Clash with higher level Chronos members! Usual Disclaimer applies once again.

Chapter 8

Naruto awoke to the smell of food being cooked. He followed his nose downstairs and saw Mikoto making pancakes.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" asked Naruto as he hugged her from behind.

"You believed and trusted me" said Mikoto as she turned and kissed him.

There was a knocking at the door and Naruto went to answer it.

He opened the door to an ANBU

"Yes, Tora. What can I do for you?"

"The Hokage wants to see you ASAP"

"Hai." Said Naruto before Tora disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Naruto headed back to the kitchen.

"Who was that?" asked Mikoto

"ANBU, the Hokage wants to see me ASAP"`

"I wonder what it's about…"


Naruto and Mikoto were just outside the office when Shisuke, Haku and Shun came up.

"Hey! You guys were called too?" asked Naruto

"Yeah, I wonder what it's for?" said Shun

"Me too" said Shisuke.

"Well one way to find out! Let's go in!" said Mikoto enthusiastically

They followed her in to the office to see Jiraiya there as well.

"Naruto, Shun, Mikoto, Shisuke, Haku. Good you're all here."

"Why did you want to see us, baachan?"

A thick book was thrown at Naruto and he toppled over. He was on the ground twitching.

"I have a mission for you, before naruto interrupted me."

Naruto got up rubbing his head.

"There have been reports of people in black robes with red clouds on them harassing a small town of the border of fire country. We believe it's Akatsuki. We want you 5 to go investigate and terminate the problem. This is an A-rank mission. Understood?"

"Hai!" they all said as they saluted.

"You are dismissed. You are to leave in 2 hours."

They all left the office to gather their supplies.

2 hours later

They were all heading out the gate for the mission.

Little did they know there were two people in grey-hooded cloaks watching them.

"Follow?" asked one

The other just nodded as they disappeared

"It's going to be a long trip guys, at least 1 whole day." Said Shun

"I know, once it hit's dusk. We'll set up camp." Said Shisuke

Everyone else just nodded.

Naruto stopped and everyone just kept going, then they stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked Haku

Naruto didn't say anything, he looked around for a while.

"I think I heard something…" said Naruto.

Everyone then scanned the area. A pack of massive wolves came out of the forest. Surrounding them.

"Well, I think we've found lunch" said Naruto smirking

"Yeah" said Shisuke.

One of the wolves jumped for them but Naruto had already transformed into his ZX form and kicked the wolf hard in the stomach, sending it straight up. Shun, who had transformed as well, jumped up after it. Swiping his arms in an X. A barrage of Kunai had impaled the wolf. Back on the ground Haku swiped at a wolf with her halberd, cutting it in half. Shisuke had summoned a tornado sending it at a cluster of wolves, skinning them alive. Mikoto was slicing up a group of wolves with her scythe. Soon enough all of the wolves were dead.

"Well, who wants wolf?" asked Naruto jokingly looking at the pile of dead wolves

A fire was started to cook the wolves and everyone enjoyed their lunch, before long they had set off again.

It was close to nightfall, and they were pretty much at the town. They walked into the town and saw that the place was a ghost town.

"Where is everyone?" asked Haku out loud.

"There is no one left" said a maniacal voice

Naruto looked where the voice was coming from and saw Orochimaru. Except his arms didn't look mutilated they looked fine.

"Orochimaru, you bastard. What have you done!?" yelled Naruto

"Kukuku, this wasn't me Naruto-kun. It was Akatsuki. Ah who am I kidding. It was me!" yelled Orochimaru.

"How are your arms back to normal? They were sealed."

"A minor setback, which Kabuto fixed. By getting me a new body!"

Naruto transformed to his ZX form and charged him, he drew his sword and attempted to slice Orochimaru, but was blocked by Orochimaru's sword Kusanagi.

Naruto growled and jumped back, he focused on Model O's energy and felt it welling up inside of him. The energy flowed out of him surrounding him and then closing in on him. There was a massive flash of light and there stood Naruto in a new form.

It feels like ZOX but it isn't… thought Naruto. There he stood, he had black armour on his chest, which started at his abdomen and went up to the base of his neck and covered the same areas on his back as well. His shoulders had armour as well, it covered the top of his shoulder and went out. His fore arms had black armour surrounding them. His legs were fully covered in black armour; underneath it all was a red full body skin.

