Title: Sweet Release
Summary: Rumors began telling of a man who seduced woman into the shadows and gave the pleasure beyond any comprehension. He would stay till they fell asleep and be gone in the morning. After him no other man could satisfy the hunger the dark man left his lovers with. They called him Casanova.
Author: Bibliophile Nincompoop
Nostalgia is a seductive liar
-George Wildman
Introduction: Casanova
There was never a day so dark in history. Though the skies were kissed by sunshine, the wind flirted with the trees, and the birds never sang so beautifully. So many joined together today, to cry, to mourn, to thank. Of course, at funerals even the strongest of men cried, and most did. Long time friends said goodbye and swore that they wish they could've taken his place. But Shikamaru was they only man who would've leapt for the slightest possibility. His mentor. His friend. But he wouldn't say goodbye. Not now, not for everyone to see how weak one person could make him.
Shikamaru fiddled with his silver lighter, lit his death and smiled. It was disgusting. He wanted to cough and hack up the vile chemicals wearing away his insides, but it gave him the slightest amount of peace. He felt his heart steady in his chest and jittery hands relaxed. Is this why Asuma smoked? And for those deadly five minutes, the shadow ninja felt nothing. But as soon as the nicotine was gone, his pain returned.
For the next few months, smoking and missions were his vices. They took away the cruel visions of his Asuma's death. Killing was the best though. When he had his shadow suffocating and making his victim beg and plead, all he picture was Hidan. Killing that bastard over and over again. But in the end, not even those could stop his genius mind.
So he tried drinking. It worked for his dad, the apple must not fall from the tree. It helped not as much as his missions, but it helped. He went out to the bars at least twice a week. Booze made others sob about their troubles, Shikamaru just made sure to drink past that point. Sketchy people always seemed to flock to bars. You had your drunks of course, men who whispered in the corner, and your prostitutes.
Usually he would avoid all of them…usually. Until she sat next to him. Short blonde hair, deep green eyes, deadly curves. She looked familiar somehow, but he didn't know her. She was older, maybe by ten years or so, you could tell by the wrinkles forming at the sides of her eyes and under. She eyed him, a million thoughts could be read on her face, she watched him as if she was waiting for the appropriate moment to spring her trap. Seven drinks later, she pounced.
She scooted toward him, and struck up a conversation. Shikamaru didn't really care, all he wanted to do was down a couple more drinks and go home till she whispered provocatively into his ear, "Would you like to take me home?"
He didn't remember saying yes. He didn't remember opening the door, let alone walking home. But he remembered stripping off both of their clothes and letting her excavate his body. He had never felt anything like this before, he was completely virgin. He touched and explored her body, making her shiver and moan. But when he entered her, he thought he would die. His blood turned to fire, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and every muscle in his body hardened. Her nails were digging into his flesh and she made husky moans. When he went slow, his humanity was sucked away and his breath was stolen. But when he went wild, putting every ounce of his strength into each thrust, he was walking on cloud nine. She came screaming and biting, and he followed. He was dead, he must be. No horrible thoughts ran through his head. The bloody screams of his sensei were silenced. Nothing.
That's where he found his new vice. Sex.
But unlike the rest, sex kept away the depression, smoking, drinking, and the killing. Sex was the safest. Once a month, even a little longer. It was great. Sex was a high, that never faded with time, it never diminished.
Everyone noticed his change. Shikamaru began to smile again, laugh. He was back. He got promoted to jonin, and was away a lot for his missions, which he met many more women. Rumors began telling of a man who seduced woman into the shadows and gave them pleasure beyond any comprehension. He would stay till they fell asleep and be gone in the morning. After him no other man could satisfy the hunger the dark man left his lovers with. They called him Casanova.