"No…. uhhh…. No… That's not right… You can't stir it like that…"

I scowled at the sleeping girl on the couch. Only hours before Aizen assigned me to baby sit this chit, and when I came to give the girl her meal, she was fucking asleep! I am the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques Damnit! I shouldn't be sitting here takin' care for this human!

Worst, she talked in her sleep. The most random, annoying things.

My first thought was to shake the girl awake, but something inside me fought against it, perhaps letting her sleep instead of smacking her awake will be my 'Thank you' to her for healing my arm. I snarled, one thing I didn't like was being in dept of someone else.

My snarl got a little louder when I thought it wouldn't be much of a thank you.

"Uh… No… you can mix those… It's not good…"

I raised an eyebrow.

'Is this chit gonna wake up now? I got places to be.'

I stood stiffly from the chair I positioned next to the couch to watch the girl and bent over her, examining her face.

Tossing and turning, she muttered, and it was apparent she was going to wake, soon. I was about to sit back down, when she turned slightly in my direction, as if sensing me. I waited, waited for her to open her eyes.

When she didn't, I growled and sat down with a dull thud.

"At least she isn't talking anymore…" I muttered to myself.

I stroked my sword restlessly. I felt the uncontrollable need to move.

Standing, making as little noise as possible, I started pacing, shoving my hands deep in my pockets.

Every once in a while I would glance over at the sleeping girl.

I stopped and scowled, one of the most common things I did, but this one felt forced. Standing there, watching this girl, I felt at peace, strangely so. Was it because she looked so at peace?

Well, except that little furrow in between her eyebrows.

Automatically I started to reach down and smooth it out, when she groaned and opened her eyes; my hand froze in the space between them.

"Grimmjow…san?" She said, with startled eyes that made her look like a baby deer.

I closed the few inches and flicked her in the forehead.

" 'Bought time you woke up! Next time don't keep me waiting! Now eat!"

She just sat there, staring at me like a moron. Trying to cover my embarrassment, I grabbed her collar, (not roughly, because some feeling in my stomach still prevented me from harming her. Fuck! What was it about this girl that made me into such a softie!?!?) and pulled her to her feet.

"I said eat." I growled.

Finally catching on, the girl took a step back, and reached for the food.

Taking a mouthful of soup, the chick sat down in the only other chair in the room. With a screech, I turned my chair to face her and sat down.

I watched her as she ate. Occasionally she shot a nervous glance my way, but never held my gaze.

One thing I did notice was that she sat up straight, her chin high. Usually, anyone that weak would crumble just by the sight of me, but the way she sat indicated she wasn't afraid of me, although her face clearly said otherwise.

When she reached out for her tea, I saw she was shaking.

So my presence did affect her physically. Had I been to rough with her?

No! I just flicked her and pulled her to her feet! If it was any other girl, I would have punched her awake as soon as I came in the room to find her sleeping! This girl was no different from any other female in Hueco Mundo!

I scowled even harder when I felt that feeling in my gut again. I didn't think I could hurt this chit even IF I wanted to, which I do not, for what ever reason.

The last time I saw this girl was when she was escorted to her room by two arrancars, and I didn't feel anything when I saw her then.

Although, I had been busy killing somebody at the time… While she watched… for the briefest moment I wondered if I scared her, and for even a briefer moment wondered if she would hold that against me and not like me.

Taking a frustrated sigh, I looked away from her; she clearly had a bad affect on me if I was worried if she wouldn't like me.

Then a thought passed threw my mind, I had forgotten her name!

'Aizen had said it once… What was it…? FUCK!'

I couldn't remember. Not at all. Well hell, I knew if I didn't ask it would bother me all day.

"Hey, Girl."

She tensed when I spoke, and lifted her eyes from her empty bowl to meet mine.

"What's you name chit? I forgot."

There was a spark of something in her eyes, but it was gone to fast to be sure what it was. Annoyance? I smiled at that, and saw the fear come back to her face.

That kinda ticked me off. "Well? What is it?" I spoke as I stood, walking over.

"O-orihime… Orihime Inoue." She stumbled out the words as I reached her, probably thinking I was going to hit her or something.

