Okay people, this is my first story!!!
It is!
Itachi no baka! ~hitting him over the head~ It's me first story! The least you could do is act as if it was! I've written others! But this is my first one I've posted!
"Whatever you say, Candy, what ever you say."
*** Pairings, Disclaimer, Warning, Rating, and Summary!***
Pairings; Naru/Hina. Pein/Konan. Ita/Oc.
Warning; Evil plot bunnies. Ooc. Bad language. Violence. Blood. Queezy stomachs have been warned.
Rating; Rated M for violence, language, and blood.
Summary; Diedara, Kakuzu, and Hidan set out to get the nine-tailed Jinchuriki for their plan. But, instead they find a beaten little kid and they take the demon container to Pein and the man has a sudden change of heart. After seven years with the Akatsuki, Naruto returns to Konoha in time for the Genin exam, exactly the same, but completely... different? Super!Strong!Smart!/Naruto Semi!Dark!/Naruto
Disclaimer; I own nothing! There, I said it, you fucking lawyers can do jack shit to me now!!
*** Chapter one; New plans ***
A small boy, around five, was running as fast as his small, but strong, legs could take him. It was his birthday, and he was crying, running for his life, and no one was there to help him. He turned the corner and stopped, dead in his tracks. It was a dead end. He wipped his eyes and let out a quiet, dispared sob as he backed against the brick wall as the mob came towards him. "No! Stay away from me! I didn't do anything to you!" He wailed as one punched him in the face.
"Yeah right! You killed out families you little demon!" One spat, stabbing the boy in the stomach with a knife.
Naruto gasped out in pain as another came down on his shoulder. He refused to scream as he looked on in horror at the scarlet red blood that was dripping like a waterfall from his wounds. "Aren't you gonna scream!" One said with an insame laugh. "Come on demon! Scream!" He said, bringing down the blade with his partners in crime.
Naruto bit back his scream, not wanting to give them what they wanted. He just wanted to get it over with. "Yeah! Scream as we kill you, Kyuubi! Scream!" Another hollered, bashing Naruto on the head, the boy gasped, but didn't scream. Even as they cut him up, broke a few bones, and severed his left leg tendon, he refused to scream.
*** On the roofs ***
"What the fuck is going on down there?!" A figure demanded.
"I think that's the Jinchuriki." A bandana faced one said solemnly.
"This is turning out annoying, un!" A blond said.
"Tch, I know we're bad, but attacking a little kid? That's a fucking disgrace!" The first one bellowed. "Lord Jashin would be pissed if he saw what's going on!" He said in outrage.
"Hidan, calm down." The second on said. "I hate to admit, but you're right. I know our orders was to capture him, but I think he needs saving, too."
The other two nodded as they looked at the fight below.
*** The ally ***
"You're persistent, demon. But you will scream!" He brought his arm down with his bat. Naruto braced himself for the blow, the bats alway hurt worse than the knives and garden tools.
He opened his eyes when nothing came and saw three people with black cloaks that had red clouds on them. One had long blond hair tied in a long pony tail. Another had his white hair slicked back while the last had a bandanna over his face. "What the fuck is this!" The one with the slick hair demanded incredulously. "Some villagers. Tch, more like fucking monsters!" He scoffed.
"Attacking a little kid, un?" The blond said with a raised eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?!" A villager demanded.
"Yeah! That kid's a demon! He killed our friends and family!" Another agreed.
"Will you all shut the fuck up!" The slick haired one, Hidan, demanded angrily. "He's just a kid, he's not the Kyuubi, he's the container! Here I thought Konoha was supposed to be the smartest! But no, you're all attacking an innocent little kid!" He snarled, having one of those over protective, ooc moments.
"Get out!" The blond said as his hand spit out a clay bird. His hand 'spit' it out! "Or we'll attack!" He said menacingly.
"You and what army?!" A few villagers demanded harshly.
Before anyone could think, the bandana man charged forward and half of them were on the ground, guts every where and people slit in two. "Get out." He said commandingly and they wasted no time to run.
Naruto stared at them in horror, unable to do anything, even if he wanted to. "W-what do y-you want?" He asked shakily.
"We came to save you... for the moment at least." Hidan said quietly, looking at his hands. It had taken one look at the boy and he knew that he'd make a good friend to him, they'd both suffered. Jashin-sama would probably like him, too.
"For now?" Naruto asked uneasily as the blond picked him up.
