Authors Notes: Sweet, this is my first fanfiction of Maria-sama ga Miteru and I'm so excited. Ok this is a bit out of whack, but I thought it would be funny.

NOTE: This story is going to be the first part of three, so expect two other stories following this one.

So yeah anyways, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: Home Alone

It was a lazy, Sunday, morning at the Fukuzawa residence. Each family member had their time occupied with one thing or another, all except one lone girl. Yumi's father, Yuuchiro was at an emergency business meeting, Yumi's mother, Miki, was out shopping for a new outfit, for an upcoming date she had with her husband and Yuuki was at the arcade, like he was most often at.

Yumi on the other hand was still at home, alone and bored out of her mind. She was currently located in her room, laying down on her stomach and flipping through the pages of a magazine. On this day the young girl was supposed to be out as well, on a date with her Onee-sama, Sachiko Ogasawara. Unfortunately at the last minute, Sachiko had called Yumi, telling her that she couldn't come.

-Flashback, Sunday morning, 9:30 am-

Yumi was standing in front of her full body mirror, holding her seventh outfit up to her body, trying to find the perfect thing to wear for her Onee-sama. The rest of her rejected clothes lay thrown on her bed. Her father had already left for that meeting and her mother was close to leaving herself, in fact she was already putting on her shoes.

"I'm going now; lock up if and when you leave Yumi, Yuuki!" Miki called out as she grabbed her purse.

"Ok mom!" Yumi called from her room, her eyes not leaving the mirror and her eighth outfit in front of her.

"Well do mom!" Yuuki yelled out from his own room.

A few minuets later and the young rose's tenth outfit, Yumi had finally chosen clothes that she agreed with, which consisted of a baby blue skirt, that went just above the knee and a light pink, short sleeve, button up blouse. She sighed in relief, as she laid the outfit onto her desk and turned towards her bed to put away the discarded clothes she had rejected.

A moment later Yuuki walked into her room and sat on a part of the bed that was not littered with clothes. He looked over to his sister and smirked.

"You know, I've noticed something Yumi, every time you're going to go out with Sachiko-sama, you end up spending twice as much time on what you wear and how you look, then with anybody else. I wonder why that is. It's almost as if she's your girlfriend."

Yumi's cheeks flushed red and she clinched the clothes she had in her hand. The young rose looked over to her bother and pouted. "Yuuki! … why are you even in here?...Also…don't you ever knock!?"

Yuuki shrugged and stood up from the bed. "I'm leaving right now too, so lock up when you leave."

"Oh yeah? Where are you going?" Yumi asked turning around to face him.

"To the arcade, Kashiwagi-sempi called earlier and asked if I was free. I am so I'm going." At that moment, a honk was heard from outside. "Oh that's him now. See you later Yumi." With that he left the room. Yumi heard the front door open and close as well as the car drive away.

She finished off putting away her clothes, when the phone rang. Yumi instantly felt a sense of dread wash over her body at the moment that phone rang. Slowly she walked over to the phone and picked it up, all the while praying.

'Please don't let it be Onee-sama. Please don't let it be Onee-sama.'

"Fukuzawa residence."

"Yumi…I'm sorry. I can't make it today. I have a family emergency to take care of." Sachiko said over the phone sadly.

Yumi's shoulders slumped a little, but her worry of her Onee-sama overrode her sadness when she heard her Onee-sama say the words 'family emergency'. "Ah! Onee-sama?! Is everything alright?! I hope nothings wrong." Yumi said franticly.

Sachiko smiled over the phone. 'Yumi bless your pure heart.' "Please Yumi, calm down. It's nothing too bad. Mother just ate some bad seafood. We're just having the family doctor take a look at her, but the main reason I can't come is because father is making me stay because I had a bite of her food. He insisted I stay home and rest. Although I feel fine."