On his head was a red and black helmet, with a visor attached to it covering his eyes. It was tinted red. His demon eyes were activated and it was directed at Orochimaru. In both of his hands was an OX sword.

"You will not live past this day Orochimaru!" said Naruto

He disappeared in pure speed and appeared in front of Orochimaru, He slashed both his swords upwards, Orochimaru just barely blocked them and Naruto disappeared again. This time he appeared above Orochimaru, going through hand seals.

"Onijutsu: Force Pressure"

Orochimaru was forced to the ground and could not move. Naruto stabbed him and he turned to mud.


Naruto disappeared when he tried to stab him with Kusanagi.

Naruto appeared again infront of Orochimaru and kicked him in the chin. He went straight up, Naruto appeared above him, with a Rasengan in hand.

"RASENGAN!" yelled Naruto as he thrust the orb into Orochimaru. He spiralled into the ground making a crater.

Naruto fell to the ground exhausted he collapsed as the transformation slowly fell away.

"Naruto!" yelled everyone else there. They ran over to him, but he was panting heavily.

"Well, well, looks like this is going to be just too easy huh XII?" said a Voice

"Yes, XI. Too easy." Said another voice.

Everyone was looking for the voices and that's when two people in grey hooded cloaks appeared from the ground.

The two removed their hoods. One had long spiked blue hair with two metal loops piercing his right eyebrow. The other was a chrome dome, the roman numeral 'XI' tattooed on the top of his head.

"Give us the blonde kid, and we'll let you live"

Naruto pushed himself up, once again he focused on Model O's energy and was instantly rejuvenated. Each time he used it he felt stronger… it was his drug… it made him stronger.

"I'm not going any where."

The two smirked. Naruto's demon eyes were activated and he still had trouble following the movements. The two appeared on both sides of him. Naruto thrust his hands sideways pushing them away from him. He used the same power in his last battle with Chronos… just what was it?

The two flew off into buildings causing them to collapse.

Naruto looked to where the buildings were and saw the two Chronos members dusting themselves off.

No normal person should be able to survive a building collapsing on top of them.

Was the collective thought of everyone.

"Hah! You really think that would be the end of it? Pitiful" said XII

XII pulled out the hilt of a blade.

"XI, I'll take care of the brat. You take the other 4."

XI pulled out a massive tomahawk and disappeared. At the same time so did everyone else.

"Looks like it's just you and me now Naruto-kun."

Naruto snarled and replied.

"You really think you can beat me with just a sword hilt?"

XII smirked and made a slashing motion. A massive gash appeared on Naruto's chest.

"My sword, the imagine blade. Trust me. You might not see the blade but it's there. Hard to dodge a weapon you can't see."

Naruto's wound wasn't healing as fast as usual, in fact it was barely healing at all.

Naruto lifted his pants to reveal two seals, one on each leg.

"Oh yeah? Pretty hard to kill something you can't see too." Said Naruto as he wiped some blood on the two seals. He lifted his arm to also show a seal on the underside of his wrist. He wiped some blood on it and a katana was in his hands. Naruto disappeared and reappeared right in front of him but was kneed in the gut and sent flying.

Naruto snarled. He disappeared again to appear above XII and slashed downwards, XII lifted his hilt and blocked the weapon. Naruto reappeared behind him and got a kick on the man, but he didn't even budge.


Naruto was sent flying backwards. Naruto slowly got up. He looked to where XII was but he wasn't there anymore. Naruto felt himself being kicked when he fell into unconsciousness.

Unknown area

"Naruto" said a faint voice.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in an odd room with wires covering the walls he looked around and saw a cylinder in the centre of the room. He looked around again and saw a girl dressed in pink with long blonde hair.

"Naruto. I've been waiting for you."

"Who are you?"

"I am Ciel, I created the biometals."

Naruto widened his eyes.
"You created X, Z, P, H, L, O, F and D!"

"I created X, Z, P, H and F. But I did not create O and D. Hell I haven't even heard of a model D."

"So… Why am I here?"

"I'm here to help you. I can help you unleash the full powers of the biometals."

