hermione, (and their daughter Lily, they named their daughter this for Harry. They knew no one girl close enough to name.) Two people who Draco hated. And two people who hated Draco.
"Harry! I am not going!"
"Please? It would only be a few hours."
"You go, Harry."
"Your not spending Christmas alone, Love. I'm not all that cruel."
"Yes you bloody are! You're going to make me spend my Christmas with that st-"
"OK. Draco, you win."
"What? I don't have to go, or I have to spend Christmas alone? "Huh?"
"It'll just be me and you on Christmas. I'll go see them Christmas Eve. Ok?"
"Fine. But what will I do all day Christmas Eve?"
"You'll come with me. If a single thing nearly comes to a bad spot, we'll leave"
"No. I said I'm not going to that Mudblood and that…that Weasel's house. They even have a goddamned dau-"
"Shut the hell up! Now!"
Draco went silent, it took a lot to get Harry mad at him. He got a little scared when Harry did get mad.
"Look, sorry I yelled. But I told you to be nice. I don't like you using the word Mudblood. Or the fact that you insult Hermione and Ron's daughter. You know I don't approve."
Draco nodded, "Fine. Do whatever the hell you like. I know what I'm doing. I'm staying here."
Harry was getting annoyed again. "Draco, I'm not going to let you stay here by yourself."
"Excuse me? If I'm right I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself."
Harry nodded, "I see that. But I'm not letting you stay here by yourself, no matter what you say."
Draco walked up to Harry, who was sitting on the couch. He grabbed Harry's shirt, pulling him closer, "Do not tell me what to do. I will do as I want, when I want. Do I make that clear?"
Ok. Harry and Draco have been together for 6 years. Married two years, the only thing that really pisses off Draco, is when people act or are higher up then him, But Harry never really got to the point where he had worry about Draco being mad. "Yes, Love."
"Good. Now, so let me get this straight. Christmas Eve. You'll be with your wannabe friends. And Christmas you'll be with me? Only me?"
"What did you call my two best friends?"
At that Harry got up and disapparated to Ron and Hermione's home. He hated to disapparating, it always made him nauseas, he knocked on the door. Sure enough, Ron opened. "Harry! Jesus Christ! You should have been here yesterday! Like you said you would...But anyway come in."
Harry went inside. He loved their home. It was nothing fancy, but it was really fine. It was nothing like Harry's. Harry lived in Malfoy Manor. He and Draco did a lot of redecorating, after Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy died in the war with Voldermort.
Hermione came out with Lily in her arms. Lily was five, Ron and Hermione have been married for six years. " 'Arry! I wan see Arry!" Lily squirmed in Hermione's arms. Hermione out Lily down, and Lily ran over to Harry. She lifted her arms up at him, he picked her up.
"How's my fav flower?"
Lily hugged him tight around his neck. "I miss you."
"I missed you too."
Harry looked at Ron and Hermione's face, as the fell. "Did I do something wrong?" Harry asked.
"Well, no. I we were thinking, you only come here to see us when you and Draco fight. It's like you need permission to see you two..three best friends." Hermione said with a mixture of anger and sadness.
Harry held Lily with one hand. He went over and hugged Hermione. "I'm sorry. You three are more then welcome to come over, it's real hard to be with Draco when he's...well in one of moods."
"Well tell him to get out of them, cause it p-"
Hermione cut him off, "Ron! No!"
Harry looked over at Ron who rolled his eyes and nodded. "Sorry. But anyway, it's not cool that I can't see my best friend because of your boyfriend's mood swings!"
Lily held Harry tighter, it was very rare that either of her parents yelled. This looked like her dad was yelling at her, since she was in Harry's arms. So decided to see if she could get her dad to stop yelling. "D-Daddy? Where's funny 'Aco?"
Harry looked down at Lily shocked, "You remember him? You've only met him... what?.. twice?"
Lily nodded. "He come with you before. He come again?"
Ron said something under his breath, Harry was sure he said, "He better not."
Harry looked over at him, giving him the evil eyes. He didn't tolerate Draco saying thing about Ron and Hermione, and he didn't tolerate Ron saying things about Draco. "Ron? Ever heard the saying 'if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all'?"
"I hope you quoting better lines with Malfoy."
Harry looked at Hermione for help. "Ron. Take Lily. I was putting her to sleep for a nap, would you?"