"Eh!? Onee-sama please lie down and rest. I don't want you to get sick or even feel a little sick. I hope your mother gets well too. Please give her my best regards. It's fine, don't worry about me. I'll see you at school tomorrow." Yumi said, her body still washed with worry to even feel sad.

"Yes I will lie down and rest. Thank you Yumi. I'll see you at school tomorrow and don't worry about mother, I'm sure she'll be fine. Goodbye."

With that both hung up the phone. Yumi sat down on her bed and sighed. "There goes my date." She said softly.

-End Flashback-

Yumi closed the magazine she was reading and flipped over on her back, staring at her ceiling. She closed her eyes and proceeded to take a nap when the ring of the doorbell forced her to open her eyes. Yumi sat up on her bed and got up.

"Hmmm, I wonder who that could be." Yumi asked herself out loud as she walked down the stairs and opened the door. "Yes, how may I help you?"

Outside the door was a mailman with a large package. (A large box, not the other large package.) "Package for a…Fukuzawa, Yumi?"

Yumi arched and eyebrow, confused. "Uh, that's me…but…mail? On a Sunday?"

The young man sighed and gently put the large brown box down on the porch and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, a small blush forming on his cheeks. "Well… the package just came today by plane and along with the package we got a very… well aggressive letter, along with pay telling us to deliver it today. Then only a few minuets after the package arrived, we got this…um…convincing phone call telling us to bring it here today…the woman who called us scared everyone in the post office." The man sighed.

Yumi blinked and sighed in aspiration. "Yeah I think I know who sent the package. I'll sign for it."

The man handed Yumi a clipboard and a pen. "Here, just sign at the dotted line and one question, um who was that woman?" The man whimpered.

Yumi sighed and reached out, taking hold of the clipboard and pen and signed her name. "You just had an encounter with my aunt. She's very persuasive and can get anybody to bend to her bidding. She's a very…dominate person and should never be messed with." She handed the clipboard and pen back to him and smiled.

"Thank you. Be careful with that, it's heavy. Have a nice day miss." With that he left the porch and walked to his truck and drove away.

Yumi groaned a bit when she lifted the box up and brought it inside. It was heavier then she thought it was going to be. She walked into her kitchen and set it down onto the table, heaving a sigh. "Ah that was heavy, what's in this package?" She said softly as she grabbed a kitchen knife and cut open the tape, opening the flaps on top. The first thing inside the box a letter and then some bubble wrap. She took out the letter and read it.

Dear Yumi,

HELLO FROM THE U.S! I hope your well. Your mother told me a few things that have been happening in your life lately, like your new high school and how it works. Your Onee-sama sounds wonderful. I don't need to tell you this, because you know me well along with my sister, but I'm just going to tell you anyway.

I hope you nail that rich chick! Oh yeah take her to bed! Yeah! You'll have a rich future and never have to work. That's the way to live. Well anyways, she sounds fantastic and I hope you two will live a long and happy life, hint, hint. I also was told that your Onee-sama tends to be very busy, having to back out of dates with you and leaving you at home and bored.

So I bought and sent you this. It's an American Xbox 360, along with some games. Now I know you're not a gamer, I just want you to try it out. I'm sure you'll get into it. It's just a little something to keep you occupied when your dear, sweet Onee-sama won't keep you satisfied. Have fun with it. I'll keep in touch sweetness. Until my next letter, goodbye sweets.

From Your Dear Awesome Auntie Eliza.

P.S: I'll be sending another package soon. I'm sure, you'll enjoy them. (Evil grin)

Yumi sighed as she put down the letter. "She's not my girlfriend…" 'Yet' Yumi's mind said, though she blushed at the thought. "She even wrote 'evil grin'. Oh yeah, she's not going to try anything." The young rose said sarcastically and sighed.

Yumi removed the bubble wrap from the box and lifted the Xbox 360 out and set it on the table. Along with the Xbox, she took out two wireless controllers, a pack of eight AA batteries, and a headset that hooked up with the controller. She then took out the stack of games and read the names out loud.

