Disclaimer: sarcastic comment here...
A/N: This fan fic has been rated T this means if the Fic is Violent; it may contain some milder swear words, If it's romantic it might have some sexy scenes or very brief nudity. These certificates are here to give you the chance to make the right choice thanks for reading! Lol!
These are song fic type thingy's I did in my other fanficw thingy , and after seeing the SeddiePregantChallange I though hey might as well give it a go so their all inspired by songs some how not songfics though lol
I think were alone now-Tiffany
Very drunk versions of Freddie and myself ran as fast as we could holding each others hands through the wet, cold streets of Seattle, trying as hard as we could to keep balance so we could make it to Freddie's dorm faster.
We ran so fast that our shadows could barely keep up with us; I let a giggle escape from my coconut glossed lips as I used my free hand to insure my black, glittering hat stayed attached to my head as I dodged puddles and black ice on the side walk while my blond bouncy curls flowed around my face with every sharp turn me and Freddie took.
At the sound of my giggle Freddie Whipped around his head gracing me with a gleaming, white, heart warming smile. It made my insides feel all warm and fuzzy, or was that all the drink? Damn me for turning twenty One and Damn Spencer for deciding to have a Christmas twenty first for me I drank a hell lot more than just the eggnog I was meant to stick to.
As we slowed down I looked up to realise we had finally made it to the building were Freddie's dorm is, unfortunately it's on the top floor!
I tried encouraging him to take the stairs saying it was better exercise, but he refused dragging me into the elevator pressing the round button with the number ten highlighted on, I looked at him my eyes widened looking at him like a frightened lost little puppy. I always hated elevators!
"Nothing will happen to you I promise, not when I'm around anyway" He said then kissed me slowly and softly pressing me against the mirror of the elevator I'd never experienced anything like it. Just as I was about to respond he backed away saying "feeling better?" I nodded meekly before placing my hand on the back of his neck and started kissing him again.
When the elevator stopped I couldn't believe how fast it went by, we walked out into the lobby through crowds of students, whipping away the fog of smoke and scent of a mixture of different Alcho pops.
Freddie barley got the key in the door before I had him pushed against it kissing him again, as he opened the door and we went crashing against the wall knocking all sorts of framed awards and scholarships down, I felt his tongue glide slickly across my swollen bottom lip, Just as my lips were about to part;
"Benson is that you" I heard Harpers, Freddie's room mates voice echo into the empty dorm living room, I Banged my head of the wall squeezing as far up against the wall so Harper could no longer see me and pushing Freddie out in front of Harper so he wouldn't come any further.
"Heeey there...Harper" said Freddie unsurely and trying to sound as sober as humanly possible with the amount of drink we had in us I held my breath trying to stifle my giggles.
"Benson...are you drunk?" Harper demanded with a slightly amused tone to his voice
"Me...Drunk...never...maybe...yes" Freddie said finally accepting defeat and bowing his head in shame.
"Stalking up on too much eggnog huh Benson?" questioned a still very amused Harper.
"Yep, you got me!" said Freddie raising his hands in defeat
"Alrighty then Fred-o" said an extremely freaked out Harper, if he was freaked out by the state of Freddie what would he be like if he seen me squeezed back here? "Just try keep it down Carly's sleeping in here!" Harper whisper back in a hushed voice. Freddie clamped his hand over my mouth which was a jar in shock, to prevent an unnecessary shriek escaping it.
"Okie dokie mums the word!" replied Freddie smiling like a love crazed dork.
As Harper closed his bedroom door Freddie place his free hand index finger on his mouth, I nodded in agreement before his hand was removed from my mouth.
"Harper and Carly?" I demanded slightly shocked, I received a sheepish grin from Freddie and a lazy shrug; I shrugged also before continuing were we left of.
"Sam maybe we should just leave it here for now, we don't won't to do anything we'll regret." Freddie suggested I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Please, Freddie, don't make me leave I want to do this with you please just... please" I insisted to Freddie now jumping up on down like a five year old on Christmas day.
"Okay" Freddie finally caved "But we're not doing it her against the wall if we're going to do it we're going to do it right!" he said taking my hand and leading me to his dorm room.
He did the works lighting candles and everything (Lucky he didn't burn the dorm down) I crawled forward to him on the bed as he sat propped up against the bed board and started kissing him as I sort of positioned my self on top of him, I pressed my forehead against his whispering "I think were alone now" as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Freddie asked once again with a look of concern washed across his face.
I nodded abruptly in response before slowly starting to kiss him again, his tongue once again glided across my swollen lip, this time my lips parted letting his tongue enter my mouth to intertwine with mine, he rolled over so that it was now him on top of me and as they say the rest is history!
The next day when I woke up I didn't get the immediate thump of guilt I was expecting, I woke up with a warm feeling sorrowing through my body. I rolled around to face a still asleep Freddie; the gentle snoring coming from his parted lips caused me to smile telling me that I knew that I was happy with what happened and how it happened.
1 month later...
Me and Freddie both agreed nothing would come of that night between us but that we didn't regret it and that it wasn't a drunken mistake, but I was still harbouring feelings for him.
I stood in the bathroom in the dorm that me and Carly shared shaking as I looked at the dark blue sign appearing on the pregnancy test telling me that I was pregnant, every thing was a blur I heard carly voice at the other side of the bathroom door, but it was muffled, I felt my self shake, but yet it scared me when I hear the yelp erupt from my mouth. I was pregnant everything was wrong me and Freddie were too young to have a baby; we weren't even together never mind married for crying out loud. I heard another muffled voice presumably Harper's.
I dialled Freddie's number, while trembling into my phone...
"F-F-Freddie I need you" I said I a jumpy voice
"I'm already hear" He replied I turned around to see him standing with carly in the door way of my bathroom, He eyed the pregnancy test unsurely, I nodded my head to let him know he was right, He hung up his phone before walking over and wrapping his arms around me we tumble to the ground as we heard carly leave the our dorm.
"I think were alone now!" Freddie mumbled in my ear as I cried in his shoulder.
A/N: well did you like or was it not your thing? Sequel anyone?