Ron sighed but nodded her would. Harry put Lily down, Lily was kinda scared that her dad was still mad. "D-daddy? You still m-mmad?"
Ron did look a little hurt when he looked at Lily's face. "No, I'm not mad. It's just Harry has a lot to say, and he won't. I'm sorry I scared you."
Lily nodded. "So you happy again?"
Ron smiled, Lily was too cute to stay mad around. "Yep. Super-duper happy."
Lily ran into he dad's arms. He picked her up and carried her to her room.
"Harry? So what happened?"
"What do you mean?"
Hermione sat down on the couch, and patted it for Harry to sit as well. He did. "I mean, why are you here? And don't take this wrong way Harry, we love you around. It's just Draco doesn't like it when you come here."
Harry nodded. "It ok with you of I came to see you guys Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day?"
Hermione looked as if she would burst to tears or just start yelling. "No Harry. We're going to my parents house. Then from there we're going to Mrs. Weasley's for Christmas."
Harry sighed. "I can't see you guys on Christmas."
Hermione got to her feet, "Why not?!"
"Draco, and Ron. Ron hates Draco, Draco hates Ron. I don't want to ruin both Christmas's because they don't want to get along."
"You.. Draco won't come here will he?"
"No, he wants it to be a him and I Christmas."
"Fine Harry. Do whatever you like." With that Hermione got up and went into Lily's room with Ron. She shut the door behind her. Harry went to the door and listened. Hermione was crying, he caught the words, "Bastered...him...Christmas...Harry." Harry walked away from the door, and disapparated home. He went into the living room, found a note.
Sorry for leaving. I'll be home tonight. I'll try to be nice to your friends on Christmas too. You just can't go off like that, I had too. Servus and Lupin owled me. I had to go. Come meet me there if you get home before I come back.
Love you,
Harry laughed at the name. Harry called Draco dragon all the time. Draco say he didn't like him too do so, but Harry did it any way. Harry knew Draco liked the pet name even if he didn't act like it. Harry, again, disapparated. He landed right in front of Lupin and Snape's. He knocked. The door flung open, and Harry was tackled. "Nice to see you to Dragon."
Draco smiled. "Your not mad still are you?"
"No. But I'm disappointed. Lily, asked about you."
"She did? Mudblood's daughter?"
Harry pulled Draco off him. He grabbed Draco's arm, and pulled him to close. Their noses were touching. "What did you call Hermione?"
"Let go of me."
"Draco..." Harry is getting real pissed. He tightened his grip on Draco's arm. "Accio, Draco's wand." Draco's wand was now in Harry's hand. Harry let go, "If you're going to act five, then I'll treat you like you five."
"Give me my wand Harry! That's not funny." Draco whined.
"I never said it was funny. But if you keep saying that word…that name. I'll make you buy a new wand."
"What word?" Draco knew what he meant, he was just mad about notbeing in control. "Mudblood? What do you want me to call her?"
"Her name."
"I thought that was her name."
Harry shook his head, and looked at Draco's wand. He looked back at Draco, and then the wand was gone.
"Where is my wand Harry?!"
"I think I lost it, when you lost your manners."
Snape walked to the door, to see a pissed Draco and a pissed Harry. "What are you two up to?"
Harry looked at Snape, he still didn't like him, but Lupin did. So did Draco, so he was kinda forced to like him. "Nothing Snape. Where's Lupin?"
"Inside. Come in Potter."
Draco followed Harry inside, "Be careful, he might bit your head off for using anything but his first name." He said to Snape has he walked past him, and walked beside Harry.
Harry sent Draco a warning look, and pulled him close. "If your a good boy, I might give your wand back, when we get home. Might. It depends." Harry whispered making Draco shiver. Harry smirked and continued down the corridor. He knocked on his second father's door. Lupin had been like a father.
"Come in."
Harry opened the door. "Hello."
"Harry! OH, it is so good to see you." Lupin hugged Harry, "Why don't you come here anymore?"
"I have no idea." This was true, Draco liked coming here to see Snape. So it was different to come here then to go se Ron and Hermonie. "How have you been?"
"I've been fine. Snape is well too. He's just not as much fu-"
"Dad! I would really not hear about you and Snape's...Ugh!"
Lupin laughed. "So about you and Draco?"
Harry laughed, "I'm going to try something new."
"Yep. It's called Master tamed the Dragon."