I just grabbed up the empty bowl from her lap and placed it on the tray next to her tea.

I frowned, "Drink it all." I said and handed the half full tea cup back into her hands. Orihime just stared at the drink in her hands, and looked back up at me, then back at the tea. Hesentently, she gulped down the rest, I noticed the scrunch her nose as she drank.

I decided not to ask, and just remained scowling as Orihime gave me the empty cup and without a word, I turned and left the room.

I was getting ready to go to sleep, and thinking about it, it seemed kinda early to me. Although I didn't know what time it was, I usually stayed up later than this.

I grunted as I threw my jacket to the side and plopped down on the bed. I knew exactly why I was going to sleep so early, I had been thinking of that chit, er… Orihime all day.

With one arm folded under my head, I stared at the ceiling, thinking, of her…

"Not many people have that hair color, kinda like mine…" I heard my voice echo calmly around my nearly empty room.

I closed my eyes and pictured her face, and couldn't help admiring her beauty…

My eyes snapped open and I sat up suddenly, growling at myself.

"What the fuck?! What is it about this girl!?" I snarled to myself.

Sure, she had a nice rack, but that's nothing, I'd seen my fair share of girls before, but I had only ever been attracted to a woman physically, never had a girl captured me with her beauty, or grace, or eyes…

With a wordless snarl, I flung myself off the bed, and snatched my jacket up as I left the room.

I needed to keep my mind off that girl; I needed to keep my mind on something else.

I wasn't really in the mood right now, but I marched off to Cirucci Thunderwitch's room. The only thing I could think of to keep me busy (other than going to see Orihime, which I craved to do) was sex.

I reached her room, and practically threw the door off the hinges when I opened it.

Cirucci jumped up as soon as she saw who it was.

"Well, need some company Grimmjow?" Her smile made me sick.

I grunted as I walked forward, and crushed my lips against hers. She eagerly responded, moving her hands to my chest.

Ignoring the weird feeling in my stomach, I cupped her breast and she moaned.

The moan did it. I tore my lips from hers and stepped away from her.

For a moment she looked startled, before smiling again.

"What? You know you like it." She purred and took a step closer.

Grabbing her wrist as she reached for me, I shoved her away. Cirucci stumbled slightly and fell on her ass with a loud thud.

Damn, she was so desperate, and then again, so was I. Turning, I left the room.

I'm not that fond of sex, I like the feel and ecstasy of battle more, it was the first thing I came to know, but, I had always needed it. I mean, surrounded by some pretty hot chicks, and with just a command I could make one go to bed with me is tempting. (Or I could command the lower arrancars.) I'm not fond of sex, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it.

As I passed Halibel in the halls, I noticed I didn't feel the same attraction to her I usually felt, (I mean some on, she has nice jugs) she was just another woman.

I growled and turned a sharp corner, ignoring her curious gaze.

'Fuck! I've only met this woman twice! A human girl shouldn't have such an affect on me!'Staring at my feet, I stomped around the halls.

Stopping abruptly, I finally noticed where my feet where taking me. Sure enough, when I looked up a few feet down the hall, was her room.

I took a calming breath. Well, if I liked this girl this much, might as well mingle with her.

I stood in front of her door, gathering up my nerves. What was this feeling I was feeling? Was I nervous? I snorted at the thought, and opened the door.

In the middle of the room, bathed in moon light, Orihime stood. Slowly she turned to face me, in another moment she recognized me, and I saw fear edge its way across her face.

"Ug, it's so depressing in here, turn on a light would ya'?" I said as I flipped the switch making the light on the ceiling fill the room brightly.

Trying to appear casual and not scary or intimidating, I lounged lazily on her couch. Orihime stood staring at me with wide eyes for a couple seconds, nether of us knowing what to say.

"So…" I started, looking anywhere but her, "What's up?"

'What's up? Was I a dumb ass or something? That's the best I could come up with?!'

"Uh… Um…" She stuttered, obviously she was just as lost for words as me.

I sighed, a deep, calming breath. Then, all of a sudden, I knew exactly what to say.

"I know it must be hard for you, being taken away from your home, but you don't have to be all depressed all the time, and try to be like that pussy Ulquiorra."

