Do Not Own Twilight.

The door opened to reveal a woman. She had brown hair with golden like highlights, and her eyes were a beautiful golden shade of hazel. She was wearing a teal, short sleeved, cotton dress. She was beautiful. In her hands she held a bottle of what appeared to be Advil.

She looked over at the bed and turned to face me, some shock displayed on her face. As she saw me on the balcony she smiled, but it seemed slightly forced.

"Hello dear. I'm surprised to see your up, you've only been asleep a couple hours."

She looked me over and then looked over to the plate of fruit.

"You really should eat, honey. I'm sure you worked up a small appetite after last night, no?"

She looked back at me and with guilt evident on her face. This woman seemed to have a sort of calming affect on me, similar to the setting around me.

However as calming as all of this was supposed to be, I was very aware of the situation right now. There was a strange woman standing in front of me, with me standing in a foreign room, in a foreign house, and who knows where I am or if I'm even anywhere near home!

This woman was now looking at me as if she was expecting me to do something. I didn't.

"Are you okay?"

When I didn't respond or even move she looked at me concern.

"Bella? Do you have a headache? I have Advil right here sweetheart. Come lay down and eat something and then you I'll give one."

Her voice was laced with concern, and she had taken on a tone that made me feel like I was a little child, crying for her mother. But even as I noticed this, what caught my attention was the fact that she knew my name. By this time I was still frozen on the balcony gripping the railing to the point it was painful. I did not know how to go about the situation.

Should I say something? Should I do what she said? Will that anger her? What do I do?

The woman was now sitting at the edge on the top of the bed, looking at me. Her smile was now gone and she was wearing a look of confusion and dismay. Eventually, after a pregnant pause she got up and started to make her way to the door.

"I can see your not comfortable, so I'll leave for now, but please do eat something. You look like you're hungry."

She said this with a sad, dismayed tone. As she turned to leave, I found myself blurting

"How do you know my name?"

This came out as a whisper, however she seemed to have heard it. She turned around to look at me once more. She smiled all traces of dismay, and confusion gone.

"I'm not the one to explain that to you."

"Then can you explain to me why I'm here? Or why I was drugged? Or why the hell I was taken from my father, and have no idea where I am?"

I could feel myself getting angry. I had a right to it. After all this random woman comes here and tell me to eat, and tries to be nice to me when I don't know her, but she apparently knows me! And when I try to ask her a question she tells me she isn't the one to tell me!

"No dear, I can't explain that to you. Edward is the one who wants to do that. After he has explained I will be happy to tell you anything you wish to know."

"Who on earth is Edward? And how does he know me?"

"Now that I can answer. Edward is my son. He is a few years older than you. I'm afraid I can't say anything for your other question though."

I sighed and decided this was getting no where. I moved over to the bed and sat down in the middle. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. All the while the woman was staring at me. Still near the door she looked at me and said

"Do you want something different to eat, Bella? I'm afraid I didn't know your preferences on breakfast."

Feeling defeated I replied with "No, this is fine." I added "You know it's very rude for you to know my name and for me not to know yours".

Her face fell from the smile to be a look of slight horror for a moment, and slipped back into her normal smile.

"I'm sorry, Bella. That was terribly rude of me. My name is Esme, and it's a pleasure to meet you."