"Great, but I don't think that would help me here. I'm fighting someone who can nullify the powers of the biometals."

"I know, but this is the first time ever that you will unleash the true powers of the biometal. Just trust me."

Naruto nodded.

Ciel put her hands to her chest when a small orb of light appeared in front of Naruto.

"Take it, It will help."

Naruto reached out to it when he woke up in the real world.

Naruto felt immense power flowing through him. It burst out from him and knocked XII down.

Naruto pulled out model Z.


"Zero Link established, R.O.C.K system online!"

Naruto had transformed. His hair had become a long blonde ponytail. And he had a helmet with two spikes where his ears should have been. His chest was covered in red armour same with his legs and fore arms. His hands had white gloves on them. His shoulders were covered in white armour, his left shoulder pad had a Z on it.

"XII, you will not leave here alive."

"Please, you really think that Rock on will help" said XII as he tried to cancel it but he couldn't.

"Like I said, you won't leave here alive!" Naruto disappeared and reappeared above him in a fraction of a second.

His arm had changed into a cannon.

"Mega Z Buster!" Yelled Naruto as he fired a massive shot that engulfed XII, it turned into a firestorm not long after.

Naruto reverted, he heard the scream of Mikoto not to far away. Naruto started running as fast as he could to get to his beloved. He was hoping for the best.

Naruto arrived at a horrifying scene. Shun had been brutally beaten. His arm was crushed and severely bleeding. His leg had a bone sticking out of it. In short he was dying. He ran to his friend.

"Shun, you gotta hold on!" said Naruto as he knelt down beside him.

"Naruto… Tell Ino, I'm sorry"

Everything went quiet to Naruto, he heard Shun's heart slow down and then completely stop. Naruto picked up his friends biometal. Naruto felt the rage start to build up inside him. Red chakra burst out from him, tendrils lashed out at everything around him. He turned to XI.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing you apart… LIMB BY LIMB!" Screamed Naruto as he charged the tomahawk wielding man with incredible speed. Faster than when he released his weight seals. Naruto used his claw hands to slash at the Chronos member. His claws were decimating the man's body. He got the man to the ground and snapped his arm clean off his body and then threw it into the surrounding forest. He then used his claws to sever the man's tendons in his legs. He stabbed his clawed hands into XI's stomach and picked him up and threw him into a tree. Naruto started to realise what he was doing and calmed down. The red chakra started to die down. He fell to the ground on his knee's panting.

He walked over to Shun's lifeless body. He picked it up and that's when he heard something.


Naruto put a hand over his friends neck when he felt a faint pulse.

"We gotta go back to Konoha, Now!" yelled Naruto

Everyone nodded then disappeared to the gate of Konoha and sprinted to the hospital. Naruto ran to the reception.

"He needs a doctor now!" screamed Naruto at the nurse-receptionist.


A young doctor ran into the room and took Shun from Naruto ran into the E.R operating theatre. Naruto and Shisuke ran after the doctor and stopped at the door.

"He's going to be alright… He's going to be alright…" said Shisuke to Naruto but also trying to convince himself as well.

10 gruelling hours later

It was close to 4 in the morning when the doctor came out of the operating theatre.

He walked over to Naruto.

"You brought in Shun Arias right?" asked the doctor.

"Yes, how is he?"

"He's going to be just fine, give him a week's rehab and he'll be back up to his fighting form."

"Thanks doc, can we see him?"

"Not yet, he needs rest. Come back tomorrow."

Naruto nodded, he felt a wave of tiredness flow over him. He needed to sleep. He looked around the room for his friends. Mikoto was sleeping on a chair. Shisuke was still awake and was stroking Haku's hair. Haku was resting her head on Shisuke's lap. Naruto walked over to Mikoto and scooped her up bridal style. He then walked over to Shisuke and told him what the doctor told him.

"I'm going to take Mikoto home, we all need some rest. I'll take the mission report in tomorrow."

Glad I didn't kill off Shun? I was thinking about it but then the train of thought came to a halt.

Now don't fret the next chapter should be up by about this time next week, I'm putting the finishing touches on it as you read. So tell me what you think! Be the first one to review and you get to be put in the story... maybe... if I can fit you in somewhere!