Howdy! Okay last on Sleeping Spell Puck went to Baba Yaga's house and found out how to break the spell. A kiss from Sabrina's true love. AND. HERE. WE. GO!

I don't own Sisters Grimm

I wasn't watching wear I was going when I landed on Grimm's yard so I smashed right into some creeper who was pacing outside. He fell down like a domino with me rolling on the ground trying to get up.

I sprung up and next thing I know my hands are in karate chopping positions and I'm eyeing the dark figure like I'm some kind of a freak.

"Whoa there, sport," the figure said, getting up and holding out his hands in surrender. "Don't go breaking out your ninja moves yet. You got the wrong guy."

I walked to the front door always facing him but he never showed a sign of attacking, just pacing.

I walked inside and got bombarded by Old Lady, Marshmallow, and Elvis started barking at me. I held up my hands in surrender.

"I know how you can save Sabrina!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Yeah me too," I said, not entirely thrilled about the consequences, stomach ache, possible nose bleed, maybe a kick in the delicates. Just thinking about it made me grim. (No pun intended.)

I walked up the steps and into my room. I'd at least have privacy kissing her there. When I closed the door Daphne pouted outside but didn't come in.

I made my way to the trampoline where Grimm was sleeping as always. Her hair spread around her like wildflowers.

I tried my best to walk over to her but not disturbing how she looked, she looked too delicate. Like a masterpiece of art work. I sound so pathetic right now. Pathetic little fairy boy who'll never grow up to be with the one he loves most. Great, now I've depressed myself.

I tilted her head upward like I've seen in movies. Then, just to test myself, I brushed my lips on hers until I kissed her with no hesitance.

It felt like my heart was ripping right out of my chest when I pulled away from her. She hadn't woken up, she wasn't conscious. She was sleeping just like I've seen her for days.

I jumped off the trampoline feeling like a wuss. I couldn't even save the ones I love. How hero like is that?

I stopped with my hand on the doorknob. I couldn't face the family, it'd be like admitting I am a wuss. What would I say? 'Hey, I kissed and it didn't work' no way. 'I kissed her and I guess I'm not her true love 'cause she didn't wake, but I think I know who might do the trick?' Maybe, I could still be of use.

I opened the door, Daphne's eyes were like saucers. Her smile as big as the sky above.


"Wha?" I heard someone say behind me. My heart sped up a little and my hopes shot way up.

I turned around and there she was. Wobbling off of the trampoline and onto the ground. Daphne ran past me and tackled her sister. Having tears of joy in her eyes.

"Sabrina!" she screamed.

"Daphne? What happened?"

I walked out of my room, leaving the sisters in peace. I knew several things now.

1) I love Sabrina.

2) Sabrina loves me back.

3) I'll act as if nothing happened between us.

4) I won't stop tormenting her.

Maybe I'm no hero, and maybe I'm not a great villain but for now I'll just stay the way I am. An immature kid who has a not-so-hopeless crush on a girl.


I wasn't sure how I should end this but I thought that, that line would sound good for the ending so. I hope you liked it a lot and I'm sorry for the wait but now you don't have to wait anymore. Please tell me what you thought, REVIEW!