For a second I saw something (other than fear) flicker across her face, but it was gone to fast to tell.

"You can talk to me if you want. I'm not as mean as I look." Which technically wasn't true, I was mean, just not to her.

This time, I made out suspicion fly across her face.

'Oh yeah… Not as mean as I look… She witnessed me kill someone for Christ's sake!'

"Come, sit down." I beckoned beside me on the couch. She didn't even glance at the empty space next to me. Orihime was studying my face, suspicion and anger now very, apparent on her face.

I sighed, a long frustrated sigh. "Look…Orihime" She looked away when I spoke her name, which ticked me off. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just figured you needed to talk to someone, and since I am supposed to take care of you…" I trailed away, scowling at her, because she still didn't look at me.

I growled, "Look,-"

"You attacked Kurosaki-kun didn't you?" She spoke the words softly, but it was enough to stop my train of thought completely.

It took a moment before I was able to say anything.

"So? He was my enemy." I tried to sound void, but I knew my annoyance came out thick in my voice.

I didn't like this boy, and now that his name passed her lips, I hated him even more.

"So?" Finally, she turned to face me. I hadn't noticed she had begun crying.

"So?! Do you know how bad you hurt him?! I know! I healed him! You almost killed him!" Her tears increased, falling rapidly down her cheeks.

Obviously she found the courage to talk to me, hell, she was yelling at me. I fought the urge of my body to hit her, although I didn't even have to try that hard, my mind and heart wouldn't allow it.

"Look, all that matters is that I didn't, ok? What are you his girl or something?" My breath held as I waited for her answer.

"No, but that doesn't mean what you did was right!"

She got louder and shriller before she crumpled to the floor, sobbing. Obviously something I said got through to her and she was letting her emotions that have been building up since she got here out.

She had only been here for little over a day, and it was already taking a toll on her.

"I never said that. I had orders, and I followed them."

That wasn't really true, while at the same time, it was. Yes, I was ordered to go to the world of the living to make a distraction so they could capture her, but Aizen didn't tell me to search specially for Kurosaki and kill him.

She just sat there, crying. This was the first time she ever cried in front of me, and I already knew I hated it. Briefly I wondered how she looked when she smiled.

I decided that will be my new mission, to make her smile for me.

Standing up slowly, I walked over to her, and knelt by her side. I've never comforted someone before, so I hesitated, not knowing what to do, just that I wanted to comfort her. I put my arms around her shoulders, pulling her into my lap. She turned and sobbed into my chest as I held her.

What seemed like hours, but was only minutes, she cried. When Orihime was just sniffling I let her go and lifted her up, standing as I did so. Walking slowly to the couch which she slept on, I laid her down, and covered her with her blanket.

I tried to make my movements as comforting and gentle as I could, but there was still a slight roughness to my moves.

"Go to sleep now. You need to sleep." Not knowing what else to say, I kissed her forehead softly and left, seeing her shocked expression.

I had seen a mother kiss her son on the forehead on a trip to the living world, and although when I usually kiss, it's with fury and lust, it felt good to kiss her, even if it was just on the forehead.

'It was good that she at least talked to me, if I'm going to make her fall for me, I'm going to have to…'

My mind babble trailed off as I caught myself.

'Fall for me!?' No! Where had that come from?! I just want to see her smile!'

My scowl was almost completely gone, except the furrow between my eyes, which never seemed to fade away, because I was never really relaxed, was suddenly brought back to my face full force.

I snorted, "Why would I want her to fall for me?" I muttered to myself. "I would never fall for her, I just have some sort of… fascination with her, that's all…Me? Fall in love? I barely know this girl." I scoffed.

I walked swiftly threw the halls, when my mind whispered to me, "You could. You know you could, you feel it in your heart don't you Grimmjow? You are falling in love with her, a girl you barely know…'

I growled at myself. I didn't have a heart. I needed sleep. Counting how many steps it took to get to my room to keep my mind busy, I walked in and closed the door roughly, throwing my jacket across the room. I was furious, at myself.

Yelling a wordless, angry yell, I fell onto my bed with a soft oof.

I lay there, while I calmed down, and very slowly, covered me with the sheets and curled up into a ball, like I usually slept. Once, someone mentioned how when I sleep, I look just like a cat, curled up taking a nap.

