I'm not obsessed, I swear xD But yes, once again a Krad x Satoshi fic, I just love them way too much :3 This is my take-on on volume 8, stage 3 if I'm right, the scene in which Krad (or Satoshi in Krad's form) tells Daisuke he envies him. Anyway, please enjoy and leave a review, I love those!

Disclaimer: No owning here, even though it would be nice


"I actually really envy you."

He did... honestly, he did. Seeing Niwa with his friends, laughing, smiling, happy. Seeing how his mother cares for him, seeing how his father cares for him, and his grand-father and.... Yes, it hurts. It hurts, when he returns to a dark room, a silent room. No kind smiles, no warm hugs, nothing. No presents on his birthday, no proud faces when he gets high marks, no worried faces when he comes home covered in bruises, winching with every step. Not even a reassuring hand on his shoulder, when he once again fails to capture Dark.

There is just a dark, silent room.

"I actually really envy you."

He did, he is not ashamed to admit that. Seeing that thief with his fans, always getting attention, always being loved, always happy. Seeing how the Niwas care for him, seeing how every generations welcomes him with open arms, how every host just accepts him... Yes, it hurts. It hurts, when he awakens to a new generation, a hating generation. No kind smiles, no accepting warmth, nothing. How come that he's the one living like this? How come his other half doesn't have this? No words of hatred, calling him a curse, a parasite, a monster, no pain after yet another failed attempt to remove him, no constant battle, just to be free for a short time. There is no love, nor kindness.

There is just a new, hating generation.

It's not hard to explain his feelings. Not at all. Sometimes, it just saddens him, to see how it could also be.

"Da-aark!" Cries out an embarrassed voice, somewhere in the museum, when Dark once again is coming to steal something - and once again, will succeed in stealing it...

Laughter follows, first it's the boy, but without being restrained, it eventually changes into the thief. He places his hand over his heart and feels the pain inside his body, of him, trying to break out.

Yes, envy.

No, it's not hard to understand what he feels. Not at all. Sometimes, it just saddens him, to see how it could also be.

"Daisuke!" He hears the thief mutter worried, while fleeing from him. "Are you alright?"

His eyes form small slits, just filled with hatred. Seeing the other one change so easily, from the boy to himself, hearing concern that - when spoken by him - will only lead to a hateful glare and perhaps a cold remark.

"You don't care for me at all!"

Yes, envy.

"What if you could be free of him?" He wonders. "Be yourself again, have you're own body, live you're own life. Don't you want that?"

Red orbs blink shocked and their expression speaks for itself, making him form a sad smile.

Of course you don't...

"You'd get to keep this body for yourself! Isn't that what you really want, after all?"

Amethyst eyes glare up at him and he manages to mask the sadness inside him.

Of course you don't...

'You're my everything, Satoshi-sama...'

Blue, cold eyes look away. Never show your emotions, protect yourself against him, never let him come out. And above all, hate him.

Golden, mocking eyes glow in the dark. Never show your true emotions, fight against them, try to free yourself from this everlasting prison. And above all, hate them.

Yes, envy.


Please R&R!