"We need to wait for further instructions. You need to meet leader-sama." He explained, jumping up to the roofs. "You're pretty strong, for a kid." He commented as his companions caught up.
"What do you mean, Diedara?" Hidan asked.
"He's already got good muscles. He's got great chakra control, too. Probably acts like an idiot, rather than actually being one." Diedara commented and Naruto looked down at his hands.
"W-what did you guys m-mean when you said that..." He swallowed hard. "When you said that I'm the Kyuubi container?" He asked wearily.
The three men exchanged glances. "Well... The Yondaime didn't kill Kyuubi, no mortal can kill a demon of that calaber. He sealed it inside you. His own son, in hopes that you'd be seen as a hero. He didn't know that everyone would hate you at the time, he knew that only someone of his own flesh and blood would be able to harbor the Kyuubi no Kitsune without going evil because of it." Diedara explained eventually and Naruto stayed quiet for the whole, three day trip.
*** Three days later ***
Hidan, Kakuzu, and Diedara walked into the living room with Naruto on Hidan's shoulders. The blond was mostly healed, thanks to his vessel, but still had a broken arm and his clothes were soaked in blood. "Pein-Taicho. We brought him." Diedara said and the orange haired man turned towards them.
His eyes landed on Naruto and he felt something pull at him. "What happened to him?" He asked calmly.
"We saved him from a mob of villagers that were attacking him." Kakuzu replied, sitting down to count his money.
"Aww.... He's so cute!" Konan said, having her first fangirl moment in years. "Can we keep him longer?" She asked hopefully and Pein sighed.
"Sure, why not. He can stay for a while." He said nonchalantly. "Hidan, Kokuzu, Konan." The three snapped to attention as Diedara left the room. "Train him, keep him preoccupied. Just don't get too close to him." He said and they nodded in understanding as the man walked off to write a letter to the Hokage.
*** Hokage tower; two days later***
The third was paniking. Naruto had disappeared five days ago, and still no word. A tap at the window made him jump and he turned to see a bird fly in, a note tied to its leg. He sighed and grabbed the letter. He read it and went pale. "Th-th-the Akatsuki! ANBU! Get me Jaraiya, I don't care where you have to go, or how long you're away, find him and bring him here! Squad seven! Search for Naruto! I don't care how! Just find him!" He said hurriedly, running from his office to gather up troops.
*** One year later ***
Hidan smirked as Pein rambled on about his 'change of plan'. The man just didn't want to admit that he'd grown attached to their blond kid. "So, now we're going to save the Jinchuriki for world peace? Instead of using them to make people understand our pain?" He chuckled.
Pein nodded to his companions. Hidan, Kakuzu, Konan, Diedara, Sasori, Zetsu, Kisame, and Itachi. Itachi and Kisame only just joined, so they don't know what's goiing on, they don't even know about Naruto yet. "Yeah, and you will continue on with Naruto's training with the others." Pein said and Itachi went rigid.
"Naruto-kun's here?" He asked hopefully. "I thought he died." He said.
Pein raised an eyebrow. "You know Naruto? Uzumaki Naruto?" Itachi nodded numbly. "He's probably in the living room, watching T.V. like he always does on Satudays." He explianed with a nod.
"Can I see him?" Itachi asked.
"If you want."
"Thank you Pein-Taicho." Itachi said with a nod and walked out of the room.
"Anyone care to explain their relationship?" Hidan demanded.
"Naruto's like Itachi's second brother." Kisame explained with a shrug.
*** The living room ***
Naruto sighed as he felt a presence enter the room and turned to see who it was and his face immediately went bright. "Itachi-Niisan!" He cried happily, running to the man.
Itachi returned the hug with a small smile. "How've ya been, Naruto-kun?" He asked.
"I've been great! Nagato-Niisan, Yahiko-Niisan, and Konan-Neechan are great! So are the others!" Naruto said excitedly.
Itachi blinked in confusion. "Who are Nagato and Yahiko?" He asked.
"Pein and Pain of course." Naruto said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world before he excitedly began to tell the older teen of his adventures.
*** ** ***
Itachi was shocked after hearing of the boy's training program. He's able to do all that?! And he's six!?
--- -- ---
There you go!!!!
"I know it's a bit rambled, but I didn't know how I should write it, I knew what I wanted, but I just couldn't type it! Blame my evil plot bunny!!"
"You are the most confusing person I have ever met!"
"Aww... Shove it, Ita-baka!"