I had beaten his face in.

I sighed, loudly. 'I shouldn't be so violent, that's the kind of thing Orihime doesn't like…'

That was the last thought that flitted threw my mind as I fell asleep.

Groaning, I rolled off the bed. Shit, I didn't want to get up. Growling as I did so, I grabbed my jacket and left the room. Around Hueco Mundo, there wasn't really anything to do unless Aizen sent you on a mission or you went out and found something to kill. Otherwise, you walk around blindly doing nothing or sleep.

I, on the other hand, had to feed … Orihime.

I growled, my lip going past my teeth, I still hesitated when I said her name.

Slouching sleepily around the halls, I got to the kitchen. There was already a servant there with a tray and her food.

As soon as he saw me, I turned and left, knowing he would follow. I concentrated on the clack, clack, clack the tray made as it was pushed down the hallway instead of the girl I was going to see.

I didn't think as I opened the door, glaring at everything in the room. She was sitting in a chair, dressed in her arrancar uniform someone must have brought her.

Flipping on the light, (Shit, does she always sit in the dark?) I went and plopped myself down on the couch, making myself at home. I waved away the servant lazily who bowed and left.

"Don't mind me; I didn't get much sleep, so Ima take a little nap while you eat. Don't bother me." I said, glaring at the ceiling. I was not a morning person. Without another word, I curled up and fell back asleep.

The first thing I noticed was the hand on my head, stroking my hair. The second thing I noticed was the soft humming. Then, the third, thing I noticed was what I was lying on. My eyes snapped open, and I was right. My head was lying in Orihime's lap, and she was petting my head.

She must have known I was awake by the way I tensed, for she stopped rubbing my head.

Tilting my head, I looked at her. She held my gaze for a moment.

"Good morning Grimmjow-san." She said sort of hesitantly.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. Usually, I would have been pissed off at anyone to even try such a thing. Somehow, I wasn't angry, I was… Embarrassed…

I realized I was still curled in a ball lying on her lap, and sat up swiftly.

"Did you eat?' I muttered, still not getting over my embarrassment.

"Yes." I didn't look at her; I busy scowling at everything in sight.

There was a tensed silence, in which I finally did look at her.

She looked good in her arrancar uniform. I liked the way it hugged her curves.

I looked away again, knowing she saw me check her out.

"So, what do you wanna do? You must be fucking bored as hell doing nothing in here."

Lazily, I rolled my neck to look back at her, seeing her shocked expression. She seemed to wear that a lot around me. I couldn't blame her, the things I said around her shocked me.

"Y-you, mean, I can leave this room?"

"Only with me, and if you want to." I sunk into the couch and draped my arms around the back of it., looking at her.

"Can you take me outside?" I frowned at her.

"There's nothing to do out there… but if you want too…" I trailed off as she nodded stiffly.

"Get up then, a servant will pick up your tray while where gone."

She scrambled to her feet as I stood, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Stay close to me and don't try to make a break for it." She nodded again, and I opened the door.

She followed me as we started walking down the hallways. Everything was going good until, I turned a corner and found Nnoitora leaning against a wall peeling an apple.

He looked up and I saw the sparkle in his eye, and knew he was going to give me shit.

"Where ya' taking that girl, huh Grimmjow?"

I snarled, "Where ever I want, Nnoitora."

"Oh? Are you sure she wants to go with you?" He looked past me to Orihime. "Wouldn't you rather spend a whole day with me instead of this ass hole?"

I growled, knowing what he had in mind for her. "Fuck off. I'm supposed to baby sit her, not you."

"Wanna play with me instead of him, Girl?" He said, ignoring me.

With that my arm shot behind my and snagged its way around Orihime's waist, and pulled her into my side, (The side of the hallway Nnoitora wasn't leaning against) and started walking.

She was shaking,

"Fuck off. Aizen doesn't want anything to happen to her, and I don't think she wants to spend a day with you anyway." I said, curling my lip back at him as I walked.

As I walked, I heard him snicker, "Aizen doesn't want anything to happen to her, or you don't Grimmjow? Are ya' turning soft?" By then I was already past him and turned into another hall.

