Chapter One: New School, Same Sakura

"Hurry up Sakura! We'll be late for the first day of school! Hurry. Up!" I heard Ino scream at me from downstairs as I ran the mascara brush over my eyelashes one last time.

"Yeah, yeah Ino-pig, for god's sake I'm coming!" I yelled back as I grabbed my black leather shoulder bag, grabbed my motorbike keys and helmet and ran downstairs to see a fuming Ino.

"What did you call me billboard-brow!?" I just laughed and side stepped her before grabbing an apple, shoved it in my bag and ran out the door, yelling over my shoulder;

"Don't forget to lock the door!" I saw her just huff and sling her own baby blue shoulder bag over her shoulder and lock the door behind her as she made her way to her dark purple convertible jaguar car. I just made my way over to my black motorcycle with dark pink cherry blossoms on it designed to look like they were fluttering in the wind and jumped on, revving the engine as I waited for Ino to get in her car and close the garage behind her. When she had turned onto the road I moved forward and drove slightly behind her all the way to out new school, Konoha College.

You see, we, meaning I, got kicked out of our last… 4 schools? Because of fighting and bitching etc etc, details, details. So now we are going to Konoha College for our last year of high school where our, meaning my since Ino still has parents, legal guardian is the headmistress. It is our, meaning my, last chance at school before I get put in Juvie for 'troubled' youths. Gag me. So I have to be all nice and non rule-breaking in this school. Yay! Notice the sarcasm?

Anyway, jeez, I swear Ino drives like an old lady sometimes, she's doing like… 40 in a… ok, in a 40 zone, but who goes by the rules these days? Oh yeah, I forgot, me. Fantastic! I get to drive like an old lady while losing my pride. Even more fantastic!

This is just wonderful… god, this is going to be a long year. But at least I am finally going to be able to beat those Suna assholes at soccer. Watch out Konoha College, soccer striker Haruno Sakura is coming and she will beat you all!


Ok, so I know its hell short, but I kinda needed it to stop there, otherwise it wouldn't flow. I am holidays for only 3 more days, so I have to make the most by starting new stories and such. XD