"Dead Space…Gears of War…Fear…Silent Hill Homecoming…The orange box…Call of Duty…King of Fighter 2002 and…2003…and Street Fighter…huh ok well I at least I have something to do. Now how do I hook this thing up?"

The brown-haired girl looked in the box once more to see if she forgot anything and she did. At the bottom of the box was a white packet. "Ah yes an instruction booklet for the Xbox." Yumi picked up the Xbox, along with the booklet, the wires and a controller and brought it into the living room, where the T.V was. Setting everything down in front of the T.V, she opened the booklet and read on how to set it up. Yumi smiled when she found that setting it up was very simple stupid.

Yumi sighed as she proceeded to hook it up. "Its very easy, my grandmother could do it with her eyes closed." Once it was hooked up and turned on, she explored it a bit, though Yumi had no idea what she was going.

"I'm so confused." She said whimpering. The young rose sighed once again, being that she still wished she could be with her Onee-sama. Yumi stood up and walked into the kitchen, taking the stack of games, the headset and the extra controller back into the living room. Then looking through the stack, she wondered which game she should pick. "Ummm, how about…this game first." She picked up 'Silent Hill Homecoming'.

Yumi turned the game box to the back and read it contents. "Oh I see, so I have to save my brother…this looks like I'd enjoy it. It'll be like me saving Yuuki." She said with a small smile.

Yumi took the disk out and popped it into the console and waited for a moment. The game started and she pressed start to play the game, watching the intro. She blinked when she found her character starting in a hospital, being strapped to a table.

-Rapidly Press A button to get out of the binds- The game told her. Yumi's eyes widened and she rapidly pressed the button. As she saw the male struggling and braking out, she found herself really getting into her character. "Ah! What a creepy hospital and that was such a creepy doctor!"

Once her character was out of the binds she walked around and explored carefully. "Aw this game is really dark…I don't think I made the right chose in picking this game." She whimpered. Yumi looked around some more, picking up some items she found. "Eh, I think that's health, that's good…Ah! What is that?!..." Her whole body jumped. "Oh…it's just a flickering light." She said softly, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

Yumi continued playing the game and found out that the brother she had to find kept running away from her. She blinked as she continued to play, though soon after about ten minutes of play she found that, to find her little brother, she have to travel into the town called 'Silent Hill'.

"Eh! What a creepy town. I don't care if I have to find Yuuki, I would never go into that town! He can find his own way out!"

Nevertheless she entered the creepy deserted town. A few minuets of inching, (And I mean really inching, Yumi was only taking a step forward and quickly looking around before taking another step forward) Yumi was faced with her first enemy.

"EH! What is that!? AH! Weapon, weapon!?" Yumi franticly looked through her inventory. "What? No weapon?! They don't start me off with a weapon?! Run away!" Yumi moved her character out of the attack of the enemy. She franticly moved trying to find something she could pick up to use as some sort of weapon. All she was present with was a flashlight and she didn't want to try to beat the enemy with it out of fear of breaking it and having to go through the rest of the game in darkness. Finally she found an item that she could pick up. Yumi turned around and found herself beating the monster with a…lead pipe?

"A lead pipe? That's my weapon? I'm supposed to be killing all these monsters with a lead pipe?! I thought I'd get a gun or something better then a lead pipe!" She yelled out annoyed as she continued to beat the monster. If anyone were to see Yumi now, they would not believe that it was her. The young rose was not acting like herself.

The brown-haired girl had managed to kill the monster without getting injured herself. "Yes! I killed it! That was kind of fun. Where are some more monsters? I'm want to kill some more!"

-About 30 minutes later-

Yumi had killed several monsters, through she hasn't gotten too far into the game because of her being overly cautious and her tendency to search every inch of her surroundings. She soon learned how to maneuver her way into her inventory on how to use items and she also found herself enjoying the way she would beat the enemies with her lead pipe or the crowbar she found, the crowbar being her favorite to use. She paused her movements in the game.