I was aware of Orihime watching me, and looked down at her. Her face was completely pale, and I felt her heart beating wildly as I held her.

"Stay away from him." Although I knew she would never leave that room without me, I still felt the need to say it.

I noticed I was practically dragging her along, and let her go. She stumbled, and I had to catch her wrist to stop her from falling.

She watched me for a minute, her face totally blank.

I looked away first. "Come on, the exit is this way."

I started walking again and felt her eyes poring into my back.

We got outside, and I turned to make sure she was coming, to see her laid down on the sand, looking up at the moon.

I scowled, still in a bad mood. "What are you doing?"

She smiled slightly, and lifted her hand, letting sand trail down in between her fingers.

"Don't you love the feel of sand?"

"Not really."

Her smile got brighter. With a start I realized how beautiful she was when she smiled. When she smiled, it was like she was glowing. It took all my will power to look away, staring off into the distance.

"Lets go, we shouldn't be just standing here beside the doorway."

I was aware of her getting up, and was about to start walking, when an idea hit me.

I turned, and almost bumped into her. I held out my hand, which she just looked at.

"Come on, I don't feel like walking anymore." A little cautiously, she took hold of my hand, and before she even knew what was happening I lifted her up and sonidoed away from Hueco Mundo.

I was looked down quickly, to see that she was smiling brightly, her hair flowing around her face. I knew she would like this.

I came to a stop a good way away from Hueco Mundo.

I put Orihime down, and watched her twirl in a circle a couple times, before falling back to the ground, lying on her back.

She still smiled. "That's was… exhilarating!" She laughed and instantly I liked the noise.

For awhile I just watch her lay there, her chest going up and down as she got her breathing back in order.

Orihime tilted her head my way and looked up at me. "Will you lay with my Grimmjow?"

We stood there staring at each other. Should I? I mused in my mind the consequences, before deciding there where none. With out a word, I walked up, and stiffly lay down on my back, one arm under my head as a pillow.

The arm that wasn't under my head, the one facing Orihime, she took in her hand and lifted it, catching a handful of sand in my palm.

Orihime entwined her fingers into mine.

"Don't you just love the feel of sand?" She asked again, as she held my hand, the sand passing between our fingers.

I didn't say anything for a while, until all the sand poured out of my palm. The only thing I could feel was her skin on mine.

"Yeah, I guess so. It feels good."

She smiled, and let go of my hand. For a long while we lay there, watching the moon over head. In a peaceful silence.



"Has anyone ever told you you look like a cat when you're sleeping?"

I looked at her and scowled, "Yes."

She laughed again, and if it was anyone but her, I would have killed them.

Looking back up at the sky, I lay there in silence. It didn't last long.



"Why do you always have that furrow between your eyes? It makes you look mad all the time."

Before I could answer, she reached out and smoothed the lines in between my eyebrows. I didn't glare or snarl; I just closed my eyes and lay there.

"See? Now you look better. All calm and not angry."

I didn't say anything. There was nothing to say. Jezze, this girl was going to be the death of me.


I sighed. "What?"

"Why did you protect me in the halls?"

I could tell my scowl came back.

"Because, Aizen doesn't want anything to happen to you."

There was a short pause before she spoke. "What about you?"

I frowned and finally opened my eyes. "What about me?"

"Do you not want me hurt? Or are you just following orders?"

I frowned harder. "How about I ask you something now. Why don't you like the taste of the tea here?"

I looked at her, and she scrunched her nose. "There's never any sugar in it. It tastes so bland."

We just stared at each other for a moment, before I stood up suddenly.

"We should go now." I reached out my hand to help her up, and she took it with out hesitation.

Picking her up again, I sonidoed back to Hueco Mundo.

I didn't stop at the entry way, I kept going until I was at her room.

Opening the door I said, "Ok, that's enough fun for now."

As I turned to leave, she caught her hand in mine. "Thank you, Grimmjow." Slowly, her hand slid from mine, and I left with out a word.

Back in my room I lay back down. Fuck, what was I going to do?

Yay! I decided to start a GrimmHime fic. I tryed to make it sound nice and grimmjow-esh but it came out kinda sugar coated. :/

Should I continue?