"Ah, there's my little brother, I'm supposed to find…hey wait why are you running away?! Come back!" The little boy was gone. "Hey I'm here to fine you! You ungrateful little- Ah! I should just leave him here!" She yelled out. (A very un-Yumi like action.)

Yumi continued with the game, getting better along the way and slowly becoming more confident with her movements. The young rose had never seen herself as a gamer and she really never seen herself as being any good at them, so she never tried it before now. Though here she was, playing and killing a farley good amount of monsters with none other then a crowbar. She soon stopped her moving around when a scene popped up. Yumi looked closely at the T.V, which she was already sitting close to.

"What is that!?...A monster… with a pyramid for a head? Whoa! What is he doing that that, I think female monster? AH! Is he raping her? He is! He is raping her!" Yumi yelled out, her jaw dropping open and her eyes wide as tea cups. She sighed with relief when she realized she didn't have to fight that monster just yet.

"I don't think I'm ready for that monster just yet…I don't even like that monster." Yumi said with a sigh as she continued playing.

-Several hours later-

Suguru pulled in front of the Fukuzawa residence, dropping off Yuuki, in his red sports car. "Thank you for coming out and accompanying me. Have a nice night Yuuki-chan." Suguru said with a charming smile.

Yuuki found himself blushing a bit under that smile and that intense gaze. Backing away onto the sidewalk, the younger Fukuzawa sibling turned his head and saw his mother walking down the street, carrying a couple of bags. "Ah looks like my mom needs some help. Thank you for today Kashiwagi-sempi. Goodbye!" With that he ran off and took a bag from his mother lightening her load. Suguru smiled and drove off.

Yuuki and his mother proceeded to walk up to the house, but when they got there, they heard a yell.


Yuuki and Miki looked at each other and blinked. "Was that Yumi?" They both asked at the same time and then hurriedly opened the door and ran inside, into the living room.

"Yumi! What's wrong?" They both yelled out at the same time.

Yumi furiously pressed away at the buttons of her controller whacking away at a pyramid head monster. "Ah can't talk, killing a pyramid head!" Yumi called out, still pressing away at the buttons. She was sitting very close to the T.V her eyes glued to the screen.

Yuuki walked over to his sister and saw the Xbox 360 she was playing. His eyes widened. "Yumi?! Where did you get that Xbox 360…and all those games?!"

"Can't talk…killing nurses." Yumi was blankly. "Any more questions, read the letter in the kitchen…now leave me alone, before you…EH! See what you did Yuuki, you got me killed! Thanks a lot." Yumi said is frustration.

Yuuki was taken a back by his sister's tone. It was the first time he ever heard her speak like that. Deciding to leave her alone, he backed away and left the living room, walking into the kitchen with his mother. While in the kitchen, they read the letter.

"Ah my sister sent the package!? Oh no…" Miki said with an anguished sigh.

"What?! Auntie Eliza?! On no, she's way too wild and I think she just sucked Yumi into the darkness known as gaming." Yuuki said with a sigh.

"I think we're going to have a very tuff Yumi to handle." Miki said.

"I agree, a person can really get sucked into gaming." Yuuki commented.

Miki giggled. "Yes remember what happened to you a few years back?"

Yukki grimaced. "Please mom, don't remind me."

A sucked in, Yumi was, she did not move form her spot the whole day, as well at the night. Yuuki, Miki and not even Yuuchiro could pull her away from sitting in front of the T.V. They just hoped she'd get some sleep. Yumi did have school tomorrow. Yukki was scared of what Sachiko, Yumi's Onee-sama was going to think when she would see Yumi the next day.


Authors Notes: Ok here's the first chapter. Hoped you enjoyed it. Also, I never played 'Silent Hill Homecoming', so if I go anything wrong when I talked about the game, you'll have to forgive me. Next chapter will be up soon. Hope you'll tune in.